Record Store Day
It is, of course, Record Store Day today in the UK and elsewhere (the "elsewhere" being why it's called Store and not Shop day) - there's probably something happening near you, unless you live in Milton Keynes.
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It is, of course, Record Store Day today in the UK and elsewhere (the "elsewhere" being why it's called Store and not Shop day) - there's probably something happening near you, unless you live in Milton Keynes.
The Half-Brick in Worthing has closed suddenly after the landlord Bob Brookes grew tired of "rising rent and beer prices". In the short term, most of the ticketed music events are being relocated to the Empress Suite in the Conaught Lesiure Centre, but the longer term future for live music in Worthing, shorn of one of its more enthusiastic venues, looks a little bleaker.
The 2010 Senate election is now heating up in America, with Republican senate hopeful Charles DeVore getting the first major lawsuit of the campaign, as Don Henley sues him for using two songs on a YouTube video:
Mike Campbell, Henley's producer, is also named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit.
"Don Henley and Mike Campbell brought this action to protect their song, 'The Boys of Summer,' which was taken and used without their permission," Henley's spokesman said. "The infringers have vowed to continue exploiting this and other copyrighted works, as it suits them, to further their own ambitions and agenda. It was necessary to file a lawsuit to stop them."
"We're responding with a counter-claim, asserting our First Amendment right to political free speech," the site said. "While the legal issues play out, it's time to up the ante on Mr. Henley's liberal goon tactics. By popular request, I have penned the words to our new parody song."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on charles devore, copyright, don henley, elections, free speech, parody, senate
Oh, if only this story was being carried somewhere you could believe it:
CONTROVERSIAL CHRIS MOYLES, the self-proclaimed “Saviour of Radio 1”, is on his way OUT of the station’s flagship breakfast show.
He will be axed this year after he becomes the slot’s longest-serving host in September.
Last night a Radio 1 spokesman insisted: “We’ve no plans to take Chris off breakfast. He hosts a highly successful show.”
But when asked how long Chris would stay at the station, the spokesman refused to comment.
WHEN Chris Moyles took over breakfast in 2004, the show was in terminal decline.
Zoe Ball and Sara Cox never filled the boots of Chris Evans, the best in the slot’s history.
Mark Radcliffe and Marc Riley (aka Lard) carried on but were too old for the gig. Moyles now faces the same end.
His brash, arrogant, no-holds-barred, bully-boy personality was the shock-jock style Radio 1 needed then. But it’s time for The Saviour to move on.
The breakfast hotseat has a shelf life and sadly Moyles is past his sell-by date.
ON MONDAY, The Sun will be launching a live phone-in show on the internet between 10am and 1pm, Monday to Friday.
Sony award winning DJ, Jon Gaunt will be fronting the show, with famous guests and regular contributions from Sun Columnists.
Drivetime presenter SCOTT MILLS will be asked to step in while a replacement is readied for the prized post.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on breakfast shows, chris moyles, gordon smart, mark radcliffe, radio 1, scott mills
The turnstile at which Circuit City handed in its ticket on a journey to extinction was, msot agree, the point at which is dumped all its loyal, knowledgeable staff and hired a bunch of cheaper people. The stores died a little inside that day, and managers who couldn't care less bred an atmosphere of defeat which hurried the chain's demise.
Capitalists never being the sort of learn from even the most recent of histories, Best Buy have decided to get rid of 1,000 of its most experienced staff and cut wages of 8,000 others. By up to fifty per cent.
The justification is "getting more people out on the shop floor" - although who Best Buy really thinks wants to be served by a demotivated and humiliated senior person busted down to sho floor level isn't entirely clear. But imagine the fun of shopping in the Magnolia Home Theater parts of the store, when the guy serving you is thinking "the amount of cash you've just spent there is equal to the pay cut I've just had forced on me." It'll be so much fun, right?
You want to know why we're nailing boards across our windows and sending the children of the village away?
Why, it's all part of the bracing before the unleashing of another Marilyn Manson record. For, surely, this time it must mark the end of society as we know it.
Oooh, Marilyn, what are you about to do?
"This is not a record that we would leave black and self-titled and mature. This is the experienced record. This album is the 12th-grade guy that has VD and did cocaine in high school, who has been arrested once and the 9th-grade girl wants to fuck him."
This album left many scars
I wrote all the lyrics on the wall of my room. It wasn't to be decorative; it was one of those things, like it's the last thing someone sees before they put them somewhere else.
And if anyone wants to come into this room and fornicate with me, I think they are a keeper… and when I say keeper, I mean kidnapping.
Because I always wanted to take pictures, my house is set up like a movie set. Instead of lamps I have movie lights and smoke machines and things.
"I really look at this record as a film, maybe because I sort of directed it. I stopped trying to conform regular life into the idea that it's regular life. Why isn't it all just a movie? If people are watching, they're watching me being an asshole or being boring or creating something amazing. That's just a part of the movie. It allowed me to be more creative."
Over on You Ain't No Picasso: mp3ed up and ready for listening, Angela - the first fruits of the new Jarvis Cocker album.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on downloads, jarvis cocker, mp3s, other music blogs are available, you aint no picasso
Coming up on Radio 4 tomorrow night (8pm; repeated Monday afternoon, and on the iPlayer for seven days): David Hepworth doing the Archive On 4 strand with a programme about Bootlegs.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bootlegs, david hepworth, radio 4, something to listen to
In what I'm going to be generous and put down to a well-conceived plan to raise the profile of the MOBO awards - the annual music event where prizes are given to people whose music is, in some way, black - has decided to hold its prize-giving in Glasgow this year.
Lemar - for some reason - was given the announcement to make:
"Bringing the MOBO awards here to Glasgow, a city with such a strong and vibrant music scene, is the perfect fit," the singer said. "I love touring in the UK and the welcome I receive when I come to Scotland is incredible."
A quick scoop into the range of reactions to the utterly pointless prison and fine sentences handed out to the Pirate Bay team.
Rhi Jones of the Orchid Thieves, via Twitter:
they should organize a series of music festivals, cheap tickets- money to charity
John Kennedy, chairman and chief executive of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, said: "We're very pleased at the verdict of what was a very important case for us.
"It would have been very difficult to put on a brave face if we had lost, but this verdict sends a strong educational and deterrent message."
“The trial of the operators of The Pirate Bay was about defending the rights of creators, confirming the illegality of the service and creating a fair environment for legal music services that respect the rights of the creative community,” says IFPI chairman and CEO John Kennedy.
“Today’s verdict is the right outcome on all three counts. The court has also handed down a strong deterrent sentence that reflects the seriousness of the crimes committed. This is good news for everyone, in Sweden and internationally, who is making a living or a business from creative activity and who needs to know their rights will protected by law.”
“The criminal conviction of the Pirate Bay operators will not only hearten the music and film community – it is also a huge shot in the arm for legitimate producers and entrepreneurs, who are trying to create a thriving legitimate online business based on proper respect of copyright. The court has also understood that a criminal conviction in itself is not enough, and that if creators’ rights are going to properly protected, a deterrent sentence was needed reflecting the seriousness of the crime.”
Yes, copyright should be respected. Yes, artists need to be paid. But no: illicit copying is not the problem.
The tardiness of the music industry, who after nine years of market failure have only now began to offer alternatives like Spotify, is the problem.
As yet, industry offerings are not as digital native as P2P, with its emphasis on user contribution and decentralised distribution. So they are not as likely to succeed.
Despite that, it is easy to imagine better, more convenient tools than P2P, or new services, such as mixing features, additional exclusive content, or the opportunity to directly financially support your favourite artists.
So let’s not pretend this is a straight choice between the old, centralised recording industry model and a free for all. Consumer power must trump vested interest. That is the real verdict of the Pirate Bay trial.
Following the verdict, it will be interesting to see whether the organisations behind the case -- the International Federation of the Phonographic Industries and the Motion Picture Association of America -- will now try to get Google and YouTube into court. There is no shortage of links to copyright information on Google. There is a difference, in that linking to torrent files is a byproduct of Google's ubiquitous search strategy, rather than its purpose. Still, it would be interesting to see Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt jailed as well.
What is unexpected is the whopping fine: they've also been ordered to pay £2.4 million in damages to record labels.
Hang on. Wasn't The Pirate Bay's defence always that their operations didn't generate any money? The reason they were so cocky – one of them even Twittered his disdain during the courtcase, saying he found it "boring" – was that they were, in legal terms, men of straw. Sue us all you like, they argued, we have no money to give.
This fine suggests otherwise. The amount would have been settled on after an audit of The Pirate Bay's accounts. There must have been significant funds. Which means The Pirate Bay's founders were lying about their motives.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on ifpi, john kennedy, open rights group, pirate bay, sweden
BBC News is reporting that the Pirate Bay team are heading to jail:
A court in Sweden has handed down its verdict on four men behind The Pirate Bay (TPB), the world's biggest file-sharing website.
Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde were found guilty of breaking copyright law and were sentenced to a year in jail.
"How could a light that burned so brightly" pondered Mike Batt's Bright Eyes "suddenly burn so pale?"
Perhaps because they'd been shot on Mike Batt's orders.
A spokesman for Batt, 59, said the composer felt "terrible" about the shooting of the animals and hoped rabbit lovers would not criticise him.
Peter S Kolmisoppi has just twittered:
According to leaked information from the court we lost (got the news last night). Trustworthy source as well.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on copyright, court, file sharing, legal, pirate bay, twitter
Today are doing the Pirate Bay case with Mark Mulligan of Forrester Research and Conor McNicholas, still editor of the NME. Interestingly, nobody from a record company, or the BPI, or PRS, then.
Mulligan cautions that there's a danger in mixing lawyers and copyright - "results are unpredictable and inconvenient", effectively suggesting the best the RIAA can hope for is a useless Pyrrhic victory.
Conor keeps insisting the Pirate Bay case is like "putting your finger in a dam" - it was always a dyke when I was a kid, but I think, on balance, Conor's imagery of trying to hold back a mighty river rather than plug a gentle polder might be more apt in this case.
He suggests that internally, record companies are accepting they need new ways of handling copyright - and then runs out a brief, polished run through of why recorded music copyright is a twentieth century anomaly and doomed to vanish. Interestingly, this hasn't actually made an NME cover story, has it? I wonder if that's because it might be hard persuading record companies to take advertising around an obituary.
Mulligan then suggests that Spotify is the opposite of the Pirate Bay case, although that would imply that it's also an initiative taken by the record companies rather than just something they responded to differently.
Conor didn't have very much to do.
Straight after this feature, the business news did a piece on Record Store Day.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on conor mcnicholas, forrester research, live blog, pirate bay, radio 4, today
Popjustice visit the old Zavvi store on Tottenham Court Road to see what's going on there. It's now a temporary clothes shop - a shop that won't be around for long, rather than a shop which sells clothes that fall apart quite quickly. Because that would be Peacocks.
Oh, yes... and you take space in the store. Which leads Popjustice to hatch a cunning plan...
[Thanks to Matt W for the link]
Remember Sodastream? No, no, come back, I'm not about to cue in a YouTube video of Jamie Theakston talking about Spangles and trying to "remember" the words to the Friends theme song. The band Sodastream? Evening Session-flavoured Australian relegation-zone indie pop?
Well, Karl Smith out of Sodastream is back, back, back, doing a band called Lee Memorial. You can find out what they sound like - if you can't guess - with a download of Long Days In.
The set-up for the band is actually more intriguing than "one half of Sodastream" would suggest; former Sleater-Kinney & Popemobile drummer Laura MacFarlane is involved, which surely makes it worth a few minutes of your time to investigate?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on downloads, free, lee memorial, mp3s, popemobile, shiny new bands, sleater-kinney, sodastream
Success hasn't changed us
[Tom] says: “The biggest achievement is me, Liam and Andy can sit down and still have a pint with each other. We’re still mates. No one’s got an ego.”
POLE-dancing, PVC and dominatrix action. Sounds like a Saturday night behind closed doors for an MP.
It’s with great pleasure I bring you the news that the foxy five have been taking secret lessons in pole dancing for their Out Of Control tour, which kicks off next Friday at Manchester’s MEN Arena.
I’m told: “The girls have been taking tips from some of the best pole dancers in the business to put together a really naughty dance routine for their song Fix Me Up.
“Each of the girls has their own podium-mounted pole to show off their skills and costumes. It’s jaw-dropping stuff.”
I wonder if they had a spare gimp mask left over for her hubby ASHLEY COLE?
It's surprising the bands you never even noticed had split up. Roxette, for example. They'd split. I don't know, I guess if I'd thought about it, I might have thought they were doing cabaret somewhere, or tromping round whatever the Swedish equivalent of the Butlins-Pontins circuit is.
But, no, they'd split. But they're getting back together. Vaguely:
[Per] says, “I think we will do that, one way or another, maybe not touring but one way or another I think we’re going to do something together. I don’t know when, but I can’t really see any reason why not. Maybe not touring but one way or another I think we’re going to do something together. It’s just a matter of what Marie feels comfortable with and what I’m doing at the moment, so I keep my fingers crossed.”
Understandably, TalkSport are all thrilled at the idea of Russell Brand and Noel Gallagher popping up on the TalkSport radio to talk about sport. Very, very excited indeed:
"They are global names," [says TalkSport's Moz] Dee. "He is a Hollywood movie star and Noel belongs to the biggest band in the world. They will bring a level of notoriety to wherever they go. But it wouldn't work if they weren't genuinely passionate about sport and about football.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on moz dee, noel gallagher, russell brand, talksport
The slightly provocatively bylined "Scotland's music festival" that was to have been Homecoming is off. And not simply because of T In The Park saying "I'm sorry, what?"
No, money is at the heart of the cancellation, as so often is the case:
It is with great regret that organisers of the Homecoming festival have announced that this year’s event has been cancelled.
This is due to new demands from the council requesting 50% of the profits and a £60,000 bond on the land.
All ticket holders will be entitled to a full refund, and arrangements are currently being made to organise new venues and dates for some of the artists that were scheduled to perform at Homecoming 09.
More details will be revealed as soon as possible.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cancellation, festivals, homecoming, north ayrshire council, scotland
Good news: Assuming it doesn't leak online and have its launch date brought forward, Regina Spektor's new album will be with us on June 23rd [US release date]. There's going to be a "world" tour in support, or at least a tour of parts of the world.
Oh, what larks: a recording session supposedly featuring Amy Winehouse and Snoop Dogg went, predictably, nowhere and Gordon knows why.
They were all on the drugs.
AMY WINEHOUSE isn’t shy of herbal refreshments and SNOOP DOGG has built his career on smoking industrial-strength marijuana.
So when the two teamed up in the studio, mountains of Monster Munch were eaten... but not a great deal of music was laid down.
Amy's tracks pawsed
PREGNANT COLEEN ROONEY is planning a Caesarean birth for her baby, so hubby WAYNE can play for England in a key World Cup qualifier.
Now pals have revealed that excited Coleen has consulted doctors about having a Caesarean in late September. That would allow Man Utd ace Wayne, 23, to witness the birth and help care for their tot in its earliest days before joining his countrymen for the crunch match.
“Pregnancy is a miracle, but it’s still the early stages. I really want to be able to keep as quiet and calm as possible for the sake of our baby.”
The couple, jointly worth £30million, do not yet know the sex of their child.
But friends say they have joked that they will choose James if it turns out to be a boy — because they think the baby was conceived after their 007-themed bash on New Year’s Eve.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amy winehouse, colleen mcloughlin, drugs, football, gordon smart, pregnancy, sara nathan, snoop dogg, wayne rooney
Probably not, but that's not stopped everyone getting excited by the prospect of a new look Zune (or, more accurately, a Zune that desperately wants to be an iPod Touch), and even more rumours that it might actually be sold in places other than America and Canada. These rumours, of course, clash with the other rumours of an imminent demise of Zune as a brand. It wouldn't be entirely impossible for Microsoft's Zune division to be pushing ahead with expansion plans even as another part of the corporation is drawing up plans for liquidation, so you could quite happily choose to believe both of these claims.
What the hell is Mercedes-Benz World, then? It is, as the name suggests, exactly what you'd expect:
As the flagship of Mercedes-Benz in the UK, and located on the famous Brooklands site, Mercedes-Benz World is a memorable day out for any motoring fan.
Not only can you get hands-on with all our cars; you can take the opportunity to test drive the latest models around the handling circuit, or put both the car and your driving skills to the test with one of our various Driving Experiences.
And although driving is our first passion, it's not all we have to offer. Inside, you can take a walk around the exhibitions and get up close to the famous Gullwing and Maybach. In the cinema, you can learn about the history of the Mercedes-Benz brand; and in the simulator you'll be transported down a production line.
This year's Nightmare Before Christmas is in the control of Kevin Shields, who has wasted no time in booking some acts, including Sonic Youth and, somewhat more puzzlingly, De La Soul.
Although given their 'splitting the audience into bits and getting them to sing against each other' schtick, perhaps a holiday camp is just the right stage for La Soul.
The Horrors, too, are rewarded for having attempted to pass themselves off as the Telescopes by getting a slot, too, which means they're going to have to keep it up until December.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on all tomorrows parties, de la soul, kevin shields, minehead, nightmare before christmas, sonic youth, the horrors
During the easter track smackdown thingy, I was asked why MySpace Music wasn't one of the services. The short answer would have been that, with MySpace Music UK yet to launch, it didn't seem fair to test them.
But that does raise a question: Where is MySpace's UK version of its much touted save-the-house Music service?
Still very much in the future, apparently:
Courtney Holt, president of MySpace Music, distanced himself from steps which had been taken before his arrival in January but admitted the social network may have jumped the gun and approached partners too early.
"I'm working on trying to make sense of a business that existed as a bunch of features," he said. "So we went silent while we brought in the right people. Perhaps we launched the business before we had the key stakeholders in place internally."
"Most of the steps on the label side have been dealt with," he said. "We've taken active steps for international expansion. The product side is global so we've done the work for the core offering wherever we go."
The on-off-on-off Michael Jackson stuff auction is now, ooh, off, what with all the lawsuit business and so on.
To an outside eye, it would appear that Jackson was going to flog all this stuff when he needed the money, but now he's shaken down people for O2 tickets, he's decided to keep his tat:
Jackson's manager, Dr Tohme Tohme, said the auction had only come about after a significant misunderstanding. "It was his personal property. It was never supposed to be sold."
The BPI's press release trumpeting that the UK has a small but growing market share in US recorded music sees Gordon coming over all proud:
Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the airwaves...
AMERICA is in the grip of a second British invasion.
New data from the British Phonographic Industry shows British acts’ sales have surged in the past year, making us punch far above our modest size in the huge market.
UK acts now account for a whopping one in ten records sold in North America.
And 2008 saw our share of the multi-billion-dollar American scene leap 1.5 per cent.
No reliable sales data was produced at the time, but my insider at the BPI tells me they suspect today’s artists have had a bigger impact.
The source said: “It’s frustrating because the US recording industry has not kept the correct data from the time to prove it conclusively.
“But we’re certain British pop music is having more of an impact in America now than it has ever done.
“It’s a huge feat to get to ten per cent because the US record-buying public are notoriously insular in their tastes and often resistant to imports.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on ac-dc, bpi, gordon smart, leona lewis, mel gibson, pete samson
Given that Circuit City was a hole long before it closed all its stores, you might wonder who would be interested in buying the name and the brand. Systemax, apparently. That's the same people who picked up the CompUSA brand when that chain crashed, and have since been gingerly reopening stores under the name.
Which must annoy them that most empty Comp USAs still have their lights on at night, which means their expensive brand gets eroded a little bit each time someone drives by.
Still, they're quite keen to take on the values of Circuit City, too. It's probably given Systemax's interests in electronics they won't be overly bothered by the chain's CD business.
The last Depeche Mode album was a surprising return-to-importance, so there's high hopes around the new one. If you want to know what Sounds Of The Universe sounds like, NME and we7 have hooked up to poke the sound to you through a widget. (Although, strictly speaking, if it's embedded in a page and can't be moved or borrowed or copied, it's not really a widget.)
Spoitfy are also streaming the album, but only to premium users. So, that's five points to Spotify and ten to... oh, hang on; we're not doing that at the moment, are we?
Facebook has told Pirate Bay it doesn't want links to torrents popping up on the service:
Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt told TorrentFreak, “Facebook respects copyrights and our Terms of Service prohibits placement of ‘Share on Facebook’ links on sites that contain “any content that is infringing. Given the controversy surrounding The Pirate Bay and the pending lawsuit against them, we’ve reached out to The Pirate Bay and asked them to remove the ‘Share on Facebook’ links from their site. The Pirate Bay has not responded and so we have blocked their torrents from being shared on Facebook.”
According to the message you’ll see on Facebook it is because it “has been reported as abusive by Facebook users” but this is inaccurate.
Jamie Foxx's idea of advice to Miley Cyrus is, admittedly, crude:
Foxx is heard saying: "Who is Miley Cyrus? The one with all the gums? She need to get a gum transplant!"
He also says: "Make a sex tape and grow up!"
It's not clear when the comments were made.
A woman is heard calling Cyrus the b-word.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on hannah montana, jamie foxx, miley cyrus, sex tapes, sirius
WFMU's excellent project, the Free Music Archive, has gone live, promising 5,000 free-and-legal tracks released under Creative Commons licences.
It's exciting sounding, and seems to be popular. Which is probably why it's showing a database error right now...
So, after Amazon responds to the reaction to the sudden vanishing of books from its search and sales data, the inquest begins. What was going on?
Everyone seems quite keen to believe that it was down to Weev, because that makes Amazon still seem lovely. The problem, of course, is not just that Weev's code doesn't apparently work (although he responds, understandably, that using it now is going to fail as Amazon have been post-bolted-horse-door-bolting); it's more the philosophical question as to why if he, and his army of "third world" helpers, were targeting Gay and lesbian, bisexual or transgender books, titles like Girl With A One Track Mind or Lady Chatterley's Lover were vanishing, too.
A more plausible explanation for what went wrong has emerged, though: could sexy titles have been lost in translation?
Former Amazonian Mike Daisey offers some insight.
"After hearing from people on the inside at Amazon, I am convinced it was in fact, a 'glitch,'" he says on his Web site. "Well, more like user error--some idiot editing code for one of the many international versions of Amazon mixed up the difference between 'adult' and 'erotic' and 'sexuality.' All the sites are tied together, so editing one affected all for blacklisting, and ta-da, you get the situation."
According to Daisey's inside sources, "A guy from Amazon France got confused on how he was editing the site, and mixed up 'adult,' which is the term they use for porn, with stuff like 'erotic' and 'sexuality.' That browse node editor is universal, so by doing that there he affected ALL of Amazon."
Well, it wasn't going well, was it? The actor Billy Bob Thornton has pulled the remaining support dates on Willie Nelson's Canadian tour.
Because all of Canada hate him.
Or, officially:
[D]ue to "one band member and several of the crew having the flu".
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on billy bob thornton, canada, cancellation, rock sick list, willie nelson
Every so often - and it feels like once every eleven months or so - Gordon runs a story which manages to be believable, something we didn't already know and actually quite interesting. I suspect he does it just to throw the grey churn of day after day grinding out stuff about Kelly Brook's breasts into even sharper relief.
Whatever, the revelation that Lily Allen was a ringer on an Atomic Kitten track is wonderful; the claim being that Natasha Hamilton was too unwell to sing Keith Allen's song for the theme tune to Mike Bassett: England Manager, and - surprise - Lily just happened to be ready for a go.
Gordon even has quite a good joke, as well, because he has a picture of a teenage Lily with some puppets:
And I love the one on the left with the Sooty and Sweep puppets.
I bet she did some brilliant voice-overs for them too.
MADONNA holds little MERCY JAMES to her breast at a Malawi orphanage — in a tender scene the day before her adoption hopes were dashed.
The snap emerged yesterday as Madge, 50, vowed to keep fighting for the three-year-old to become a sister for her adopted Malawian son DAVID.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on adoption, atomic kitten, gordon smart, lily allen, madonna
BBC News are reporting that Phil Spector has been convicted of second degree murder.
Dee Dee Ramone's wife Vera Davie has hit a snag in getting her story of life with a Ramone published. The estate has objected, with executor Ira Herzog claiming Davie had reneged on a pledge to allow him to "review and revise" anything that she wrote about her ex-husband.
It's not entirely clear why Herzog would imagine that he has a right of veto over Davie's own life story - if Dee Dee was still alive, he might have an expectation of fair treatment, but that would come after publication. And he's not alive, otherwise he wouldn't have an executor. Well, I suppose he could be incredibly lazy and faked his own death in order to get someone to take day-to-day responsibility for his financers, but I'm pretty sure we would have heard. Or maybe not, as Herzog might have stopped publication of a book revealing that, too.
Let's assume Dee Dee is dead, for now, and just ponder what grounds Herzog will offer to stop the book.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on autobiography, books, dee dee ramone, the ramones
Four days. Twelve tracks. A bunch of points. But what have we discovered?
Amazon, it turns out, would have been the victor had their management decided to throw away any claims to a moral victory.
As someone pointed out in the comments, 'grey' material thrives on user-generated services - although even with this advantage, Imeem didn't do particularly well.
YouTube could probably save a fortune (and crush Imeem, actually) if it offered an option for people to upload just audio. Seriously, how much bandwidth and storage space are Google paying for to hold and transfer images of record labels and sleeves that people are only making in the first place because there needs to be something for the visual part of the video. Make an mp3 YouTube, Google. You'll save yourself a bundle.
The PRS' doomy claims that music is being switched off from YouTube is a little bit overstating the case - some good stuff is missing, but it's nowhere near as silent as you might think.
iTunes has pretty good coverage for a legal service.
Spotify might just have been unlucky, but to only hit one track out of twelve suggests that it might have more gaps in its memory than Sam Beckett that time he jumped into the hospital and got electroshock therapy.
We7 haven't ever claimed to be a home for obscure stuff, which is quite wise, but their people are lovely.
Bernard Cribbins' back catalogue has survived more successfully than most 1980s-90s indie.
It might be a good idea - we7, you can have this for free - if searches which turn up empty had a box saying "sorry we don't have what you're looking for, can you tell us about the song and we'll see if we can get it for you"?
Some people will do anything to fill their blogs over a bank holiday weekend.
And that, then, concludes the first ever Easter Track Smackdown, with Amazon hiding children from the gays; YouTube punching the air in triumph while humming Eye Of The Tiger, videoing itself doing so and then pulling its own video after complaints from Survivor's record label; iTunes trying to somehow create a Genius playlist out of the events of the last four days and hanging forever; and Spotify looking a little bit like the smart kid from sixth form who's just done his first university seminar and realised that things have just got a little harder.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, easter track smackdown, emusic, itunes,, spotify, we7, youtube
Yes, the end is now in sight. And how better to greet the end of a four-day experiment than by calling for Hurrahs? More precisely, Hurrah's If Love Could Kill - "you had a boyfriend, hundreds of miles away/ I had a girl, away for a day". A tale of a quick shag unraveling four lives, a big favourite with the supposedly virginal Are You Scared To Get Happy fanzine and, sadly, Hurrah's passport to a major deal which quickly beat the attention to detail out of them.
Can it be found digitally?
For this final round - to build an air of tension or something - we're bringing on the competitors based on their positions on the leaderboard, lowest to highest. First to go then is:
It's not even the exclamation point confusing Spotify, which ends its campaign by muttering something about Hurrah! Another Year soundtracks.
Zero points, giving a total of 9.
"Gallant and Gay, we'll march away" is amongst the bemusing and wrong responses to a search for Hurrah. Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course. We7 marches away.
Zero points, giving a final score of 14
Again, this is yer basic indie, and the sort of thing that eMusic should be good at - especially as it calls for a subscription. But, no. Bip Bip Hurrah is not going to satisfy us, sirs.
Zero points, giving a final score of 19
Last FM:
Oh, no: disaster for Last FM just moments from the finish line. Having been very good at knowing bands, even if not having much of the music, it leaps to the conclusion that we're interested in a post rock band from Orlando. We are, actually, but not right now.
After a diversion into emo, the song title comes up trumps, but still mute.
One point off for jumping to conclusions, but one point returned for treating the exclamation mark in the band name as important, for a final score of 27.
Like it's suffering from time lag, or hasn't quite got over the last search, looking for the song title on this one brings up Psycho Mike by KillingxLove. Perhaps this is meant to be an semi-intelligent search, learning as we go. Or maybe it can't get over the word "kill". Like a Daily Mail search engine, it's all got to be about killing.
No marks for Imeem, bringing its final tally to 33.
145 search results for Hurrah!, and not one of them our Hurrah! It's nice to discover a Young Marble Giants album called Live At The Hurrah, but I'm not convinced that's going to get me singing along with a catch in my voice.
iTunes has added nothing to its total, and so winds up with 37
Nobody is doing especially well on the final round, as even YouTube tries to palm me off with Heart's If Looks Could Kill. There's not even a sniff of the band's 1987 Tube appearance, either.
No further points for YouTube, then, but they can wave their 41 points at the PRS in some sort of second-placed victory dance.
Nothing from Amazon, either, so they get no extra points.
However, since we started out on this experiment, the news has broken that Amazon has started to strip sales rank data from "adult" books, and throwing its adult net a little wide, to include stuff like Sexing The Cherry, self-help books for gay men and, erm, the hardcover version of John Barrowman's autobiography; because these sales ranks drive some of the searches and Best Sellers lists, effectively Amazon is making some books invisible. Because it's thinking of the children, apparently:
In consideration of our entire customer base, we exclude "adult" material from appearing in some searches and best seller lists. Since these lists are generated using sales ranks, adult materials must also be excluded from that feature.
Hence, if you have further questions, kindly write back to us.
Best regards,
Ashlyn D
Member Services Advantage
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, easter track smackdown, emusic, hurrah, imeem, itunes,, we7, youtube
There's a tussle at the top as YouTube, Amazon and iTunes struggle for supremacy in our Easter weekend battle to determine who's best at finding the random list of tracks we scribbled down in the late hours of Maundy Thursday. But now comes a big ask: who can give us a song by an act who are - despite having been on ZTT alongside Propaganda and Frankie - so obscure, they don't merit a Wikipedia page.
The Das Psycho Rangers (or, sometimes, Das Psych-oh Rangers) exist mainly in my mind as a haunting, 4ADesque Janice Long session. The standout track from that session was Homage. Do any of you digital stores hold the studio version?
Now, however much pity you might feel for Spotify, you're not going to expect us to give them marks for bringing up Power Rangers soundtrack songs in response to this search, are you? Zero, again.
Last FM:
The CBS team aren't bemused by the two names - in fact, they've never heard of the Psych-Oh spelling. But there aren't even any suggestions for tracks from the band, so zero.
Please, pleads iTunes, Powersearch. I'm sure my power search will turn up something.
But, no. Not a thing. Zero.
Again, nothing. Last FM is starting to look a lot cooler, because at least it's heard of them, even if it has to make that noise you do when asked for an opinion on a band whose existence you have registered without having ever heard their music.
The comments on the band's one appearance on YouTube, with Love Terminator, suggests they were trying to rip off Zodiac Mindwarp - and from here, you can see where that charge might have come from:
But why would you try to steal ideas from Zodiac Mindwarp, which was essentially Motorheadinjury?
A two point bonus to YouTube for having something, although it does piss a bit over the memory of the Janice Long session iteration of the band. Which, to be fair, is something Zodiac Mindwarp might have done.
When Amazon flops, it flops badly. "Hey - how about picking up this Kelly Clarkson song instead?" Zero.
An almost empty results page tries to interest me in a Psycho ringtone. I walk away, backwards, slowly, smiling... no fast movements, no fast movements... - zero
Roy Rogers? Are you joking? Zero.
There's a salutary lesson here, if you wish to hear it: ZTT were indie, but not, by any means, an insignificant force in the 1980s music scene. That no legal service offers anything approaching their complete catalogue shows how far we are from having everything online. We're not even near everything you'd expect yet.
With that thought, let's take a look at the latest standings:
Amazon 47
YouTube 41
iTunes 37
Imeem 33
eMusic 19
we7 14
Spotify 09
Finally: a fanzine favourite's heart-break classic to round us off.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, das psycho rangers, easter track smackdown, itunes,, we7, youtube, ztt
Courtney Love is about to start the massive task of getting back the millions of dollars she reckons have been stolen from her. The money Kurt earned, obviously. Her lawyer is already busily overselling the case to any gossip column in the US with a vague grasp of contempt of court:
"I have never seen such greed and moral turpitude. This case is going to make Bernard Madoff look warm and fuzzy," Love's lawyer, Rhonda J. Holmes, of Gordon & Holmes in San Diego, told Page Six.
"We will be filing civil cases . . . within the next 30 days. There are many, many millions missing. We've only been able to track down $30 million, but there is more. And then there is the real estate."
"There is now a web of homes which were bought, flipped and used to launder money -- up to $500 million worth," Holmes said. "Any of the property we can get back will be donated to people who have lost their homes in foreclosures."
"Courtney noticed the money was gone when there wasn't any left. It's no secret she struggled with substance-abuse issues, but in the last year she's taken a more serious approach to sobriety and started noticing things were wrong. She hired private investigators, accountants and me."
"We are also working with local and federal authorities," Holmes said. "When Mr. Cobain died in 1994, he left his enormously wealthy estate behind for the benefit of his mother, two sisters, a brother, his wife and young daughter. Many of those [involved with] the estate's coffers mismanaged, stole and outright looted it shamelessly."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on courtney love, kurt cobain, legal, money, page six
Global Radio has been struggling to balance its books, and carry out the cussedly difficult job of broadcasting radio programmes shortly after letting 200 of its staff go.
That's "letting them go" in the same way that the rugby team let their colleagues go when they crashed in the Andes.
So how do you keep the stations on air?
Ashley Tabor has a plan:
"I have been trying to find a way to harness the passion for radio amongst young people," he told the world, well the UK, earlier this week.
The plan is to recruit 500 work-experience lackeys per year. "The Global Academy will ultimately create a supply of real talent to the commercial radio industry," Tabor proclaimed.
Gordon this morning reports - complete with a confusing graphic - on Mark Owen's plans for a fourth solo album. A seasoned celebrity watcher like Gordon, of course, will have no problem predicting what will happen next:
History isn’t on Mark’s side but I have a sneaky suspicion he might just do it.
Mark also has impeccable music taste. PRIMAL SCREAM, STONE ROSES, OASIS, THE VERVE and a lot of small indie and rock acts are what he listens to when he’s not making grown women scream.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, mark owen, solo careers, take that
In a bid to keep up to date with what the kids are up to, Billboard has hired a couple of these bloggy chappies from off the internet: Glenn Peoples and David Prince.
The real bad news here is that Peoples is going to shutter Coolfer to concentrate on his new job; Prince is going to continue with The Daily Swarm, but it will shift from main focus to side project.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on billboard, coolfer, hypebot, music journalists, other music blogs are available
Welcome, as the sun rises on the fourth and final day of the Easter Track Smackdown as we attempt to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, what your best bet for finding tracks on the internet is.
Before we move onto the first of our final three slightly obscure tracks, some correspondence which has been entered into: We7's John Taysom popped up to offer a spirited defence of his company's USP - no need to download anything, free to stream stuff before you buy - and asks if he can have their point back.
To be fair, We7 might not have the tracks we've been seeking, but they're pretty usable. And given that they're not doing very well on points, but still happy to actually take the time over a bank holiday weekend to write a proper comment that - unlike QTrax and their nasty astroturf - is polite and measured, yes: you get a point back.
So, then, to today's first tussle, and we're looking for Self Destruction by the Stop The Violence Movement. A Band Aid style project pulled together by KRS-One in the wake of the murder of Scott La Rock, the 1989 record attempted to persuade rappers to put down their guns.
It wasn't, you'd have to say, a major success, and perhaps was doomed to fail when you consider Miss Melody's line that "you ain't guarding a door, so what you got a gun for?", which seemed to just open a loophole when zero-tolerance was probably what was needed. Also, given the way violence was about to spill out into war, only having East Coast artists might not have been the best move.
But it was a well-intentioned effort, and it sounded a lot better than Ferry Aid. (Is it wrong to compare charity singles like that? Have I had three points taken off my mortal soul score somewhere?) The question, though: does it exist online?
Ask Spotify for Self Destruction, and it throws up goth, not rap. Poor show, Spotify. Zero. Again.
Last FM:
The best thing about this being the last day of this event is that I won't have to see that bloody Boat That Rocked banner ad any more. Bill Nighy, what were you thinking? Does Richard Curtis hold your soul in a small metal container, and won't let you have it back until he's stopped making romcoms? And even if he does, did you have to sign off on that photo? Seriously?
Anyway... not only does LastFM know of the track, but it's smarter than us, knowing the song was credited to the Stop The Violence All Stars. Doesn't have it to play, though, but - in the words of Fry And Laurie being Robert Robinson - an extra point for being so clever.
It's smart enough to suggest that Boogie Down Production's track called Stop The Violence might work, providing you scroll far enough through the results. Four points for being near enough.
Again, suggests the BDP version might fit the bill for KRS-One related anti-hiphop violence tracks, which garners four points. And a warning to all to stop copying from their neighbours.
At first, this looks like a fan video. Then, as you get to the scene which looks not unlike that Comic Relief PG Tips/Admiral/Meerkat/Smash boardroom set-up, you realise it's the real deal:
Ten effortless points for the Googleplex, and a surprised guffaw that they started the video making it look like the sort of thing the Chart Show would lob on if there wasn't a video to show.
Amazon coast to an easy four points by listing Boogie Down Productions - in about seventeen different versions. Including an instrumental. An instrumental? Isn't that like releasing Das Kapital, but only with the pictures.
The track? Oh, yes - neatly filed under all the names of the artists taking part. And the video. Almost tempted to give 20 points, but since that would mess with the results, Imeem can have thirteen.
Fifty nine songs called Self Destruction. None of them are the ones we're after. Zero points.
So, we're begging ourselves not to fight, but what has this round done to the rankings?
Amazon - 47
YouTube - 39
iTunes - 37
Imeem - 33
LastFM - 27
eMusic - 19
we7 - 14
Spotify - 09
So, YouTube sneaks ahead of iTunes, while eMusic starts to feel we7's breath coming up behind it. And Spotify discovering that, when the chips are down, you need more than a lot of favourable press coverage to satisfy the further-flung desires of the listener.
But still two tracks to go, with only LastFM's mid-table position seeming secure. Coming next, label mates of Frankie Goes To Hollywood: surely they must be easy to find?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, boogie down productions, easter track smackdown, emusic, imeem, itunes, krs-one,, spotify, stop the violence movement, we7, youtube
As the PRS campaign against Google swings into what I suspect they're considering is "action", more of the songwriter's cash has been burned through on holding a press conference to launch And, just to help stress the idea that this isn't about making rich men even richer, they invited Pete Waterman to be the star turn.
Yes, there'd be nothing crocodile-like in tears shed listening to forty-times-over-millionaire Pete Waterman complaining that he only got a few quid from YouTube. You would have thought that if PRS really felt the need to spend cash on an event to promote its pretend-debate site, they might have been better off finding someone to whom a quadrupling, or even dodecarupling, of the YouTube money would make a blind bit of difference to. But they won't find anyone, because they know that there's so little money in individual plays on YouTube it won't help anyone over the poverty line. It's a bit of extra; it's money for jam; it's pin money.
So, instead, PRS invite us to think sad thoughts of a multi-multi-millionaire not making much extra:
"There was I sitting at Christmas thinking, 'I must have made a few bob this year with the old Rickrolling'," he said.
"I rang my publisher and they said 'You'll be all right', until I saw the royalty statement. £11.
"If 154 million plays means £11, I get more from Radio Stoke playing Never Gonna Give You Up than I do from YouTube."
"Panorama did a documentary on the exploitation of foreign workers in Dubai," he said.
"I feel like one of those workers, because I earned less for a year's work off Google or YouTube than they did off the Bahrain government."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bitter men of pop, google, pete waterman, prs, rick astley, rickrolling, stock aitken and waterman, youtube
StubHub, eBay's US scalping operation, are subject of a minor roasting on Consumerist - albeit from one side of the story. A Consumerist reader complained to the company that the tickets he paid handsomely for never arrived; StubHub's response was that they sent them, so they must have arrived:
And again I re-iterated that I did not receive them and StubHub should refund my money. She said they cannot do so. After a few minutes of this, I asked her if she can trace the email. She says, "No". At this point, I asked for a supervisor, hoping that maybe there is some recourse. Felica, at this point, tells me that I can't speak to a supervisor because there is nothing a supervisor can do to help. I ask again, stating that I'd still like to speak to one and again she refuses this time adding that no supervisors are available for these types of issues.
Randy Cain, founding member of The Delfonics, has died.
Cain stayed with the band until 1971, during the period when they recorded their two key Philly Sound classics, La La Means I Love You and Ready Or Not (Here I Come). After quitting the band, Cain went on to help turn the rougher-sounding Shades Of Love into Blue Magic. With his guidance, Magic went on to nab a top ten hit with Sideshow.
Cain joined a reformulated Delfonics in the 1980s, fulfilling the rule of reunion acts in that they then split, and carried on with at least two versions Delfonics on the circuit for a time. Cain, however, backed the wrong horse and a rival Delfonics, built around his original replacement Major Harris, would be the one to get the sweeter gigs.
Randy Cain died on Thursday; the coroners office of Maple Shade New Jersey has not released any further details.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on obit, obituary, randy cain, soul, the delfonics
Roughly, it's estimated that Doctor Who costs £770,000 an episode. So does the Telegraph really believe that the three-minute Radio One ad cost £700,000?
The advert is estimated to have cost up to £700,000 – for facilities, crew, animal hire, costumes, special effects and production time
– according to advertising sources.
There was an interesting post on the Creative Review blog about a pop video U2 have made which they were insisting wasn't a pop video:
Deluxe editions of U2’s new album, No Line On The Horizon are accompanied by Linear, a specially commissioned film by Anton Corbijn. “It is not an extended music video or a U2 documentary, it’s a new way to listen to a record - a new way to use film to connect to music,” claims Corbijn.
The idea is that, as many people will be listening to the album on a computer or MP3 player with video screen, they can choose to listen and watch the film at the same time.
The idea of the companion film was apparently developed during the making of the album. “The thinking is that as a lot of people buy music from the internet and are likely to hear this on a computer or mp3 player, their listening pleasure could be heightened by visuals. It is not essential to the record - you can either watch it or ignore it,” says Corbijn.
With Wired already planning its next big cover story - "Internet fails to find song by bloke who used to be in sitcom" - it's up to the DNS servers and, uh, electrical... stuff... to prove that all these years building the web hasn't all been in vain.
Apart from the drumstick-as-dildo porn, of course. We'll always have that.
So, can we discover Peterborough's The Fat Tulips Where's Clare Grogan Now somewhere in our various competitor's hard drives.
Coming from the is-it-ATV, is-it-Anglia town of Peterborough, The Fat Tulips glimmered around the end of the 1980s and recorded their tribute to everyone's favourite pop star for their own Heaven Records. It's one of our first experiences of just how stupid rights holders can be, as the seven inch came with a little slip of paper which explained how they'd asked the distributors of Gregory's Girl if they could include a clip of Clare saying "goodnight Mr Spaceman" at the end of the song, only to be told no. Seriously, the rights holders believed that a small snatch on a self-released 7" would harm ticket sales for the film. Because if you'd heard a five second piece of dialogue, you wouldn't bother going to see the whole film. "I know how it ends, she says goodnight. Not worth going, is it?"
In fact, when you see how difficult to cope the music and movies found 1990, it's not surprising they'd fallen apart totally when things got really difficult, is it?
Still, with The Fat Tulips having dealt with a potential rights nightmare, has the song found its way online?
Did you mean Fat Tulip? asks Spotify. Well... let's say I did. What have you got?
Waltzing Tulip Polka by Fat Louie Szykowski.
Are you 'avin a laugh? Really?
Zero point for Spotify again.
Last FM:
No Where's Clare Grogan Now, but Last FM does have a bunch of late-period Fat Tulips stuff, in a mix of pointless thirty second clips, full tracks and even free downloads. Impressive enough to wrestle four marks from the panel of judges.
iTunes is here again with the Waltzing bloody Tulip. It doesn't even have the good grace to suggest that this is anything other than Not What We Were Looking For. A point off for insolence.
If We7 can't scrape a point this time round, it's going to have an average of one point each round, so it's got a lot to prove.
Obviously, it's not got the Fat Tulips. It doesn't even have yer man Szykowski. I try to find a way to cut a deal to allow even a head-patting single point by asking about Clare Grogan, and even then there's nothing in the vaults. Some people you can't help. Zero.
It has Clare Grogan. It has Fat Tulip's Garden. It even has a bloke apparently smoking drugs from one of the family Liliaceae. But no jangle-pop. Two strikes in a row for Google's evil musician-crushing machine, then.
At least the weight loss advert has an aura of being related advertising here, I guess. Did I mean Fat Joe? Did I mean Fat Bastard?
It does offer a tantalising glimpse of what it claims is Wham doing Young Guns on Christmas Top Of The Pops, but with a still showing Clare Grogan on Pop Quiz. But the video isn't "available", so it's not even getting a consolation point.
Nothing, but it does offer a chance to search for artists like Fat Tulips. Amongst these is Ray Charles, whose C86 work was, perhaps, somewhat cruelly ignored by the critics at the time. Zero.
So, day three of our tournament closes with another track that doesn't appear to be easily found online, legally at least.
A quick look at the scoreboard as we head into the last day:
Amazon - 43
iTunes - 33
YouTube - 29
LastFM - 26
Imeem - 20
eMusic - 19
We7 - 09
Tomorrow, we'll start with a Band Aid style social-campaigning multi-artist effort. Don't bother uploading Hear N Aid's Starz, we7, it's not going to be that...
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, easter track smackdown, emusic, fat tulips, imeem, itunes,, youtube
Oh, yes, digital world - you might have no problem serving up a slice of Bernard Cribbins playing it straight. But what of Wilfrid Brambell's Second Hand? Can you find me that?
This is, by the way, a lovely song - Brambell clearly playing off his most famous role as Albert Steptoe, lamenting that everything he's ever owned has been found, borrowed or pre-enjoyed, before concluding that even his wife was second hand. You could write a book about what the song says about attitudes to female sexuality in the post-War era.
But not before you've heard the song, of course. Can you help, the internet?
It's probably not surprising, given Spotify's disappointing performance, that it can't help here. Although it does suggest Steve Winwood's Second Hand Woman might fill the gap. No points.
Last FM:
Tantalisingly, Last FM has scrabbled its scrobbles and says that, in all of recorded history, it's spotted three people playing Wilfrid Brambell but, shrugging, it doesn't even know the name of any songs he might have sung. Zero.
iTunes doesn't have a clue. And considering a search for Bernard Cribbins tried to palm us off with the Frenzy movie, you'd have at least hoped they would have come up with Steptoe And Son Ride Again. Apple fail. Zero.
Once we can stop it getting excited about the prospect of "advert free days", we7 unsurprisingly offers nothing by Wilf, but does bring forward a surprising number of songs called Second Hand. It's not exactly a brand new name, is it? [You may now chuckle, if you wish. No? Oh.]
Lots of Wilf on YouTube, of course, including his appearances on Citizen Smith, Holiday On The Buses and in the Beatles movie with Beatles. But doing Second Hand? Not a sniff. No points.
Even our leader Amazon can't help with this one, although it does suggest - in order - a Steptoe box set, a photo of Wilf Brambell, and an audio cassette. A tape. A point off for making a suggestion from the wrong bloody decade.
Imeem doesn't offer any suggestions at all - not even something from New Boots And Panties - and shows an advert which seems to suggest a weight-loss product might also perform surgeryless gender realignment. And YouTube worry they have trouble attracting quality advertising. Zero.
Completing another failure on the part of the Internet As A Whole, eMusic doesn't have anything, either. It does score a point for suggesting I might like to look at tracks composed by Wilfrid Brambell, and then loses it for instead listing other composers called Wilfrid.
So, as the web proves to not be quite all it's cracked up to be, no change in the rankings, then:
Amazon - 43
iTunes - 34
YouTube - 29
LastFM - 22
Imeem - 20
eMusic - 19
We7 - 09
Coming later today, round nine; and a band named for a Tony Robinson series, with a hymn to someone off Red Dwarf. Can the internet do better?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amazon, easter track smackdown, emusic, imeem, itunes,, steptoe and son, we7, wilfrid brambell, youtube
Anyone doubting the authenticity of Westwood's tweets might like to visit iPlayer and listen to last week's Rob DaBank show, where the man himself reads some of his pieces out. And explains how he's "reinvented" Twitter by using it post random thoughts.
Michael Jackson, eh? He's a little crazy, right? But we never knew how crazy until the Sunday People brought us the scoop:
ONLY a Wacko like Jacko would wear shades AND an umbrella.
Troubled superstar MICHAEL JACKSON, 50, used the king-sized brolly to shield himself from the Beverly Hills sun this week.
Despite the cheerleading for a full-five reunion of Take That from Gordon Smart, it seems that in the cussed fact-based real world it's no nearer happening. Or at least, as the Sunday Mirror puts it:
Asked if they had any Robbie reunion plans, he said: “The answer is no. That’s it. Nothing’s changed on that front.
“We are a happy band at the moment.”
Gary sets the record straight on tonight’s Chris Moyles Quiz Night on Channel 4.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on chris moyles, gary barlow, reunions, robbie williams, sunday mirror, take that
Dan Wootton talks up the "stalker" who has been, apparently, making Matthew Horne's life a misery"
COMEDY king MATHEW HORNE has been living in fear after being targeted by a crazed STALKER.
Mat, 30, endured months of misery, but he admitted: "It's kind of dealt with now."
The woman had been stalking him and had even discovered his top-secret home address causing the police to step in.
My source added: "Mat often feels very exposed because diehard fans try to follow him when he leaves the theatre.
"But this one took it too far and there was a real concern that she had discovered his home address. That's when he knew he had to call in the big boys to deal with it."
Mat has really been feeling the rougher side of fame recently. He's had to put up with some unfair reviews for his film Lesbian Vampire Killers and TV sketch show with pal JAMES CORDEN.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dan wootton, james corden, matthew horne, news of the world
Just the shilly bit this week, with a reminder of last week's interesting releases:
Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
download Two Suns
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone - Vs Children
download Vs Children
Marissa Nadler - Little Hells
download Little Hells
Dananananaykroyd - Hey, Everyone
download Sissy Hits
Great Lakes Swimmers - Lost Channels
download Lost Channels
Doves - Kingdom Of Rust
download Kingdom Of Dust
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz
download It's Blitz
Bob Mould - Life And Times
download Life And Times
The Hold Steady - A Positive Rage
download A Positive Rage
Neil Young - Fork In The Road
Ultravox - The Very Very Very Best Of
download The Very Best Of