Ooberman weekend: Bees
At this point, a quick tip of the hat to WayneClancy1's YouTube stuff, which is a veritable Oobertrove of goodness, before moving on to a 2000 Awards show performance of Bees:
[Part of Ooberman weekend]
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At this point, a quick tip of the hat to WayneClancy1's YouTube stuff, which is a veritable Oobertrove of goodness, before moving on to a 2000 Awards show performance of Bees:
[Part of Ooberman weekend]
More dodgy camerawork, and a vague "yonks ago" as Ooberman play Stormtrooper at Madame JoJos:
[Part of Ooberman weekend]
This is not, perhaps, the finest hour. The track is brilliant, but the re-release as a final single for Independiente Records saw a clunking video being churned out. This clunking video, to be precise:
[Part of Ooberman weekend]
Hull used to proud of its white phoneboxes, a symbol of civic independence. Their phones had never been subsumed by the Post Office, and as such when Thatcher decided to flog off British Telecom to pad the public purse, Hull were able to sit out the experience.
Trouble is, more recently the company was floated itself and hasn't had much to be proud off since. Especially since, in Hull, it has an effective monopoly on broadband provision. Oh, and has decided to become the first UK ISP to ban filesharers:
"We have always taken a firm line on the alleged abuse of our internet connections," said Nick Thompson, director of consumer and publishing services, in the statement.
"However, we continually review our policies and procedures to reflect own customers' changing needs and evolving use of the internet.
"It is evident that we have been exceeding the expectations of copyright owners, the media and internet users. So, we have changed our policy to move in more line with the industry standard approach."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on broadband, hull, karoo, kingston communications, three strikes
It's a bit over-generous to describe the Dolly Rockers as "X Factor losers", when they got 12th place. Also-rans, maybe. But, I guess, if you're going to work up a froth of outrage about them, throwing in their appearance on Karaoke Cowell Richer adds a certain something.
Anyway, they managed to upset all of Thanet, or bits of it, at the Thanet Pride festival:
According to kentnews.co.uk, the three piece-band began their set by asking if anyone was p****d and then continued to swear between songs, at one point asking if anyone else had ever had a s**t relationship.
One father said he was forced to cover his children's ears.
Thanet Pride events organiser Horace Hotman said: "We booked them a long time ago and we got them for peanuts.
"We do try and keep the language down because I always say that stage has got to be kept more precious than a television set because at least with TV you have the off button, but with Margate seafront you have everybody right there."
On the swearing, he said: "That’s nothing really – if they have said the F or C word it would have been something different. People were probably upset that their kids didn’t get to say it first."
Organisers chose not to use the word 'gay' when publicising the event in an effort to attract as many people as possible and there are no LGBT references on the Thanet Pride website.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dolly rockers, margate, sexuality, swearing, thanet, x factor
Over on Electroqueer, Darren Hayes responds to the flap about his recent interview about gay media stereotypes. Especially that he never gave such an interview:
"That interview never occurred. I haven't done press in over a year. That is a tabloid piecing together quotes from I think three different interviews from a while ago. All rather tacky in my opinion!"
"I have a whole issue about mainstream pop and certainly television culture, and how damaging that is in terms of dumbing down being gay," he told [or rather didn't tell] Gay Times.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on darren hayes, gay, gay times, other music blogs are available, sexuality
Something of a sidesway diversion now, as - at some festival or other - Ooberman belt out Danny Boy. If you have tears, prepare to look away now.
[Part of the Ooberman weekend]
Interesting. Gordon returns once more to the Cole-Tweedy marriage, running a photo of Ashley Cole rubbing his eyes in a swimming pool.
To the casual observer, this looks like a bloke rubbing his eyes after swimming. But to Gordon, where everything is about one thing, it's bubbling with subtexts:
IT LOOKS like CHERYL COLE has finally got husband ASHLEY trained.
He was relaxing in the hotel pool ahead of the Chelsea v Inter Milan friendly in Pasadena, California, when two girls swam by for a chat.
He managed to cover his eyes with his hands to avoid looking at their bikini-clad bods - but maybe he was still taking a cheeky peek.
THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS have gone up in my estimation after racking up an £18,000 bar bill on a night out in London.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on alcohol, ashley cole, cheryl cole, girls aloud, gordon smart, pussycat dolls, the sun
Last weekend, in the comments on the Shonen Knife story, the conversation turned to Ooberman, and if it wasn't about time there was an Ooberman weekend.
Clinging to this as evidence of "public demand", like Cameron getting the results of a focus group, here we go with an Ooberman weekend then.
An honorary Liverpool band (Danny once even did a training course in a converted school in Everton, which is probably more Liverpool than most Liverpool bands manage, although he did wear an admiral's coat for much of the time), and one of the truly great lost bands of recent years. Although - but for the glorious era when Radio One had both Radcliffe and Peel in more-or-less slots where people were awake - they might have been even more lost.
They took the step not so long ago of releasing all their music, for free, which is an act at once both generous and realistic.
Dan and Sophia are currently readying a project called the Magic Theatre, but let's spend some time looking backwards this weekend, shall we?
To kick off, here's the big hit: Blossoms Falling:
More Oober
The official site
The Magic Treehouse - luxury-brand fan site
Ooberman on Last FM
Ooberman on Wikipedia
The Lost Tapes CD | The Lost Tapes mp3
Hey Petrunko CD | Hey Petrunko mp3
More Ooberman across the weekend
Danny Boy
Shorley Wall
Stormtrooper live
Bees live
The worry is, I rather think we're meant to be impressed with this:
Diners at the swanky Gilgamesh bar in Camden got more than they bargained for when Kasabian's Tom Meighan got battered on champagne and started jumping on top of the tables.
The boys forked out £3,000 for Christian Audigier champers for the band and their mates Stephen Graham and The Enemy, after their "emotional" iTunes performance at the Roundhouse.
And with Tom shouting "Come on let's have it," the boys were necking it at a startling pace.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on 3am girls, daily mirror, kasabian, leicester, the enemy, tom meighan
John "Marmaduke" Dawson has died.
Born in Michigan, Dawson's lucky break was joining Mother McCree's Uptown Jug Champions. This loose ensemble also found jugband space for Jerry Garcia, with whom Dawson would form The New Riders Of The Purple Sage. The presence of Garcia ensured that the band got work and found an audience supporting Jerry's more famous concern - although it wasn't until Garcia was replaced by Buddy Cage that The New Riders took on a life away from the Grateful Dead.
Dawson guested on Dead albums Aoxomoxoa, Workingman's Dead, and American Beauty, but it was the New Riders into which he threw his energy, touring with the band through a number of line-up changes until they eventually called it a day in 1997. Dawson wasn't a regular member of the revival of the band in 2007, but showed his support by turning up for the occasional guest slot.
John Dawson was 64; he died from stomach cancer.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on grateful dead, jerry garcia, john marmaduke dawson, obit, obituary, the new riders of the purple sage
Naturally, the story about "kinky German swingers in rubber" crashing Dizzee Rascal's video shoot is two parts hype to one part truth, but does give Gordon a chance to go to one of journalism's darkest places:
A local taxi driver told me...
Lady is Gaga for The Sun
She stepped out of her hotel in the Swiss city of Zurich wearing a suit plastered with newspaper print.
And one of the stories was The Sun's legendary front page: "Freddie Starr ate my hamster."
She knows a quality paper when she sees it.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dizzee rascal, fashion, gordon smart, lady gaga, the sun
It always seemed unlikely that HMV would keep two stores running in those places where it had taken over nearby Zavvis, and so it is proving: the Southend HMV is closing as the HMV-which-was-Zavvi takes over.
Not just any old record store, this, though: it was the record shop in Morrissey's Every Day Is Like Sunday video. It wasn't an HMV back then, though:
HMV spokesman Gennaro Castaldo said: “HMV has recently taken on a much larger and better positioned site in the High Street, which has enabled us to extend our music, film and games offers in Southend.
“While we are in consultation with work colleagues based at the old Queens Road site, where the lease has now ended, we’re confident we will be able to find alternative positions for anyone wishing to remain with the organisation – both in the new Southend store and in other HMV stores within Essex.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gennaro castaldo, hmv, morrissey, southend, video, zavvi
It can never be stressed enough that the music industry does what it does not for the backroom guys who love the smell of money, or to keep lawyers busy. Oh, no, they do it for the artists.
Artists like Calvin Harris. How delighted he was to discover that his own music had been scrubbed from YouTube. His own YouTube account.
You'll probably have already read the Twitterstorm, but just in case you missed it:
Youtube have now removed the ORIGINAL mix and video of Ready For The Weekend, due to a 'copyright claim'.
This is enough to tip me over the edge, i'm not joking
There are videos up there that other people have uploaded of the same song, and they haven't been removed!? But mine does!
It's the fucking BPI. FUCK YOU 'The BPI' what have you ever done for anybody you useless shower of cunts
Fantastic use of time combating piracy by removing my own videos, what a fucking revelation. Fuck the Torrent sites, this is the way forward
We already contacted them 3 DAYS AGO about the Fake Blood and High Contrast mixes and they've done nothing, just continued!?
The BPI are the worst organisation to ever walk the earth and their setup is shambolic and their online employees are all massive retards
Yet the Dave Spoon mixes remain!? And all my other music videos. Again, if the BPI try to remove JAM TV i'm going to the House of Lords
This is unbelievable, and it seems I am completely powerless to do anything. Sony have done nothing, the BPI have done nothing
I'm going to drive my car into the big window in the BPI's offices on my way to the studio this morning
I'm going to hire a 4x4 for the day so i make more of an impact, and hopefully reach the online monkeys at the back of the office
Then i'm going to jump out the sunroof and get busy with a frying pan. OR WOK
Ok I got a bit caught up in the heat of the moment. Sorry to employees of the BPI who aren't massive retards. But please put my video back
The good news is, the video is back up! http://bit.ly/1077TS The bad news is, i rented the monster truck for 3 days
You'll recall the Daily Mail doesn't run paparazzi photos any more. Not since the death of Diana, when their team decided that it was beneath the title to pay people to poke long lens into people's affairs.
Mail leads the way in banning paparazzi pictures
Melanie Brown's daughter, 2, shows off some zig-a-zig-hair with new Mohican crop
By Chris Johnson
Last updated at 4:19 PM on 23rd July 2009
She may be only a tender two years old.
But that certainly does not bar Melanie Brown's younger daughter Angel Iris from making a style statement.
Quite what mothers of similar aged toddlers will make of the eye-catching Mohican - which clearly involved an early introduction to the razor - is another matter.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on daily mail, gary barlow, mark owen, mel b, press complaints commission, take that
Well, that's the Slovak votes up for grabs, then, as the Czechs decide they're not interested in Eurovision any more:
The Czech Republic has announced it is quitting the Eurovision Song Contest, saying there is a lack of interest at home in the musical event.
Heinz Edelmann, the man who created the Pepperland sequence for Yellow Submarine, has died at the age of 75.
The New York Times obituary notes that his work on the Beatles movie obscured his more interesting and definitive work, before filling his obituary with anecdotes about his work on the Beatles movie.
It does reveal that one of the influences on his work for the film was Bob Godfrey, thereby taking us from Henry's Cat to John Lennon in one leap.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on animation, bob godfrey, heinz edelmann, new york times, obit, obituary, the beatles
Excerpts of Jay-Z interview got leak - I'm heavy out there on the web. Called the Game a groupie & crushed the Chris Brown rumours. POW!
Lily Allen is seeing a decorator, according to this morning's Gordon Smart showbiz carousel. Or, as Gordon puts it:
Lil has found love again with an ordinary punter called Sam Cooper.
LILY ALLEN's last boyfriend was a middle-aged, multi-millionaire art dealer with a stash of pricey oil paintings.
Lily’s all emulsional
Aston and bandmates JONATHAN "JB" GILL, MARVIN HUMES and ORITSE WILLIAMS got stroppy when mates including Britain's Got Talent pals FLAWLESS had to queue to get in.
Then Aston flew into a rage because he was too hot and JB moaned at being pestered by fans before fed-up staff finally gave them a warning.
JUST days ago I told you how the JLS boys had ditched their girlfriends to concentrate on stardom.
But these lads work fast.
ASTON MERRYGOLD has been bragging to pals about dating a mystery older lady.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on aston merrygold, gordon smart, jls, jonathan gill, lily allen, marvin humes, oritse williams, the sun
Janes Addiction are delighted to have photographers come up and take pictures of their shows.
Oh, providing they sign paperwork passing all copyright in any pictures they might take straight to the band.
Which kind of misses the point about professional photographers, don't you think?
It's not her fault that the stage for her French gig collapsed, killing two men. And her reaction to the horrible event has done her much honour:
Madonna won hearts in France Sunday as she visited injured survivors and the family of a stage hand who died during an accident which saw her concert date in Marseille cancelled.
The city's mayor paid tribute to the US pop star's "humanity" as she visited the home of 52-year-old French victim Charles Criscenzo's family in nearby Aix-en-Provence before tending to colleagues being treated in hospital.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on death, france, investigation, madonna, marseille
Noted costumier Mr Liam Gallagher had a nasty fit of the vapours last night when he found himself too close to the people whose monies keep him in the manner to which he is over-accustomed.
The public threw some beer at Mr. Gallagher while he attempted to sing popular songs at Camden's Roundhouse. Mr. Gallagher and his brother, Old Mr. Gallagher, had kept the appointment to help promote the iPod recorded music device by way of a concert of musics, but the audience's exuberance proved to be out-of-control when some beer somehow splashed upon Mr. Gallagher.
Despite his fearsome reputation for "avin it" and his popular catchapenny phrase of "come ooooon", Mr. Gallagher did not find the experience agreeable in any measure and took leave of the stage. Old Mr. Gallagher covered his absence, completing the singing on the ditty The Masterplan.
Court observers have suggested with mischievous smirks that Old Mr. Gallagher might find it very acceptable indeed for his sibling to permanently leave the stage, as then the spotlight will no longer be split asunder by the two men.
Our clothing correspondent Mr Burlington Bertie explained thus: "Young Mr. Gallagher's upset must be placed in the context of the procurement of his finery. For most certainly, the casual observer might conclude his outwear to be that of the thrifty labourer, perhaps even purchased on a second or third time on the retail racks. The reality, however, is that a man must spend a premium wage on having clothes which look so low in cost and effort. And a man who has spent upwards of the price of a pony-and-trap upon a pair of pantaloons shall never take kindly to the splashing of cheap alcohol upon said pantaloons.@
Here's how 3AM are covering a supposed airline incident featuring Little Boots and The Saturdays:
She may be a pop princess but there was stamping of Little Boots at a Heathrow check-in when the Lancs lass was refused an upgrade.
Little Boots - real name Victoria Hesketh - was gutted when she was told there would be no superstar treatment for her on the 11-hour Virgin flight to LA. Then to make matters worse she heard a rumour her pals The Saturdays had been moved to Upper Class on the same flight. But Frankie from the girl band assured the Blackpool singer there had been no special treatment for them either. The Saturdays were flying out to record material for their new album and speak to record companies about cracking the US. But even with their huge workload Virgin would not budge.
ON SAME PLANE AS THE SATS! This flight just got a whole lot better.
Maybe I can dress up as 6th member and try get an upgrade?? I can so a good rendition of Up!! Flight is too full though :(
@iamlittleboots oh no don't worry were right there with you. No upgrade for us
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on 3am girls, daily mirror, frankie sandford, little boots, the saturdays, twitter
The long fight between Jackson Browne and the McCain presidential campaign is at an end, with the Republicans writing cheques and issuing apologies:
Singer/songwriter Jackson Browne has resolved his lawsuit against the Ohio Republican Party (“ORP”), the Republican National Committee (“RNC”) and Senator John McCain. The lawsuit arose from a web campaign video produced by the ORP in support of Senator McCain's campaign for President of the United States which incorporated portions of the song Running On Empty, a song written and recorded by Mr. Browne. The lawsuit, filed in August, 2008 in the United States District Court in Los Angeles, alleged that this use of Mr. Browne's song required a license which was not obtained, and that the defendants were liable for copyright infringement, false endorsement under the United States Lanham Act and violation of Mr. Browne’s right of publicity for the use of his voice.
The financial terms of the settlement are confidential.
The ORP, RNC and Senator McCain issued the following statement: "We apologize that a portion of the Jackson Browne song ‘Running On Empty’ was used without permission. Although Senator McCain had no knowledge of, or involvement in, the creation or distribution of the web campaign video, Senator McCain does not support or condone any actions taken by anyone involved in his 2008 presidential election campaign that were inconsistent with artists’ rights or the various legal protections afforded to intellectual property. The ORP, RNC and Senator McCain pledge in future election campaigns to respect and uphold the rights of artists and to obtain permissions and/or licenses for copyrighted works where appropriate."
Pete Samson - now, of course, The Sun's US editor - does some serious investigation into Michael Jackson's upbringing by, erm, watching Larry King Live:
Joe Jackson, 79, said of the allegations by his late son: "Never." In his first TV interview since Jacko's death he insisted: "I have no reason.
"That's my son. I loved him and I still love him."
He went on: "A lot of people in America spank their kids, you know? They say they don't, they're lying. Michael was never beaten by me. I've never beaten at all."
Joe Jackson is seen saying in a show to be seen on Sunday: "I whipped him with a switch and a belt. I never beat him. You beat someone with a stick.
The one-time Jackson 5 manager also denied planning to put Jacko's kids on tour as the Jackson 3.
He told interviewer Larry King: "Not true. That's a bunch of jive."
Mr Big told me: "There's only one Ronaldo! I always knew deep down inside him somewhere there was impeccable musical taste.
"I'll be taking up his offer of tickets for the Madrid versus Barcelona game. I'm not sure whether even he could afford us for a gig though!"
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, larry king, lemurs, louis theroux, noel gallagher, oasis, pete samson
Yahoo is incredibly generous to Jet tonight, almost as if they know what it's like to be a hotly tipped property which suddenly runs out of support. They pick up a Reuters interview:
After selling more than three million copies worldwide of their first album, there was really only one way Australian rock band Jet could go.
Crash and burn.
"You grow up reading those books about (troubled classic rock bands), and then all of a sudden you find yourself in that cliche. It's pretty surreal," drummer/singer Chris Cester said in a recent interview, accompanied by his older brother Nic, the band's singer/guitarist.
"There's a lot of goodwill that I have noticed for our band, a lot of people who really want this to go well, which I'm really grateful for," said Nic. "We're not trying to fool anyone. This isn't like a marketing campaign. We're just a good band, and we write good songs and we love what we do. It starts and ends there."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on albums, chris cester, jet, new releases, nic cester, reuters, yahoo
Spotify might still not quite have thought of a way of making money, but they're spending the cash they don't have in very imaginative ways: they've just signed up IODA. Which brings a whole bunch of new bands to the service, and "international partners". Like, erm, Bonnier Amigo Music Group. No, seriously, I'm sure they're bringing some great things to the party.
It's all good news. Providing they can work out how to make money. (I suspect the plan now is keeping fingers crossed for an advertising upturn.)
[Story via @glinner]
No, seriously: what's the point of a shortlist for an award for the best album which features Kasabian at all? Sure, there's lots of names on the list which stand up to critical consideration: The lovely Lisa Hannigan album; La Roux's debut; Friendly Fires of course. You can see The Horrors have earned a place there - even if the early claims that they'd totally reinvented themselves were a little overstating the case, there's enough evidence of a band thinking things through to make them worth considering.
But Kasabian?
Their response to being shortlisted says, pretty much, where the band are creatively:
Kasabian's Tom Meighan said: "I like making music but it's really nice to get the recognition. I think it's deserved, why not, eh?"
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on barclaycard, kasabian, lisa hannigan, mercury music prize, shortlist
It does make it so much easier to choose sides, doesn't it, when the team captains are Sarkozy on one side; Catherine Deneuve on the other.
Yes, the French government is trying, once again, to somehow make it okay to throw people off the internet for unlicenced files.
Sarkozy's UMP have already had to drop proposals to include punishments for sending files by email, as it turns out "we'll just have a quick look through your emails to see what is in them" isn't such a great vote-winner after all. Although why the principle is any different with any other file being zinged across the wires isn't clear.
Proposals for a lets-call-it-Big-Brother agency start being debated today.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on catherine deneuve, file sharing, france, nicolas sarkozy, three strikes, ump
Hey! Do you run a showbusyness gossiping column in a national newspaper? Do you struggle to fill it with people that your readers might have heard of, or care about? You do?
Here's a hint: when you do get a story that doesn't draw its cast of characters from runners-up on reality shows and children of people who once were famous, you might not want to draw attention to how thin your offering usually is by slapping a headline like this on it:
Cameron’s A-list love triangle
He said: "Liverpool have The Beatles and Manchester have Oasis. I think we (Manchester) have the better band."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cameron diaz, gordon smart, jude law, oasis, ronaldo, the beatles, the sun
It is perhaps a cruel trick that Congress has yet to strike a medal in recognition of what Lars Ulrich did to Napster. He's proud of his work.
At first, I was assuming he was taking credit for helping push the kids off the crumbly old Napster service into the arms of distributed, harder-to-track, peer-to-peer filesharing; or even laying claim to some of the applause for the Pirate Bay. But, no, it does turn out that he thinks he, Metallica and the Music Industry won some sort of battle:
“I am proud of what we did, and what we stood up for,” he says, although admitting that the band faced criticism for its actions. “You have to give props to the other side because they did run a brilliant campaign, and they did portray me and Metallica as being greedy rock pigs and luddites who were completely behind what was happening technologically.”
Of course, the NME has now added a helpful "The Raconteurs star" to his name, but still, I suppose we should be grateful they're running Brendan Benson tour dates at all:
Bristol Thekla (October 13)
Nottingham Rescue Rooms (14)
Leeds Cockpit (15)
Newcastle Sage (16)
Glasgow Oran Mor (17)
Manchester Academy3 (19)
Birmingham Academy3 (20)
London Electric Ballroom (21)
Brighton Komedia (22)
This is how long we've all lived: The Beastie Boys are no longer fighting for their rights to party; instead they're fighting cancer. Or, at least, Adam Yauch is; his surgery for a cancerous tumour in his left salivary gland isn't life-threatening, but will play merry hell with the Beastie's schedule.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on adam yauch, beastie boys, cancer, rock sick list
Gordon Waller, the Gordon out of Peter And Gordon, has died, it has been announced.
Born in Braemar, Gordon met Peter Asher while the pair were at Westminster private school. Waller tempted Asher away from jazz and blues, and the pair soon started playing music together. Originally going as Gordon and Peter, the names got reversed and the pair got picked up by EMI. A song from Paul McCartney, A World Without Love, set them up nicely - they knocked the Beatles off the top of the UK chart and had the biggest-selling single in the US in 1964.
Success didn't last long, though, and - after a couple of years sharp decline - the duo split in 1968. Waller's attempts at a solo career struggled - there were some unloved releases, and a spell in musicals - before he figured that the money was behind the scenes and he swapped to music publishing.
Peter And Gordon reunited for the occasional date in the last few years, and Waller had been playing solo material live. In 2007, he toured a Beatles tribute show.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon waller, obit, obituary, peter and gordon
Please, people, do not find it in any way difficult to keep your breakfast down at the haste with which AEG has launched the auction for those last rehearsal Michael Jackson tapes. Yes, yes, technically they're flogging them off before his body is in the grave, but they did wait until the corpse was cold, didn't they? So very, very cold.
It can be a little confusing, after a month of solidly being told how Michael Jackson belonged to all of us, and was kind-of-like the pyramids and/or the moon, to discover that it turns out he was merely part of a merchandising operation and, actually, didn't belong to all of us at all.
This should, in no way, make you feel that the big memorial service was part of a marketing campaign.
Naturally, AEG will be taking some of the cash - bids opened at $50million, Sony look likely to win - to recompense the people of LA for the costs of staging the memorial, won't they? Hello? AEG? Hello?
Here are some boys drinking Mr. Murdoch's best sparkling wine:
Somewhat unfortunately, this appears on the front page of Bizarre under the heading "JLS celebrate No1 by ditching girlfriends", which makes the whole thing look even more uncomfortable. Has Gordon replaced the girlfriends? Or is he merely celebrating them being dumped?
As you'd expect, the story isn't quite true, anyway - the band haven't "celebrated" getting to number one by dumping their girlfriends:
JB said: "We've all broken up with long-term girlfriends in the last few months due to complications."
I grabbed the boys to toast their chart success and hear how they were coping with life in the spotlight.
FrankMusic has split up with Holly Valance, and Dan Wootton reveals its serious:
"I've deleted her off Facebook, I'm not making her album - I'm done with her now. One day she'll realise she was really flaky."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dan wootton, frankmusic, holly valance, news of the world
I yield to nobody in my admiration of Neil Tennant, but a grumbly interview about why Top of The Pops isn't on any more and people "stealing" music makes him sound like something out of a different era.
Mind you, the BBC News site suggests that Tennant has "slammed" the corporation, which is perhaps putting it a bit strongly:
He added he thought as part of the BBC's public broadcasting, the corporation should be keeping its "astonishing archive" of musical footage up-to-date.
"[That is] why we like the BBC, because they do things that should be done but don't always make complete commercial sense."
The star, who has had hits with West End Girls and Always On My Mind, said a former BBC employee who now works for ITV had told him why the show had to go.
"He explained to me at great length that the public aren't interested in music unless its heavily editorialised - by which he means X Factor.
"If you look back over the presentation of Top Of The Pops in the 90s, cynicism crept into the way it was presented.
"In the past, everything - the rubbish and the good stuff - was presented with enthusiasm. And I think its up to the public to make the taste decisions - not the DJs presenting."
"I think it must be really strange to be a new artist. Like if JLS are number one on Sunday, they won't have that great moment of being crowned that week's Kings Of Pop."
"It would be great if 30% of us could get a car for free, but it's not going to happen," he said.
"And I don't see why people should think they can."
He went on to describe an article he read on the internet, which suggested music should be free like water.
"I thought 'have you seen the water rates in London?'
"If you wanted to pay £700 pounds a year for music, I think we'd all be really happy.
"I think we should have a licence somewhere between the water rates and the BBC TV licence and then you could have it for nothing and it could be farmed out on a download pro rata basis."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bbc, downloads, licensing, neil tennant, pet shop boys, top of the pops
Most-read July stories so far are:
1. Panic at the Disco split asunder
2. Video: MGMT cover Til Tuesday
3. Charles Moore won't pay TV licence; happy to let BBC pay out to cover his libel
4. One of the Jonas Brothers has got engaged
5. Taylor Horn honks racism after immigration asks to see her papers
6. T in The Park: Blur nearly sidelined
7. Win Alison Mosshart's Nudie jeans and Diesel jacket
8. Chris Moyles complains the BBC is too timid
9. T In The Park: TV On The Radio play to emptying tent
10. Johnny Borrell: His high dating standards
These were the recommended purchases:
Slow Club - Yeah, So?
download Yeah, So?
The Rumble Strips - Welcome To The Walkalone
download Welcome To The Walkalone
The Duckworth Lewis Method - The Duckworth Lewis Method
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The Marvelettes - Forever
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The Church - Untitled #23
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Bowerbirds - Upper Air
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Nick Lowe - The Brentford Trilogy
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Steve Earle - Live At The BBC
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The Dead Weather - Horehound
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