Friday, February 01, 2008

Right-wing politician announces tour dates

We'd much rather Dana busied herself with playing gigs than being active politically. After all, her views on reproductive rights reform in the Republic of Ireland was considered too extreme by the Catholic Church. But is it really possible to watch her trilling jolly little tunes without being a little queasy knowing that this is a woman who finds all kinds of everything reminds her that IUDs are the work of the devil? Can you really return to light entertainment after a period as an extremist politician?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After all, her views on reproductive rights reform in the Republic of Ireland was considered too extreme by the Catholic Church.

WTF? How does one do that? Sure, there's this bit in the referenced article but it's still pretty vague:

In 1999, her opposition to the Government's abortion referendum put her at odds with the mainstream Pro-Life movement, including the Catholic Church. By insisting the amendment was not anti-abortion enough, she alienated much of her original support.

I'm left to ponder what she would have preferred seeing going into law--death sentences for anyone selling or prescribing birth control? The mind boggles...

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