Wednesday, August 15, 2007

If Elvis had really died, he'd be turning in his grave

It's possible to divide, equally, by ten, the number of years since Nixon-hugging drug-addled man mountain Elvis Presley waddled off to meet his maker - an anniversary which no true money-grubbing marketeer ("fan") would want to pass without note.

Highlight of this year's mawkish memorabilia-shifter - if "highlight" is the word for something so dark - is one of those frightening duets where they make a kid sing along with their dead father.

Yes, someone has taken In The Ghetto, and invited Lisa Marie Presley to honk over the top of it:

"We had two hours to lay down my vocals," she says. "So the next morning, I heard the rough ... and ... I've never cried when I've done anything ... ever ... but I just lost it when I heard it."

Hard though it might be to believe, she doesn't mean tears of a "forgive me Lord, for what I have wrought" nature.

Oddly, Lisa Marie is protective of her pop's legacy:
Lisa Marie Presley also talks in the interview about how she was offended to see her father's song "Viva Las Vegas" used in a Viagra commercial. "I find that revolting," she said. "Some songs we have no control over. I know we didn't license that one."

So, it's okay to take one of the songs and squawk over it like you're Kelly Osbourne, but using a song in an advert? Ooh, that's cheap.

Although knowing Elvis' love of drugs, both prescribed and unprescribed, he'd have probably have happily signed on the viagra ad himself in return for a shipment.

You've also got to love the idea of choosing In The Ghetto. At least when Elvis sang it, he was doing so with a background of having come from a poverty and desperation which must have seemed inescapable. Lisa Marie, somehow, won't be bringing the same perspective to it. It'd be like John Reid turning out a performance of I Enjoy Being A Girl.

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