Sunday, October 25, 2009

Embed and breakfast man: Sleeper - Smart

In the long history of bemusingly reviled bands, Sleeper were probably one of the most unfairly attacked. The main charge against the group seemed to be that Louise Wener was pretty (although so was Brett Anderson) and said interesting things in interviews (although, again, so did Brett Anderson).

The band's debut album Sleeper in fifteen years old next March - if it was a child, it wouldn't be talking to you now, except for the odd grunt over breakfast and to roll its eyes when you try to do the drugs talk. And what better time that five months before this birthday to revisit the record in video form?

Track one was Inbetweener, the official video for which is on YouTube - complete with Dale Winton - but is unembeddable at the insistence of Sony Records.

This, though, is the track being done at one of those odd Top of The Pop live gigs:

and there's also a version from The Word, again unembeddable.

Smart: Mp3 download version
Smart: CD version

As many of the tracks available to follow...
Alice In Vain

1 comment:

Olive said...

I seem to recall that Wener's chief crime (at least according to the Melody Maker) was that she wasn't Justine Frischmann.

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