Allo Darlin' weekend: Henry Rollins Don't Dance
If you're not convinced by the Darlins yet, surely you must be won over by now?
[Part of Allo Darlin weekend]
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If you're not convinced by the Darlins yet, surely you must be won over by now?
[Part of Allo Darlin weekend]
You'll have heard that Gabriela Cheeky Girl was cautioned this week after doing a Madeley and whisking forty quids' worth of stuff from a Sainsbury's. But this wasn't theft - oh no, it was research:
[Mother Cheeky Girl] Margareta Irimia told MailOnline that Gabriela decided to steal from Sainsbury's to research her role as a gangster's wife in a film that unknown Hertfordshire author Jason Cook is trying to get made.There's quite a gap between 'researching a film role' and 'bored' - although neither of these options actually turn pinching stuff into a legal activity.
Margareta said: 'Gabriela was worried that it didn't match the Cheeky Girls sweet image and she found it very difficult to think about getting into the role as the wife of a gangster.
'Also she was bored. She decided she wanted a buzz to see if she could become a gangster. She was desperately worried she couldn't do it.'
She explained: 'She walked out of the store with a one litre bottle of Appletiser. That was all. Instead of going to the till, she just walked out. And the security was running after her. It is like a joke.'But 'possibly acting as a gangster's wife' doesn't make you a gangster. If she'd got a role of the back end of a pantomime cow, would she have felt compelled to crap in a field?
'But she got so stressed about it she was sick in the afternoon. She's never done anything like this before.'
'It's not the girl's character. She just decided that would try her new gangster status.'
PRS For Music have shown once again their dedication to ensuring the royalties they collect don't get pissed away before reaching their members by commissioning another poll calculating the "hardest working artist".
It's a heartbreaking list:
1. Peter Andre
2. Status Quo
3. JLS
4. Westlife
5. Rod Stewart
It's based on how many dates they played during 2010 and the number of braying idiots who went along, but also forms a handy chart which could be used to argue persuasively that music should probably be switched off now as it's all too horrible to contemplate.
PRS also produced a chart for bands playing smaller venues, which implies that playing a theatre rather than an arena requires less hard work somehow. The top three:
1. Example
2. Ellie Goulding
3. Tinie Tempah
From this, you can ascertain that people who hold down day jobs, play three gigs over a weekend and rehearse every evening aren't considered to be hard working at all by the PRS, but I'm guessing that nearly all hard-working artists would rather the money spent on producing the chart would have been given to the people who actually earned it.
One of the shining lights of 2010, Australian-Kentish and incredibly well-connected (various Darlin's also spend time in the Tender Trap, Darren Hayman and The Secondary Modern and Hexicon), let's spend some time looking and listening to Allo Darlin' to brighten the winter gloom:
That's Dreaming, their single from almost-a-year-ago.
Robert Forster - who knows a thing or two about these matters - is something of fan; he reviewed the album for Monthly:
The first impression the album gives is of lightness and sweetness, qualities not in vogue and not usually associated with either depth of feeling or musicians attentive to sonic detail.
Michael Buble doesn't think he's sexy, you know:
The Canadian singer - who is set to tie the knot with Argentinean actress Luisana Lopilato on April 6 2011 - says he is never approached by women and can only see his self-deprecating sense of humour as the reason why people would fall for him.
He said: "They don't approach me and I don't think I'm sexy.
"If there is anything sexy about me maybe it's that I'm a goof and I don't take myself seriously. Isn't that kind of sexy? If you just take the p**s out of yourself a bit.
"I don't think sexy is, 'Hi, nice to meet you.' I sing beautiful songs and I mean what I say."
Could it be true that - like S Club 7 - Beady Eye (the Oasis Outlet store) is going to generate a Juniors spin-off?
Gordon says yes:
A BEADY EYE single was announced yesterday but there is already a Beady Eye Juniors group in the offing.Unfortunately, his story then says "no":
LIAM GALLAGHER says his son Gene, who's nine, is learning to play drums, while his bandmate GEM ARCHER says his lad Joel, 14, is more interested in dubstep.I've tried putting these two quotes in a centrifuge, I've boiled them to a nothing and stirred the reduction in with a catalyst; I've peered through a telescope, a microscope and an oscilloscope. No way can I see how those two quotes stack up to the imminent formation of a Beady Eye Juniors.
Gem told Radio 1: "My son's already making his own dubstep tracks and I'm encouraging the generation gap - I tell him it sounds like two radios playing at the same time."
Liam couldn't resist a dig at old rival DAMON ALBARN when talking about his boy's music taste. He said: "My kids are into that GORILLAZ stuff - and that is music for kids, with all those videos."I know Gallagher must think this quite the tart put-down, but instead it gives him the air of a confused pensioner muttering "the kids today with their Playboxes and all them shooting games".
The tiny, tiny brains of the absurd right-wing, forever spinning in mostly empty skull cases looking for someone to blame for imagined slights, have started to point at Billy Bragg. One of them has apparently learned how to write, and started sending hate letters to Bragg's neigbours:
The mail urges them to drive Bragg out of the village, where he owns a £1.5million mansion.You've got to love the idea of someone writing to a person's neighbours to criticise the sort of people that Bragg has chosen to live amongst - "dear rich snobs, please evict Billy Bragg from amongst the rich snobs he's living amongst."
It claims “Billy Bighead Bragg” has “shunned the poor embattled English he was raised amongst to bask in celebrity style.”
It's worth getting past the unlikely-sounding opening to The Sweller's Jonathan Diener's state-of-music blog because it's pretty sharp:
The idea for this rant all started when I was watching Weezer videos from 1996 during the “Pinkerton” album cycle. I started thinking how much magic the 90s had when it came to good music. I think of the bands that started in the 90s like Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer and how they still have very relevant careersI said the opening sounds a bit unlikely; anything that kicks off proclaiming the relevance of Jimmy Eat World to the second decade of the 21st Century is on shaky ground.
Now look at current show/concert attendance. So many venues are struggling to stay open. My friends all over the country and world who promote shows, work at venues, etc. have told me how bad things have been. Several big arena tours are barely selling out. Ozzfest and tons of huge festivals were having problems and a lot of them had to cease to exist due to lack of attendance. Also, for a NON-festival show do people really want to pay $15 in charges in addition to their $25+ concert ticket? No. People nowadays would just rather not go. It’s showing. And bands selling $35 t-shirts isn’t exactly drawing a stampede of fans to the merch tables either.Funnily enough, Jon's argument actually echoes quite neatly a piece in the Wall Street Journal from last week - that the grinding upwards of ticket prices has started to kill demand and if the music industry wants to grow, it needs many more people happy to pay lower prices than constantly gouging a smaller and smaller core audience.
Following Grant Shapps' intervention, Liverpool City Council are demanding they be left alone to pull down the street Ringo first lived on:
Cllr Anderson is writing to housing minister Grant Shapps, who demanded a re-think over plans to knock down Ringo’s former home – 9 Madryn Street – and hundreds of others in Toxteth’s Welsh Streets.A large part of the 30 years of decline has been because of the decade of uncertainty as the council has tried to free up the land for development, so that's a bit of red herring; Liverpool City Council has a habit of pissing on its chips and then saying "nobody will eat these, they smell of piss".
The council leader insists demolition and redevelopment of the Welsh Streets remains the best option for the area.
The council said bulldozing 295 homes would cost only £800,000 compared to the estimated bill of £75,000 per property to refurbish the houses.
In his letter Cllr Anderson wrote: “It is doubtful that any developer would consider this a good return on the extensive investment they would have to make in order to bring all the properties up to an acceptable standard, particularly as the risk of ensuring sustainable future occupancy would be high, given the experience of the last 30 years of decline."
Gordon's column is more or less a procession of people in skimpies today - for some reason, we get two stories about Fearne Cotton wearing a bikini. And the singer from Maroon 5 with his clothes off.
Apparently, the nude shoot is from Cosmo - of course it'd be something Gordon had read in a magazine - and is supposed to promote awareness of male cancers.
Yes, it's the perfect place to talk about male cancer, in a magazine read nearly exclusively by women and the odd man trying to fill his gossip column.
Given that everyone's heard of cancer, and most people would struggle to remember Maroon 5, I think you could safely argue that this isn't really using Maroon 5 raising awareness of cancer, but the other way round.
The success of this as a public health campaign is demonstrated by Gordon's vague reference to "male cancers" without any further mention of the supposed focus of the pictures. Mind you, it sounds like he was a bit distracted:
He showed off a toned torso and some pretty cool tatts in the photoshoot.That lucky, lucky woman, eh, Gordon? Maybe you should ring up Adam and ask if he'll talk you through those tattoos, eh?
And his modesty was preserved by a pair of perfectly manicured female hands .
The owner of the fortuitous fingers is unknown, but she certainly got a unique view of the US rocker.
Liam said: "I've heard his new record 'cos I f****** sung on half of it. When I was in America for Dig Out Your Soul he swiped some off it because he obviously knew he wanted to do a solo album. So he can talk all the bullsh*t about, 'Oh, I was intimidated,' and all that. F***ing nonsense. Behave. He knows. The people know. And I know."The people know. They just don't care, Liam. Stealing late-period Oasis songs? It'd be like pinching a pair of Pretty Green trousers - the moral wrong is surely outweighed by the sympathy you'd have to feel for the thief's lack of taste and judgement?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, liam gallagher, noel gallagher, the sun
With HMV cutting off limbs in a bid to stay alive, Gennaro Castaldo has been out and about trying to shore up confidence in the stores.
He's assured Watford that they shouldn't be alarmed:
Mr Castaldo said: “We are actually talking about a relatively small number of stores across HMV and Waterstone's chains - less than 10 per cent of our combined estates, which are likely to be located primarily in large-city conurbations and may be in close proximity to each other – thus resulting in a degree of duplication in relation to local demand, which is obviously not an issue in Watford.But what about St Albans? Can residents there trust they'll be able to keep shopping at HMV?
“The vast majority of HMV stores around the country will not be affected, and we will look to ensure that the specialist offer and service that we make available to our customers in these locations is maintained. Likewise, we will look to redeploy any affected staff where we possibly can.
“This move in no way signals any intention to pull out of entertainment retail, which remains at the heart of our offer, and is ultimately aimed at safeguarding our core business as we continue our transformation into a broad-based entertainment brand that now also encompasses live music venues and festivals.”
“We are actually talking about a relatively small number of stores across HMV and Waterstone's chains - less than 10 per cent of our combined estates, which are likely to be located primarily in large-city conurbations and may be in close proximity to each other – thus resulting in a degree of duplication in relation to local demand, which is obviously not an issue in St Albans.It's that sort of attention to reflecting the local market that makes HMV such a success, of course.
“This move in no way signals any intention to pull out of entertainment retail, which remains at the heart of our offer, and is ultimately aimed at safeguarding our core business as we continue our transformation into a broad-based entertainment brand that now also encompasses live music venues and festivals.”
Gennaro Castaldo, head of press and PR at HMV UK and Ireland, said the stores to be closed were “likely to be located primarily in large-city conurbations and may be in close proximity to each other, thus resulting in a degree of duplication in relation to local demand, which is not really the case in Suffolk and Essex”.It almost sounds as if there's nowhere at all that HMV will be closing its stores.
He added: “This move in no way signals any intention to pull out of entertainment retail, which remains at the heart of our offer, and is ultimately aimed at safeguarding our core business as we continue our transformation into a broad-based entertainment brand that now also encompasses live music venues and festivals."
£50 man is usually cause for slight ridicule (hi dad!) rather than concern, but Colin Roberts, who works in artist management and online PR, is well aware of how artists could suffer without his haphazard forays into HMV.But this misses the point: HMV is struggling because HMV has changed itself into a horrid place to browse for music, a kind of Lord Of The Flies flashmob where the CD section has been hidden behind an army of lifesize Borat cut-outs. Saying we need to save HMV to protect older blokes who impulse buy records is on a par with launching a campaign to protect Mauritius to help the dodo.
“Those people who see an act on Jools Holland’s programme, or read about them in a broadsheet, and then buy a record because of it – they’re about the only people who end up propelling an artist to recoup.”
In a few day's time, Courtney Love's tweets about Dawn Simorangkir are going to court, as the fashion designer sues for defamation.
Love suggested via Twitter that far from owing money Simorangkir was seeking, it was her who should have been showered in thanks and cash:
"She has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!" Love wrote.Of course, being Love, this isn't just about Twitter, as she spewed this sort of thing all over the internet.
Love's attorneys have their own witnesses, including a medical expert who plans to testify that even if Love's statements were untrue, her mental state was not "subjectively malicious" enough to justify the defamation lawsuit.Karl T, who pointed this out to us, observes:
That claim -- something akin to an insanity defence for social media -- suggests that Twitter was so appealing and addictive for Love that she had no appreciation for how the comments she posted would be received by others.
Love's defence, that Twitter is just so darn fun that she's unable to prevent herself from broadcasting whatever passes through her brain is an interesting one, to say the least.It's going to be a tricky one for Love to pretend that she had no idea what people would make of her Tweets, as surely she'd already got into enough trouble tweeting about the people ripping them off to know exactly what they'd go down like.
In other news, shouting at dustbins and picking fights with the radiator people are protected under the 1st amendment.
It's not unusual for pop stars to ask fans to jump through hoops in return for a freebie. This, though, is something different: Show Britney you still love her, and, erm, she'll let you buy a record:
On Monday, January 10th Britney fans worldwide will be encouraged to share a message on Facebook 2 million times.In a similar move, our local butchers will put sausages on sale if we applaud loud enough when he walks down the street.
Once this is accomplished, her new single, “Hold It Against Me” is unlocked for radio & for immediate sale on i-Tunes.
Sony Music Canada is offering the opportunity to Canadian stations to have their listeners participate through a customized Facebook widget that listeners can then forward.
Last year, you'll recall, Pink Floyd took EMI to court to prevent the label from splitting up their albums to sell individual tracks as digital downloads.
The band insisted it was all about artistic integrity - their music was only to be enjoyed as part of a whole, or else as incidental music on Only Fools And Horses over photomontages of Delboy selling stuff.
But ten months is a long time in artistic integrity, it turns out, as Pink Floyd and EMI have come to a deal which will allow you to buy the odd track here and there.
So, it was never about the purity of the vision; just the size of the cheque.
[Thanks to Michael M]
Have you ever got music library envy, and felt that your stack of digital music files might be on the light side?
Tidysongs reckons it's 7,160 tracks.
A note of caution here: that's based on people who've invited their software to clean up said libraries. And people who only have a few tracks in their collection are less likely to bother paying for a service to tidy up - partly because they can still do it by hand, if they wish; partly because if you don't have that much music on your PC, you're clearly not that fussed about music.
Still, it's an interesting statistic, in a pub-quiz-tiebreaker sort of fashion. Hypebot reports some further numbers:
* The average number of songs missing album artwork is 4,230They suggest that 'dirty' songs must indicate some sort of wrongdoing:
* The average number of songs missing the name of the artist is 490.
* The average number of songs missing track or year information is 1,984.
* The average number of duplicate songs is 814.
Why would you have dirty songs?Perhaps. Or, perhaps, you've ripped them from CDs you paid money for. Or downloaded them from a legitimate source that didn't have artwork, or correct tagging. Again, things that you might expect people with larger collections to be doing.
Either you ripped a bunch of songs off random CD-Rs or are using LimeWire Pirate Edition, among other things, because iTunes and Amazon downloads come complete with artwork and don't have any misspellings in the titles.
Perhaps one of the nicer surprises of last year was that Adele's new album is actually pretty good. And now, the surprise gets remixed, as Jamie XX remixes - demixes - Rolling In The Deep. Abeano has the stuff.
Okay, maybe you can understand at this slow news time of year that you might run a photo which exists solely to promote Rihanna's perfume.
You might even forgive it being second lead on Bizarre, assuming you could find something interesting to say about the promo shot, which is Rihanna sniffing a flower.
What do you have for us, Gordon?
IT'S a good job RIHANNA hasn't got hayfever.Oh. "If she was allergic, the photo would have been awful." Righto.
Otherwise the lass with a rose to her nose would end up looking a right state in this sultry shot for her own fragrance, which is called Reb'l Fleur.
It's sad, but I don't think this morning's announcement from HMV that it's closing 60 stores after a rotten Christmas will come as any surprise.
Blaming everything - except the horrible atmosphere in its confused and curiously stocked-stores - HMV warned it was in danger of breaking the terms of its loans:
"The challenging entertainment markets, combined with the severe weather over our peak trading period have had a negative impact on our trading year to date. In addition, there are well-reported consumer headwinds as we enter 2011," said the company. Many retailers have warned that Britain's austerity measures, such as the VAT rise, will hurt them this year.The sort of cash-generative business that had like-for-like December sales plunge over 13% between 2009 and 2010.
"Given the difficult trading conditions over Christmas and the likely outturn for the year, the board now expects that compliance with the April covenant test under the group's bank facility will be tight and is taking further mitigating actions during the next four months to address this," HMV added.
Chief executive Simon Fox insisted that HMV remained "a profitable and cash-generative business and a powerful entertainment brand".
More heartbreaking news to start the year, as cancer gets the better of Mick Karn.
Adonis Michaelides, Nicosia-born Cypriot, came to London at the age of three. School saw him progress from mouth organ to violin to bassoon and the London School Symphony Orchestra. He would play just one concert with his first band; the theft of his bassoon straight after, and his school's refusal to buy a replacement, lead to another change of instrument. His purchase of a second-hand bass was the moment where everything clicked for Mick.
Schoolfriends David Sylvian and Steve Jansen were also learning instruments at the time; sharing a dream of fleeing London, the three coalesced into Japan in 1974. A further friend, Richard Barbieri, was recruited; advertisements brought in a second guitarist and management and by 1977 Japan were playing live.
Breaking at a time when punk rock mandated individuality of the sort where everyone thinks and looks the same, Japan's effete style went down like a bassoon in a library. It was, amusingly, the country of Japan which would save the band - their popularity there was enough to sustain the act until the first stirrings of New Romanticism shifted Japan closer to the mainstream.
Filling a role as the Polytechnic Duran Duran, Japan hit commercial success just as they imploded.
In 1982, Karn released his first solo record, Titles and found himself in constant demand as a collaborator - he played on Kate Bush's The Sensual World, and worked with everyone from Ure to Numan. A quick sideline in sculpture followed.
If Japan had been ahead of their time, Karn's sortofsupergroup Dali's Car - which saw him team up with Pete Murphy - was doubly so, conflating Japan's minimalism with a smear of what would later be tagged World Music.
While Dali's Car drew on Karn's Greek Cypriot roots, his second solo album, Dreams of Reason Produce Monsters picked up the sounds of his London childhood in choirs and orchestras and mouth organs.
Karn then seemed to be concentrating solely on jazz - he signed with Germany's CMP - but there was to be a too-thought-through Japan reunion under the Rain Tree Crow name in 1991. Improvised and ambient, once again Karn found himself on a record which took a while to find an audience prepared to understand it.
However, Karn would continue to work with Steve Jansen and Richard Barbieri, as JBK. A clutch of CDs emerged from this grouping, before Karn would again release albums under his own name. In all, his solo body of work would run to seven studio albums, covering everything from instrumental pop to jazz.
In 2004, Karn moved back to Cyprus with his wife. Last year, the news of his illness was made public, along with appeals for help with his medical bills.
Mick Karn died in London on January 4th. He was 52.
Two years after he was reported both lost and found, Gerry Rafferty has been lost again, this time for good.
Rafferty was a late-joining member of Billy Connolly's Humblebums, but Gerry told Billy he'd be better off concentrating on his between songs humour. As a consequence, both men found themselves touring under their own names.
The demands of parenthood saw Rafferty rejoin long-term collaborator and former schoolfriend Joe Egan as Stealer's Wheel. However, a promising band was nearly smothered by a ridiculous contract at A&M. Rafferty walked; persuaded back to work as a two-piece the band fell apart again when it turned out they'd had their earnings pinched.
After a long period of legal dealing, Rafferty returned to solo work in 1978. The album he released first saw him not working with Bob Holness on Baker Street, the song which literally made his fortune.
It allowed him to become more relaxed about work and so he was able to refuse tours of America and only do things that really interested him - including producing The Proclaimers Letter From America.
Sadly, a stuttering series of albums saw a decline in quality matched by a decline in Rafferty's mental state. Blighted by a dependency on alcohol, Rafferty lost his wife and his health.
Rafferty had been on life support since November, following kidney failure. His fiancee, Enzina Fischini, had been told to expect the worst but initially his condition had been improving. Sadly, it turned out to be a false dawn.
Mike Portnoy, Steve Morse, Neal Morse, Dave LaRue and Casey McPherson. Apparently, this is enough to constitute a supergroup these days.
Still, on this day of all others, it's an encouraging thought: don't think of that turkey curry tonight as reheated leftovers; what you have is a food supergroup. Enjoy.
Kelly Osbourne - who is still apparently available for work - has changed her hair colour again and, surprisingly, got a Cosmo cover out of it.
Even more surprisingly, this itself constitutes a story for Bizarre this morning.
But what can you say about 'woman dyes hair blonde'?
HELLO coys!Hello coys? What's a coy? Why are you greeting it, whatever it is? What does this have anything to do with anything?
Kelly Osbourne poses Marilyn Monroe-style - and forgets her past as a chubby wildchild.Didn't Osbourne first "forget her past" about ten years ago? And hasn't she done so repeatedly ever since?
KELLY Osbourne proves she really has got in shapeAnd in October The Sun had her:
slimming down to a size six and wearing more feminine clothesOh, and in September, the paper mentioned she'd lost some weight:
But in recent weeks, Kelly has picked herself up, hit the gym and looked better than ever in a variety of trendy outfits at New York fashion week.More than once in September:
But in recent weeks, Kelly has picked herself up, hit the gym and looked better than ever in a variety of trendy outfits at New York fashion week.Much more than once in September:
KELLY Osbourne has never been a shrinking violet but she was more than happy to show off her new size 6 frame in a figure-hugging floral-print dress yesterday.Much, much more:
KELLY Osbourne says she now has the "confidence to dress up" after slimming down to a size six.How many more times can Bizarre churn a story out of 'woman loses a bit of weight'? If there isn't anything else worth mentioning about Osbourne, why are you writing about her at all?
Ken Garner - the author of the very valuable In Session Tonight book - is currently surveying John Peel listeners about the archive and what should be done with it.
Yes, yes, you might call it "inoffensive undescended bollock pop", but what does Justin Bieber call the genre in which he works? MTV news asked:
"Whatever comes out of my mouth is just what you guys are going to hear," Bieber explained of his lyrical stylings. "I don't know, it's not a specific type of music. Whatever music I write, I wouldn't say I'm pop or R&B or country or anything: I would just say it's just good music," he said with confidence.To be fair, Justin, I don't think many people were going "is this country music?" when they heard your pillow-dry-hump soundtracks. Although possibly more people thought that than "this is just good music".
About, ooh, ninety minutes ago, Capital made an attempt to turn itself into a national radio station:
Global Radio, which also operates Classic FM and London's LBC station, said that the new Capital FM will broadcast the best in pop music, along with showbiz interviews, music events and news updates. It will directly compete with the BBC's Radio 1 as a national pop music network.Except, of course, there are great chunks of the nation where there isn't any Capital station. And you can still see the old local stations that have been rebranded Capital as part of the change, so it's not a single station. And only commercial radio bosses would think that Capital and Radio 1 are similar. But apart from that, that's exactly what has happened here.
Gordon Smart has churned out a list of "what I reckon will be big" this year, which he's called What the Smart money's on - how long has he been doing this and he's only just spotted the Smart Money pun?
Anyway, it's full of timid choices and clunking reasoning:
THE fairer sex are set to rule the charts this year - after being frozen out by the fellas in 2010.I've often thought that people who use the phrase "the fairer sex" - with the possible exception of Upstairs, Downstairs scriptwriters - should be locked in a cage with female kickboxers.
TINIE TEMPAH, PROFESSOR GREEN, PLAN B, TAKE THAT and JUSTIN BIEBER dominated proceedings last year but in 2011 girls are primed to make amends.
Determined to step in where Liverpool councillor Flo Clucas failed, housing minister Grant Shapps has decided to save Ringo's house in the Dingle.
Actually, I say "where Flo failed", but in terms of making a large, eye-catching statement that turns out to not be pledge to protect the building at all, it's something of a success:
Mr Shapps said the house was considered by many as a "culturally important building".Of course he's going to do bugger all to actually save the building - he's a Tory, and we know how close they are to a pound note these days - but, hey, if the Big Society wants to do something, he's happy to issue a couple of press releases and sign a couple of letters.
"That is why, before a single bulldozer rumbles along Madryn Street, I want to ensure that every option has been considered," he said.
"In particular I want local community groups to have the opportunity to put forward viable proposals to preserve this historic house."
He added: "It is right that the people of Liverpool themselves decide whether they want Ringo Starr's house to be demolished or to Let It Be."It could be, he hopes, a building which would put an Octopuses' garden into the shade.
A spokesman said the council would consider the minister's request, but said: "Grant Shapps may not be aware of the fact that we have consulted extensively with local residents over these plans and the overwhelming majority are in favour of them.Of course, had the City Council simply improved the properties - which was all that was needed - the good people of Dingle would have been getting on with their lives a decade ago, and not living in area which is being allowed to slowly rot.
"Residents have been fully involved in developing the proposals and have shown they want decent homes to replace houses which have long passed their lifespan.
"They are telling us that they are absolutely sick of the delays and the conditions they have to live in. They want the city council to demolish these properties as soon as possible so that they can get on with their lives."
The spokesman added: "It is vital for local people that this scheme goes ahead. We have not been helped by the massive cuts, but we are determined to get on with this work to improve the lives of local residents.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on flo clucas, liverpool, ringo starr, the beatles