Monday, May 30, 2005


Good god, it really is just going to be retread of the last one (we can only assume that Nik Kershaw is sitting by the phone, waiting for the call): there's going to be a Live 8 leg in Philadelphia as well as in London. And the City is clearly looking forward to the chance to host the event, for all the right reasons:

"This will really enhance our Fourth of July," said Deborah Bolling, a spokeswoman to Mayor John F. Street.

That's it, Deborah - this is all about extending the tourist envelope for the city as wide as possible. Nothing like leveraging international debt and poverty to help get the hotel room occupancy rates up for the month, is there? Let's hope famine never ends; just imagine what a fillip to tourism it would be to have an anti-starvation gig every ten years or so...

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