Amon Duul II Weekend: Between The Eyes
From Germany's answer to Top Of The Pops, Beat Club, this is a 1970 performance:
[Part of Amon Dull II weekend]
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From Germany's answer to Top Of The Pops, Beat Club, this is a 1970 performance:
[Part of Amon Dull II weekend]
Given her non-appearance in Paris last night, Amy Winehouse might have some extra legal bother to deal with again:
If you read this report of gig-related turmoil in the Patriot News, you might think it was Slipknot or Marilyn Manson who'd come to town:
There's been a warning that fake tickets with prices in the thousands are circulating for the MTV Europe awards. You can tell tickets being offered are fake, because genuine ones (a) aren't yet available and (b) aren't worth three figures, much less four.
An extract from a live performance of the Phallus Dei album:
[Part of the Amon Duul II weekend]
Mary Chain songs, lovingly recreated: The Jesus And Mary Chain Covers Project.
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More from No Rock on cover versions, downloads, mp3s, other music blogs are available, the jesus and mary chain
It doesn't really matter who it's about, all you need to know is a grown man wrote this in a newspaper this morning:
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More from No Rock on david beckham, gordon smart, rhys ifans, sexist, victoria beckham
Something slightly Proggy and a lot Teutonic this weekend - that'll teach you for complaining about Britpop. Inspired by Rob Hughes' replaying of a 1973 Peel Session this week on 6Music, we're dipping into the back catalogue of Amon Duul II. Without Amon Duul II, it's probable there wouldn't have been Krautrock as we know it.
Founded in 1969 out of a schism in a commune-based improv band, Amon Duul II were the more successful of the two factions. They achieved chart success in the UK - along with the Peel Session - but a move to Atlantic Records irked the purists and marked a change in the music; striving for accessibility, and sales, resulted in an erosion of early support without much in the way of new fans to replace them. Oh, yeah, and punk. Punk definitely didn't help them. They called it a day in 1981, although the surviving members reunited to perform at drummer Peter Leopold's funeral in 2006.
Let's start near the very beginning - this is an untitled jam from 1969:
More about the band
Official site - aptly for a prog band, the site is completely over-engineered and slow to navigate
Wikpedia entry
Amon Duul II on Last.FM
Phallus Dei - debut album, and yes, it translates as God's cock.
Vive Le Trance
DVD of Phallus Dei live - not the greatest quality, but essential for aficionados
More video action across the weekend
Phallus Dei
Between The Eyes live on Beat Club
Surrounded By Stars live in 1975
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More from No Rock on amon duul ii, germany, krautrock, prog rock, youtube
Cerys Matthews is being credited - in part - for a resurgence in more traditional names for children in Wales. This is apparently a trend away from 'celebrity' names, although quite how naming your kid off the woman on I'm A Celebrity fits with that isn't explained.
The long, slow, public death of Napster enters a new wave of spasms, as "dissident shareholders" attempt to get voted onto the company's board in the face of stiff opposition from the current board. Why, say the current stewards of Napster, they don't even know about the business:
The history of computer games turned into movies is not, it has to be said, a glorious one. Bob Hoskins as a Super Mario Brother, anyone? That one with Kylie in? Admittedly, when Lunar JetMan was filmed as 2001 A Space Oddity [note to self - check on Wikipedia before posting this] it was a success, but generally, it's a genre which seems to exist solely to ensure that the 99p DVD box on my local newsagent's counter is always well-stocked.
Still, at least you can understand how a movie might be made from a computer game with a plot. What's less clear is how you'd adapt a game that's not story driven, and turn it into a movie. That, it seems, is the challenge Brett Ratner is setting himself, as he plans - yes, really - to turn Guitar Hero into a movie:
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More from No Rock on brett ratner, computer games, guitar hero, movies
We're not quite sure what's taken him so long to get round to the obvious cash-making tie-in (perhaps he was just waiting for the very last of his credibility to vanish) but finally, you can buy a Bob Dylan harmonica. They're being made by the same company who did the Steve Tyler harmonicas last year, apparently - if you see someone sitting in a bar muttering "Dylan, Tyler... there must be someone else who uses harmonicas and loves money", that'd be an executive from Hohner.
[You might also enjoy: The extensive coverage we did of Tyler's mouth organ last year]
Since Lindsay posted her last, Micheal, her father, has been back on to his blab-outlet of choice, X17, with this classy riposte:
Time, once again, to turn our attention to the happy world of the Lohans, where Lindsay Lohan's dating of Samantha Ronson has now brought the Kaiser Chiefs just one degree of separation shy of getting a spot on E! Entertainment Television.
Lohan's father, though - who seems to be offering TV networks a chance to pay for him to slag off his daughter - is incensed that Samantha Ronson is making herself famous by kissing his daughter. Though, to be fair, even if that is her motivation, surely that still puts her one moral notch above a man who makes himself famous by verbally bitch-slapping his daughter.
Still, Lindsay can take this no more - and let's be generous and not assume that the "this" isn't "the spotlight being on someone else for a moment" in this case, and lambasts her father's decision to air what remains of the family's dirty laundry in public:
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More from No Rock on blogs, lindsay lohan, myspace, samantha ronson
Cradle To Grave have pulled their US tour, or rather, had their US tour pulled, after The Department Of Homeland Security weighed them and found them wanting.
The band have released a press release - although this isn't the first time they've been turned back, having been blocked at immigration in the past because "their name might incite violence" and had visa applications knocked down for a lack of artistic merit.
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More from No Rock on cradle to grave, department of homeland security, greg cavanagh, immigration
Talking of Barack, though: he's named his vice-presidential running mate. He's accepted the nomination. He's given Hillary a chance to do something other than run through the figures for the Clinton 2012 campaign.
And yet no sign yet of that campaign song Gordon Smart insisted Joss Stone was writing for him.
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More from No Rock on barack obama, elections, gordon smart, joss stone, presidential race
And more from the inbox: Barry S emails to point out that Barack took to the stage at Invesco Field last night to the strains of City Of Blinding Lights. Presumably a signal that - while he embraces Hope and Change, he doesn't intend to dismantle the US state's carefully constructed reliance on Bono to provide high office with a carapace of presumed cool.
Also, we'd have used Coors Field if it had been us. They've got fountains.
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More from No Rock on barack obama, bono, democrats, elections, presidential race, u2
Another email from James P:
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An email arrives from James P:
What the 3AM Girls don't explain is why, if Natt Weller hates being Paul's son so much, he turned up to pick up his Dad's awards at awards promoting something called
Moaning, moaning, all the way:
Most people - especially if they were Oasis fans - would do their best to suppress a story which has one of their heroes having a painting of Spongebob Squarepants done for his living room:
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More from No Rock on andy warhol, art, gordon smart, liam gallagher, oasis, spongebob squarepants
The next time John Lydon starts on one of his oh-so-interesting rants about how he's the true spirit of punk and how he never got involved in marketing campaigns and it was all trees round here and so on, he'll be doing so from the perspective of a man who is doing an advert. An advert for Country Life butter.
Once people thought he might topple the Queen herself. Now, he's only capable of unseating these guys:
"Is everything she does imbued with low-grade innuendo" asks Michael M, pointing us in the direction of Katy Perry as she has her breasts moulded for charity.
That's as in 'a cast made of', rather than left half-cooked out of the fridge in hot weather. Naturally, the process has been videoed. (There's YouTube if you really want to see Perry getting her tits covered in a sticky white substance. The moulds will be sold to raise funds for a good cause.
Nobody would object to Perry deciding to help out a charity, even with some low-grade teen porn, but given that the charity she's 'helping' is a breast cancer one, is this really the best way to do so? Selling pert little tits made of plaster in aid of women who've lost a breast to cancer seems dangerously close to having a sponsored hop to raise funds for people who've had legs amputated.
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More from No Rock on auctions, breast cancer, breasts, charity, katy perry
Given what happened at the Radiohead Hollywood Bowl gig, the safest place to be watching the band tonight might be online. According to reports in LA Weekly, security guards working for the Bowl attacked Sean Carlson and Phil Hoelting, F-Yeah Fest founders. The pair filmed the strong-arming of a bloke being thrown out of the Bowl:
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GreenPlastic Radiohead says that Colin out of Radiohead has told them that the band are going to be webcasting their gig from Santa Barbara Bowl tonight via Dead Air Space. Live and free.
Everyone else will be online in the morning to tell them how they've "failed" in some way by doing this.
The Black Kids might not bother with another record, because it's too much like hard work, complains Reggie Youngblood:
There's just a single date on the Ani DiFranco 'tour' of the UK: she's playing the forum on October 29th at the Kentish Town Forum. Support is coming from Hamell On Trial and Anais Mitchell - both of whom are on DiFranco's Righteous Babe label. Which probably puts the stress on them a little.
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More from No Rock on anais mitchell, ani difranco, hamell on trial, tour dates
News spots in our inbox about three Deus dates in the UK & Ireland this October:
Monday 13 October – DUBLIN – Tripod
Tuesday 14 October – MANCHESTER – Academy3
Wednesday 15 October – LONDON – KOKO
There is a place where punk still threatens the status quo, then: Cuban authorities have arrested Gorki Aguila, singer with Porno Para Ricardo:
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More from No Rock on cuba, gorki aguila, manic street preachers, nicky wire, porno para ricardo
We're given to understand the press release for this story came with the words "we give it six months" written in invisible ink all over it: Lisa Snowdon is to co-present Capital's breakfast show.
We say co-present; that would imply some sort of interaction and chemistry between Johnny Vaughan and her.
Vaughan has put together some sort of statement:
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More from No Rock on breakfast shows, britains next top model, capital radio, johnny vaughan, lisa snowdon, london
Dolly Parton - despite what the internet might have you believe - is not dead. She is alive and well.
Emboldened - or emstupidened - by the sales of Kid Rock's album without appearing on iTunes, the majors are once again trying to pressure Apple into letting them dictate the retail terms for iTunes.
Atlantic have pulled a four month old Estelle album from iTunes as some sort of statement - although since not even major label bosses would believe that Kid Rock's album sold because the kids liked the "not available on iTunes" cachet, it's hard to see what the point is.
The labels dislike that Apple allows cherry-picking of tracks rather than bundling the rubbish fillers up with the few decent songs. This, though, explains why the non-appearance of the album on iTunes didn't overly hurt Rock's sales - had it been available there, people would have just bought the single and left the sludgey gloop of the rest of the record unwanted on the virtual shelves. Rock could probably have sold a million more copies of the single through iTunes, but it's unlikely he would have shifted many full sets of tracks from the album session.
Actually, I'm thinking we should encourage the labels in this new pursuit - for what better way of having it flagged that nobody would want most of the tracks on an album than deciding it's not worth bothering letting people buy them individually. The sticker might say 'not on iTunes'; it could be read as 'stick to the single - or wait for Now That's What I Call Music'
Given that Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl has all the subtlety of a Simon Heffer think piece, it's surprising to discover that MTV executives are afraid that their viewers might not have got the point of the song, and are trying to get her to kiss a girl while performing her hit single Look! Look! I've Had A CosmoGirl Style Bi-Try Experimental Snog With A Girl! Me, Over Here! Little Bit Gay! OMG Not "Gay" Gay Though Like, Cringe Or What?.
And through a process which we can only conclude involved typing FAMOOS LESBIAN into Google, they're angling for Lindsay Lohan. Which would take a grindingly obvious stunt record, add a screamingly hackneyed stunt, and call for a flatly unsurprising guest appearance.
Now: if it was Blanche from the Golden Girls, then we'd offer some respect.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on katy perry, kiss, lesbian, lindsay lohan, mtv, mtv video music awards
Simon Heffer, earlier this week, writing in the Daily Telegraph:
Suge Knight has been thrown in jail, accused of beating his girlfriend while brandishing a knife. Although, as balance, the police point out:
The 3AMies do seem to be quite serious here:
XFM in Scotland - which originally won its place on the FM airwaves as Beat 106, promising Scottish alt-rock - is to be turned into a Galaxy branded dance station after the completion of the GCap-Global merger:
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More from No Rock on galaxy fm, gcap, global radio, richard park, xfm, xfm scotland
Today's Bizarre column isn't just lame, it's got a date for fitting with special orthopedic shoes. Smart kicks off by trumpeting:
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Steve Foley, the late-era drummer for The Replacements, has died after apparently overdosing on prescription medicine.
One of six children, Foley's father was less than thrilled at his choice of career; it was only when he joined the Replacements that his father accepted the decision.
Foley replaced Chris Mars on the Replacements drum stool for the last year of the band's existence, and then followed Tommy Stinson into Bash And Pop.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Foley had been struggling with depression in recent years, but the overdose appears to have been accidental. He had recently been working as a car salesman.
Ultravox - what Midge Ure did before he became the bagman for Bob Geldof - are re-releasing Rage In Eden and Vienna, both in luxurious double CD editions. September 22nd is the US release date; they're calling them the Remastered Definitive Editions, which means the best you can possibly imagine until they do the next re-release.
The guy who posted up nine songs he claimed were from Chinese Democracy back in June has been arrested by the FBI:
Let's hope that when they find a way to help those being crushed by the rising price of fuel, first in the line for assistance is P Diddy. The man is suffering, damnit:
Barack Obama - and with a slightly less straight face, John McCain - both pledged some time ago to reduce the presence of lobbyists in American politics.
That hasn't stopped the RIAA spending record company shareholder's cash turning up at Denver:
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More from No Rock on barack obama, democrats, denver, john mccain, lobbyists, riaa
Michael Eavis has announced the plans for selling Glastonbury tickets for 2009.
And, yes, you're going to need to register again:
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More from No Rock on glastonbury, glastonbury 2009, michael eavis, tickets
How best to win over the judge who is listening to your case? If you;re DMX, you might try a little gentle haggling over the arraignment hearing:
It's great to see young people getting involved with politics. Normally.
Pete Wentz - the frontman for the Ax deodorant brand - is putting out a record on election day. So, then, it's a political record?
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More from No Rock on elections, fall out boy, patrick stump, pete wentz, presidential race
The nice people at RCRDLBL, having already given away their vowels, want to give more. And so they're making available a free Ladytron remix download of Ghosts. For you to keep and love.
It's not a new idea, but the involvement of Steve Pankhurst has helped generate some interest in Bandstocks.
Pankhurst was a founder of Friends Reunited, the service which lets you find out where the people you went to school with are now ("on Facebook", normally) and he's put some of the cash he got offloading the site to ITV into the new scheme. It's another one of those places where bands can appeal to fans to pay the costs of producing an album up front:
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More from No Rock on bandstocks, boo radleys, friends reunited, itv, martin carr, slicethepie
Goodness - Is this the comeback to end all comebacks?:
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Even by the low standards of the X Factor, pretending you don't know who your real family is to stay in the programme is a bit low. But that's what Alan Turner (not the portly manager of NY Estates' Beckindale office) did, throwing himself on the mercy of the judges:
Back in June, Kid Rock failed to show at Download, with organisers insisting he had dehyrdation.
Rock has suddenly decided to get upset about this, insisting it wasn't true:
Today's Bizarre column is stuffed with breasts - Kate Moss on a photoshoot (model does modeling - hold the front page); Uma Thurman down a long lens; Oasis announcing an extra date.
Let us, instead, turn to the current Private Eye, which explores the surprising appearance of a five-month-old Burial interview in Gordon's column, introduced with a claim that Burial had "conducted a Bizarre phone interview". When Guardian writer Dan Hancox asked Gordon to explain how a chat with him became a talk with Smart's column, Gordon replied by blaming it on the subs:
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More from No Rock on burial, gordon smart, kate moss, oasis, private eye, uma thurman
As the rebooted Batman franchise looks forward to making a second mountain of money ("second movie"), the big question is who is going to play Catwoman.
Okay, the real question is when will they announce Angelina Jolie will play Catwoman, but - wait! Some tension has entered the cat casting question: Cher's face (her current one) is apparently in the frame:
Somewhat oddly, Michael Stipe is guesting on NuNationwide this evening.
Adrian Chiles - freshly back from Beijing - asks Stipe about the Olympic legacy in Atlanta: Have they forgotten about the Olympics?
"Yeah, pretty much... I know The rents went up and didn't come back down again..."
TVAM veteran and Tory teddybear hugger Giles Brandereth has delivered a report on rich people who give away their fortunes rather than pass the money on to their kids.
Christine Blakeley says how much she admires people who give money secretly; Giles says that entrepreneurs think their kids would be better off without anything. Adrian points out that giving away "all" but fifty million isn't really leaving yourself short, while Stipe looks awkward.
"I give away money but don't talk about it. I'm not a christian but I come from a Christian background and you don't talk about your philanthropy..."
"So, what do you give to?" asks Adrian.
Stipe vaguely says they do a lot here and there, before flashing up a photo of him and Bono. "We're great friends" says Stipe "and through him I've met people like Bill Gates."
They play a video to get Brandereth off the sofa; Chiles chides Stipe over an anti-TV line in the new single. "It's about our president" says Michael, explaining it's about GWB "desecrating" the memory of Martin Luther King.
Blakeley leads him into a few blandishments about Michelle Obama before pronouncing Barack "exceptional". "I think he's going to make it" to the White House "and it will be a better day for all of us."
There's some nice Old Grey Whistle Test clippage - "I remember that... I had hair - it covered the scars..."
"It doesn't take you long to get ready in the morning" chirrups Christine.
Adrian asks if the appetite is still there for touring - luckily, yes, says Michael. Who's here to sell tour tickets, of course. But this is all a lead-in to a piece by Phil Tuffnel on red sheep by the side of the M8.
Tuffers complains that most road statues are up north. Stipe is starting to look like he wishes they'd checked the programme before signing up to come on, as they show him some on the road pictures and ask him to comment: "do you shave all your head before you go on stage?"
Miranda thingy off Coast rolls round for her series on butterflies - "this is the bad boy of the butterfly world" warns Adrian. It's "the dreaded cabbage white", it turns out.
Michael Stipe is now blinking at the gardening woman who follows the film about how great cabbage whites are by saying that she squirts them.
I think he was trying to stay awake - he looks like he could quite easily drift off. Adrian makes a good attempt to include him in things - "would you like to sniff a budleia?" - before giving him a chance to plug the next date in Twickenham.
Michael doesn't have to play, though - they've got a tribute banned (called Stipe) in to do the honours. They do That's The End Of The Show As We Know It. Stipe looks like he hopes he looks like he's enjoying it.
And that's it... on with EastEnders.
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More from No Rock on adrian chiles, bbc one, live blog, michael stipe, rem, the one show
We'd really like to dislike The Peth, with the presence of Rhys Ifans at their apex. And, while it's true that they add little to the great book of rock that hasn't already been done before, there's something like gormless fun to be had.
And had here, in the free single: Let's Go Fucking Mental.
Yes, even with gratuitous swearing, it's still just the right side of gormless fun.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on actors, downloads, free, mp3s, rhys ifans, the peth
In a bid to excite people about the You Say Party We Say Die remix album Remik's Cube, they're giving away a free mp3. This one:
The Montage remix of Opportunity
You can also stream the whole album via Imeem.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on downloads, free, mp3s, remixes, you say party we say die
The revelation that Coldplay like to make their own clothes is, perhaps, surprising - although everybody needs an outlet for creativity and, clearly, their music wouldn't perform that function.
This, though, is what was really strange about Chris Martin's quote. Talking about checking in to hotels, he said:
It's currently (it looks like) only live in the Americas but LiveStub is offering a new approach to the secondary ticketing problem.
It reckons that it's going to build a transparent ticket marketplace, offering people the opportunity to see the best-value tickets on offer for whichever event. So you can still get scalped, but only to the level of a grey-market scalping. Hypebot is quite impressed:
There's been a strange twist in the case of the woman who pocketed a large sum of money for a non-existent R Kelly tour of South Africa.
Busiswe Zakwe is expected to enter a guilty plea when the case comes to court but, when asked what happened to the money, she says she gave loads to Kelly himself.
Now, fair enough, she's a fraudster, so you might expect her to say that. But South African police have checked her story, and they're satisfied that she did transfer 11 million Rand to one of Kelly's bank accounts - but don't quite know why, nor if the cash was returned.
The solution? They're going to want a chat with Kelly. Just when he thought his time spent with police had come to an end.
Of course, it's perfectly possible the money went into his organisation rather than his personal account, and that Kelly himself may know nothing about the dealings at all.
The 3AM Girls are all of a twitter at Metallica:
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More from No Rock on 3am girls, metallica, reading festival, reading leeds 2008
With the RIAA's hollow victory in closing down Muxtape, while alternatives spring up, you know what would really suck for them? If someone released open-source software which allowed anyone with a server and the inclination to launch a Muxtape-type service. That would mean that, rather in the way they killed Napster rather than deal with a single service, and ended up with a squillion torrents instead, they'd killed off a popular service they could have explored licensing, and instead face a world with a million, smaller services to try and cope with.
Meet OpenTape.
Kelly Osbourne's Project Catwalk has been canned by Sky. Never mind, Kels, it gives you more time to concentrate on that all-singing, all-dancing variety show your mom's got lined up for American TV. Now, what size in spangly top hat do you need?
Jaw-dropping excitement from the Kasabian camp via Gordon this morning:
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For years, Moby has bristled when interviewers ask him about how his ecological beliefs square with his music popping up in car commercials. He'll be delighted to know that won't happen any more.
Because there's a much more jaw-dropping "don't do as I do, do as I say" element popping up in his future:
So, here we are, then, as the Bank Holiday ticks away - the number one from 1988's Festive Fifty. Perhaps surprisingly - given that The House Of Love tend not to be the first band on people's lips when remembering the post-C86 era - it's Destroy The Heart which took the honour. Snub TV provides the footage:
Buy: The Creation Years
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
Jerry Finn - who has been pronounced dead several times online over the last few weeks - actually passed on Thursday 21st, reports Billboard.
The 39 year-old had worked with most of the figures in the post-Green Day "punk" scene - his big break had been engineering on Dookie - but after a list of credits including AFI and Blink 182, he took on the perhaps surprising role as producer for Morrissey's You Are The Quarry. This year, his last major production work would be for Morrissey again, on Years Of Refusal.
Finn suffered a massive brain hemorrhage in July and was taken off life support earlier this month. There are plans for a memorial fund in his name.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on blink 182, green day, jerry finn, morrissey, obit, obituary
As if Madonna's 'hey, isn't McCain like Hitler, huh?" wasn't enough to comfort the Republicans, there's this:
Dave Stewart - yes, the one out the Eurythmics, who was born deep in the US of Sunderland - has made the above, with help from Barry Manilow, Jason Alexander - the Seinfeld one, not the bloke who married Britney - and Whoopi Goldberg; it's five and a half minutes long, and we reckon two minutes in would make a poverty-stricken pensioner with a malfunctioning kidney decide that they'd be better off with McCain.
Hello, Hollywood. Please stop "helping". Thank you.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on barack obama, barry manilow, dave stewart, democrats, elections, eurythmics, jason alexander, presidential race, whoopi goldberg
Fabolous might want to think a little harder before discussing his career path:
The Wedding Present's Nobody's Twisting Your Arm - here captured in a Chart Show indie chart top ten (from the fifth March 1988, if you're keeping notes).
Buy: Thank Yer Very Glad
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
More genius from the Creation stable, as Jesus And Mary Chain kick off the top three with Sidewalking - surprisingly their only appearance in the run down in 1988:
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More from No Rock on 1988, dailymotion, festive 50, the jesus and mary chain, video
Saturday night saw Madonna kick off her Suck Me Hard tour in the Millennium Centre at Cardiff. So, was it worth kicking a bunch of kids' charity football tournament out for?
The reviews are in.
The South Wales Echo found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that people prepared to blow the cash for the tickets were delighted, and thrilled:
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More from No Rock on cardiff, first night, live, madonna, other music blogs are available, reviews
The version which got everyone excited - the almost never-ending Take Me by The Wedding Present - was the session version. This isn't that - it's live, recorded at Wolverhampton's Little Civic Hall (presumably for people who don't feel very civil?). You might not need to look at your screen during this one.
Buy: An Evening With The Wedding Present DVD
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
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More from No Rock on 1988, festive 50, live, wedding present, youtube
Xiu Xiu are inviting their audience to be part of the band. There's three ways of getting involved, but this is the most interesting:
Another band which is currently enjoying a reunion surge, then, at five, with the mighty Freak Scene by Dinosaur Jr.
Buy: Bug
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
The 3AM Girls nod excitedly as McFly get over-excited about their appearance at the credit card promotional event in London yesterday:
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More from No Rock on 2012, 3am girls, buckingham palace, london, mcfly, olympics
Gordon Smart is shocked today. Shocked. It turns out that people in showbusiness lie:
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More from No Rock on anastacia, gordon smart, manchester, rem, salford
And this, of course, is why all right thinking people were giddy with over-excitement when they returned. My Bloody Valentine's You Made Me Realise. This, live, from Amsterdam in 1988:
Buy: Remastered vinyl version of Isn't Anything
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
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More from No Rock on 1988, amsterdam, creation, festive 50, my bloody valentine, youtube
The highest placing for Pixies, with Gigantic. This is live, but no indication of where it was recorded.
Buy: Pixies Acoustic: Live in Newport
[Part of the 1988 Festive Fifty Weekend]
The Leeds Festival managed to trip over its running times earlier today, winding up with the Mystery Jets ordered off stage after five songs.
The band weren't pleased, and scrapped with roadies as they tried to take their equipment down while they were still playing. Not effectively enough, though, as they still ended having their set cut pointlessly short.
More tributes to the organisational skills of Reading-Leeds: the main stage at Reading has had poor sound quality all weekend, which was 'beyond their control', reckons Melvin Benn:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on festivals, fucked up, melvin benn, mystery jets, naked, pink eyes, reading leeds 2008