Thursday, January 15, 2004

TRY SAYING 'MANSON' WITHOUT SAYING 'MORON': This, from Marilyn Manson, is lifted from his interview for MTV Germany:

""I love to paint most with my Alice in Wonderland children's paint set that somebody gave me once. It has all kinds of light, pastel colours. When I use those paints there's pure irony, because my paintings are always very dark. It makes them even more meaningful. And my favourite colour to paint with is pink. That's quite odd."

Do you see? He uses pastels - betchawerentexpectin that one, were you? See, see, how the god of headfuck plays with your expectations, and then confounds them. And he uses Alice in Wonderland paints. Shhh! They're paints designed for children - and he uses them! Isn't that just crazy?

But there's more:

"My dream is to become a teacher because I think I could encourage kids to want to learn and become as thirsty for knowledge as I am. Nobody in school wants to learn anything. Everybody hates school because it's boring and they can hardly wait to get out. But I think everybody wants to know more. That's why my secret wish is to become a teacher."

My eyes might fall out, I've been so spun around so quickly. Hey - didn't you think he'd rather be a mortician or a gravedigger, and yet he wants to be teacher. Crazy, crazy, too crazy. Presumably he's got so used to standing in front of bunch of bored youngsters who'd rather be anywhere else wondering who the old odd-looking guy is, and why he keeps banging on when nobody is listening to him, that he feels he's got the correct experience to teach Year 10 Geography at Patcham High School. The only bugger will be getting the elbow patches stitched onto the PVC jump suits.

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