Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rav says Britney is back with Federline, almost

Oh, for crying out loud: could Rav not come up with anything more inspired for his Britney back with Fed claims than the inevitable:


Mind you, he describes racist bully handmaiden Danielle Lloyd as "delightful" elsewhere in his column, so maybe he's just on medication.

Oddly, Rav starts with a claim that hints at the pair shagging:
Britney spends night with K Fed

BRITNEY Spears is trying to patch up her marriage to Kevin Federline —and has spent two nights in the past week with him.

Rav then fails to provide any more information, either to stack up the implication, or to reveal that when he says "spends nights", he means evenings. Or anything. He doesn't even offer a suggestion as to what nights these were. Indeed, he never even mentions them again.

In effect, then, what Britian's "hottest showbiz reporter" actually has is the same story that appeared, for example, on
The Post Chronicle website last Tuesday.

Apparently more and more people feel they don't really need to buy a Sunday paper. Surprising, that.

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