Cruel headlines: Peter Andre
ContactMusic with a headline that's all punchline:
Peter Andre Planning Picture Book
The rest writes itself.
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ContactMusic with a headline that's all punchline:
Peter Andre Planning Picture Book
Little Nell, those of you who had to Dickens at school will remember, was a character in The Old Curiosity Shop. There is another Little Nell, though. Little Nell Campbell.
Her Dad wrote a column about family life in the Sydney Daily Telegraph and dubbed her Little Nell in that, a nickname which would stick with her through her adult life as an actress and singer. She was in the Rocky Horror Picture Show - which as far as I can tell is a device men use to wear skirts and stockings in public without having to ask themselves questions about why they enjoy doing so - but also released a series of records of her own.
This is I Wanna Be A Beauty Queen, which appeared on the opening titles of a documentary about the 1978 Alternative Miss World:
[Part of the illustrated Hello]
More4 is showing a documentary on Monday which includes a segment that takes a hard look at celebrity anti-poverty campaigns:
The film that appears to have angered Geldof is Starsuckers, a polemic against media and celebrity that will be broadcast on More 4 on Tuesday. A section of the documentary makes a string of allegations about singer-turned-campaigner.
They include the suggestion money raised from the 1985 Live Aid concerts to tackle famine in Ethiopia was mis-spent, leading to deaths, and criticism that the successor concerts two decades later, Live 8, overshadowed a mass movement of campaigners in the Make Poverty History coalition.
In the letter, seen by the Guardian, Geldof claimed to have had significant influence over world leaders, including Tony Blair, in the run-up to the 2005 G8 summit, and contrasted the achievements of his Live 8 campaign with the global coalition of anti-poverty campaigners, which he characterised as "a bit lame" and almost entirely ineffectual.
Claiming that "all that the combined lobbying might of the total NGO community" failed to ignite public opinion over global poverty, Geldof drew attention to the powerful impact of the Live 8 concerts, which were televised simultaneously to audiences around the world. "They are the vast billions watching," he said. "Brought together around the electric hearth of the TV or computer screen by the Pied Pipers of Rock 'n Roll."
Fearing that Make Poverty History, a global coalition of development agencies, was failing to galvanise public opinion, he said he embarked on a publicity drive. It included "pretending" that millions of activists were headed to Edinburgh from the continent to "re-enact a sort of Dunkirk", he said.
Speaking at a boatyard, Geldof appealed for English boat owners and even rowers to sail across the Channel for "Sail 8" and pick up thousands of European protesters trying to get to Edinburgh for the demonstration on the opening day of the summit on July 6.
Geldof alluded to events during World War II in 1940 when hundreds of thousands of troops were rescued from the German advance in France by a fleet of privately owned craft sailing across the Channel.
"What we are asking people to do is not re-create D-Day but re-create Dunkirk, which is one of the great national legends of our country where normal people got in their boats to rescue our soldiers, 380,000 of them, who were surrounded and came back to fight another day," Geldof said.
It would be the biggest collection of little boats seen since Dunkirk, he said. "This time we are asking that people take to their boats in their thousands and pick up the people of France for a friendlier invasion. It will be beautiful and amazing . . . I think if you have a little rowing boat that would get across, then jump in it and get as far as you can."
He contrasted the success of the Live 8 initiative with the efforts of anti-poverty demonstrators who "were never mentioned" at the summit, where they wielded "not a single shred of influence".
"The G8 has become a pointless ritual where the marchers and the wankers dressed as clowns (wow! Radical) get to throw stones at cops miles from the decision makers, who can't even hear them, and the cops get to crack some heads," he said, adding that he suspected other campaigners knew that his methods were simply more effective. "I can do rock n roll, they can do marching."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bob geldof, channel 4, gleneagles, live 8, tony blair
I guess the oddest thing about Little Richard announcing his plans to retire this year is the discovering that he's not yet 70. I suppose because it feels like he's been around forever, if you'd asked me when I didn't have Google to hand I'd have put him at at least half a decade over that.
Little Richard, then. You don't need me to tell you about him, do you?
He's kept himself busy recently - he even had a job helping the former President get his message across:
[From The Daily Show, of course.]
But this is him doing what he does best - no, not losing members of his backing band to James Brown:
[Part of the Illustrated Hello]
Gordon passes a large chunk of his space over to the awfully-named Eliza Doolittle this morning, mainly because her management team have sent over a photo of her in shorts.
NEW face ELIZA DOOLITTLE certainly is one Fair Lady.
The singer-songwriter - named after the lead character of hit musical and film My Fair Lady - is all set to release debut single Skinny Genes on April 12.
With LILY ALLEN-style lyrics and a love for very short shorts, she's definitely one to watch.
Eliza says: "I love my real surname but it isn't very pop-starry. So I became Eliza Doolittle and now everyone calls me it."
Her dad is theatre director JOHN CAIRD and her mum Tony Award-winning actress FRANCES RUFFELLE.
In the last couple of years, Cannon and Ball have started to get the sort of relocation in the nation's affections that - simply by not dying - stars sometimes do as those who were kids when they were famous get old enough to book television and radio programmes.
And although they might be popping up on Sport Relief and not-too-bad on Simon Mayo's Radio 4 comedy quiz, it's worth remembering that their double glazing advert is closer to the true spirit of what they were like.
Very much of the second string of double acts - somewhere between Little And Large and Lennie and Jerry in the pecking order - their awfulness was pretty much summed up in their first LWT programme, where an early sketch required the knowledge that Rock On Tommy was Bobby Ball's catchphrase for the punchline to work. Maybe at the end of the series. Maybe in the middle. But first programme?
Still, they were popular enough for a while, and even managed somehow to get a film made. The Boys In Blue, which was effectively a remake of a Will Hay movie about the police. Wisely, they updated the plot to the present day. Somewhat foolishly, they forgot to add in any jokes.
Somehow, The Boys In Blue managed to generate a spin-off ITV sit-com. But just as substandard policemen tend to drift into the private security business, a police comedy that didn't quite make the grade got reinvented as a sit com about security guards.
However, while The Boys In Blue is a footnote in C&B's career (a staging post on the route to losing all their money and getting born again), it also marks the point where they tried to launch a career making comedy records too. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Cannon And Ball - the single:
They should have just got Tommy to sing a song, and have Bobby in the background going 'rat-ta-tat-ta-tat'. That got them through most of their Saturday night shows.
[Part of the Illustrated Hello]
Yes, it's a bit like that Sherry that Harveys made for making mixed drinks with - it doesn't feel like it should work.
The difference is that Hot Chip and Bonnie Prince Billy does work, unlike the mixing sherry which even the guys under the bridge wouldn't touch.
RCRD LBL are offering Billy-doing-vocals for Chip I Feel Bonnie. Enjoy, but don't put lemonade in your sherry.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bonnie prince billy, downloads, free, hot chip, mp3s
Last year's Bearded Festival was the one that got hit by a tornado. Which means, what with lightning never striking twice and everything, that it's probably going to be the safest festival of all this year.
If you need more encouragement, Dreadzone are playing. So are Banco De Gaia. And, in increasing order of "oh... are they still going, then", so are The Wonder Stuff, Dodgy, New Model Army and The Cheeky Girls.
There's also going to be a world record attempt for the most false beards in one place at a time - i think the current record is held by the backstage area at the last Smash Hits Poll Winners Party.
It's 14th-16th May, in Hulland Ward near Derby. No screens playing international football at all - guaranteed.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bearded, derbyshire, dodgy, festivals, new model army
Yes, yes, The Beloved mean they're welcoming you whatever your track record of morality is like. But Saints And Sinners are also a not-quite-glam, not-quite-hard rock band from Canada.
"The band released one album, Saints & Sinners in 1992, but the grunge movement in the early 1990s ruined the bands chance of having a big breakthrough" complains Saints And Sinners' Wikipedia entry, happily overlooking their not being much cop as a greater liability.
[Part of the Illustrated Hello
Oh. The first one is a bit of a challenge. Peter and Paul.
The general assumption is these are the Saints of the same name - how apt for today.
You could throw in a Mary and then you'd get this:
Saint Peter was the first Pope - and probably the only one who didn't preside over a Catholic Church that was full of financial and sexual irregularities; Saint Paul was a large city in Minnesota, birthplace of Charles Schultz - who crops up later on in the song via one of his more famous creations. And, across the river in the twin city, there's this chap:
And, erm, they're all saints, aren't they?
Hmm. Two names in and I'm already stretching it a little.
[Part of The illustrated Hello]
It's a Bank Holiday weekend, and how better to mark the *checks Wikipedia* crucifixion and resurrection of a chap than a slightly strained special feature?
Hello by The Beloved is one of the truly great list songs. Clearly, Jon Marsh is of an age where he would have spent much of his youth listening to the Annie Nightingale Request show on Radio One, and as such would have been more than familiar with The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band's Intro And The Outro, to which Hello owes a Joe McIntyre-sized debt:
[The Bonzos doing The Intro And The Outro on Do Not Adjust Your Set]
It's something of a surprise to discover that Hello only made it to Number 19, although that was still quite a lot of money in those days - January 1990. It's also a bit of a surprise to discover that it wasn't the Beloved's biggest hit - that would be Sweet Harmony, which came three years later.
Still, their finest hour, even so:
The question, though, is who were all these people and - more to the point - how tenuously can they be linked back to pop?
so welcome to the world, yeah...
all you late-comers, just step onboard
i'm happy, glad you came
so welcome home again!
sometimes i feel we must be going mad
hello peter, hello paul
saints and sinners, welcome all
tommy cannon and bobby ball
hello, hello, hello, hello
consider, if you will
this great big question, unanswered still
oh, can you spot the difference that lies between
the colour blue and the colour green?
sometimes i feel we must be going mad
little richard, little nell
willy wonka and william tell
salman rushdie and kym mazelle
hello, hello, hello, hello...
so welcome to the team
oh, have you worked it out yet?
yeah - the riddle, i mean
what's the answer?
it's plain to see - blue is blue and it always will be
sometimes i feel that the whole world's going mad
mork and mindy, brian hayes
barry humphries and paris grey
little neepsie, chris and do
hello, hello, hello, hello...
billy corkhill, vince hilaire
freddie flintstone, fred astaire
desmond tutu, steve and claire
hello, hello, hello, hello...
charlie parker, charlie brown
leslie crowther, come on down
mary wilson, di and flo
hello, hello, hello, hello...
sir bufton tufton, jean paul sartre
zippy, bungle, jeffrey archer
andre previn and the lso
hello, hello, hello, hello...
Over the weekend, we'll be obsessively finding out.
[Buy: Single File: The Best Of The Beloved
Cornology - The collected Bonzos]
Always difficult to fill a newspaper on a Bank Holiday - even if you usually just make stuff up and copy out press releases - but Gordon's really scraping around today, splashing with a N-Dubz story that combines Frazer having some of his stupid jewelery robbed:
A source said: "He's gutted it was robbed in the scuffle. It cost him a lot of money and he wants it back.
"He's too embarrassed to go to the police. It's not the way he does things."
Although Fazer's dispossessing episode is no laughing matter, DAPPY being "nicked" yesterday is.
As the band were about to begin a book signing for Against All Odds at Lakeside in Essex, two officers led him away saying they needed to quiz him.
Once they'd got a horrified and confused Dappy into a private room, they announced: "April Fool!"
Brilliant. That's something I would have loved to have seen. Can the comical bobbies reveal themselves please?
TULISA was also stitched up yesterday.
On the way to the signing their tour manager rang ahead to see how many fans were there. When he relayed "only about three," Tulisa wanted to cancel the event and go home.
She didn't realise it was a prank until they saw the 500-strong crowd waiting.
Mucca Nanny in mucky pics
Sara Trumble, 26 - seen proudly posing in undies but who also had TOPLESS snaps taken for a portfolio.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on april fools, dappy, gordon smart, heather mills, n-dubz, the sun, tulisa contostavlos
Credit where it's due: this morning, Gordon Smart gets The Libertines story right while the NME comes across all print the legend.
Smart boils yesterday's press conference to the big idea behind the reunion:
PETE DOHERTY admitted yesterday he has been persuaded to reform THE LIBERTINES because the £1.2million fee will pay off his tax bill.
Pete said at the press conference: "What's appealing about the money is what's left after tax obviously. Which turns out is just enough to pay last year's bill."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on carl barat, gordon smart, nme, pete doherty, reunions, the libertines
This had the air of something that might have been an April Fool, but it appears to be genuine - rather than actually interview people for her Fox News Show, Sarah Palin is merely lobbing in old versions of other people's interviews.
Not in a Wogan Now And Then way. Simply using old stuff, and pretending it's new.
Toby Keith's in it, for example:
Elaine Schock, his publicist, said a radio reporter contacted her seeking details about the programme.
"I said, 'You're wrong. There is no Sarah Palin special with Toby Keith on it on Fox,"' she said.
She said the reporter then e-mailed her the press release issued by Fox News, which said Keith would "explain the inspiration behind his song 'Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue."' Ms Schock said she believed the interview was conducted in January 2009 in Las Vegas but she had received no e-mail or phone call from Fox News informing her it would air on Mrs Palin's show this week.
The LL Cool J interview was from 2008, his spokesman said.
"Contrary to what was reported, LL Cool J was never scheduled to be a guest on 'Real American Stories' with Sarah Palin this week," spokesman Rhett Usry said.. "The show had planned to use an interview from 2008 that was being repurposed without LL's permission.
"This statement is not a reflection of any feelings LL has toward Fox News or Ms. Palin, whom he has never met, rather a clarification of what we have seen published in the media."
Ladytron want your email address. They're going to abuse it, you know, and won't be satisfied until they've had your PIN number. And your mother.
In return, though, they're dishing out a free download of the Grey Ghost remix of Predict The Day.
Worth sharing your email for. Possibly even worth sharing your mother for.
What's especially exciting about this line-up of dates is that they're playing the Krazy House in Liverpool. Blimey.
Tue 27 Cambridge Haymakers £8.50
Wed 28 Guildford Boileroom £8.00
Fri 30 Bedford Esquires £8.00
Sat 01 Harlow Square £9.00
Sun 02 London Camden Crawl, Koko, 1234 records stage
Mon 10 Leicester Sumo £8.00
Tue 11 Cardiff Barfly £9.00
Wed 12 Southampton Joiners £9.00
Thu 13 Brighton The Great Escape, Gaymers Stage, Hectors House
Sat 15 Poole Chords £8.00
Sun 16 Oxford Bullingdon £8.00
Mon 17 Reading Sub89 £9.00
Wed 19 Liverpool Krazy House £8.00
Thu 20 Leeds Cockpit £9.00
Fri 21 Stoke The Sugarmill £8.00
Sat 22 Sheffield Corporation £9.00
Mon 24 Newcastle Cluny £9.00
Tue 25 Glasgow Stereo £9.00
Wed 26 Aberdeen The Tunnels £9.00
Thu 27 Edinburgh caberet Voltaire £9.00
Fri 28 York The Duchess £8.00
Sat 29 Bristol Dot to Dot, Academy 2 £25.00
Sun 30 Nottingham Dot to Dot, Rock City Basement £25.00
Mon 31 Manchester Dot to Dot, Academy 3 £25.00
Wed 02 Birmingham Hare & Hounds £9.00
Thu 03 London Garage £11
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on 80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster, krazy house, liverpool, tour dates
The best place to keep an eye on the still-unfolding Libertines comeback press conference is the @Libertines stream:
Carl - it's something I've been dreaming about six years that I can go onstage and say we're the Libertines
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on babyshambles, carl barat, dirty pretty things, pete doherty, press conference, reunions
Some people would characterise Michael Jackson super-fans as being a bit dippy.
A group of fans have raised $1,250 to fly an airplane banner over the L.A. County Superior Courthouse between 1-2pm on April 5 ... when Dr. Murray is next scheduled to show his face.
The sign will read "We demand justice for Michael Jackson" -- and the group is so fired up about it, they've already sent out a press release with a Photoshopped image of what they think the scene will look like (see above).
The idea that Georgia May is going to be hanging around being written about, simply because three decades ago her dad was making interesting music isn't one that brings any pleasure. She doesn't deserve the way Smart's writing about her this morning, though:
Georgia's a bit Mick and teef
I just wonder if Austin Powersslipped round to JERRY HALL's when ROLLING STONES star Mick was on tour, because her gnashers have a hint of the international man of mystery about them.
T'S unusual for a 5ft 7in girl to make it big in the model world.
The last desperate push to keep EMI sort-of-independent seems like another fumble by the Terra Firma team: the Wall Street Journal reckons that Sony is about to walk away from negotiations to licence the EMI library in the US; Universal have already pulled out and Warners weren't talking to begin with.
EMI needs a lot of money in a hurry to service the stupidly large debt used to buy it. It doesn't seem to have any options left.
Pat Benatar begged us to not use sex as weapon. Understandably so, because that can get quite messy.
But if she thought sex was a terrible weapon, she's lucky she hasn't seen Liam Gallagher using Twitter:
"I only use my twitter as a weapon or to say thanks to people or if people are gettin’ a bit fresh if you know what I mean," Gallagher said. "Instead of waiting 6 months to do an interview to put them in to place do it on Twitter."
"All that - I went for a poo the other day or I just had a beer or I’m scratching my ass watching Neighbours or... this is ridiculous. Who wants to know all the ins and outs of everything?"
Making some amends for their Lord sticking a BPI clause in during its passage through the upper house, the Liberal Democrats have told the government they won't support the Digital Economy Bill:
On Tuesday afternoon, the party's chief whip Paul Burstow tweeted that he had told the government the Liberal Democrats will not support the bill as it is drafted because there is "not enough time for MPs to examine it in detail".
The bill is expected to be become part of 'wash-up', a brief period at the end of a sitting parliament when outstanding legislation becomes the subject of back-room deals between the main two parties, the Conservatives and Labour.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on copyright, elections, file sharing, labour party, liberal democrats
Remember the Grammys declaring they had no room for polka? You must do, we've been going on about it all year.
The Grammys are so far out of it, it ain't true. Polka is KING, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
The idea was to host a Sunday polka brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hire the cutting-edge Chardon Polka Band headed up by 20-year-old Jake Kouwe. (More on him later.) Charge a reasonable $12 a person. Get the Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame to co-sponsor the event. Bring in professional dance teacher Valerie Salstrom from Get Hep Swing for the slow folks and newbies. Teach them how to polka. And do the Slovenian Slide and the Polish Hop. And, of course, throw in the requisite Bloody Marys, eggs, bacon, home fries and French toast.
See what happens.
Advance sales weren't so great. Maybe 25 tickets, tops, sold in advance. OK, not such a great idea after all. Back to the drawing board. Don't get your hopes up.
But at 11 a.m. on Jan. 17, there was a line of people all the way down the street waiting to get into the polka brunch. More than 200 people turned out. More staff was called in. Extra food had to be made. The kitchen went crazy. People of all ages ate and danced. Punks, grandparents and school kids all cut the rug. The music was great. An event was born.
The one in February sold out, too. Same thing happened in March. It seems that lately in Cleveland, Polka rocks.
You're on the internet at the moment, so you'll already have heard of Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley's Evelyn Evelyn side-sorta-main project. Stereogum have got a free sample, MySpace, which is a bit like a We Are The World everyoneathon. Only not for charity. And with Andrew WK.
Oh, also in there is Frances Bean Cobain. Somewhere.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amanda palmer, downloads, frances bean cobain, free, mp3s
Also from RCRDLBL: The Codebreaker Remix of Headlong Into Night by Thieves Like Us.
Not enough? How about if we throw Never Known Love into the pot as well?
Somewhat scandalously, Wikipedia have attempted to delete the Swedish-NooYorkers from the very world - suggesting they have less cultural relevance that Garfield On The Town. That seems a little rough.
[Buy: Play Music]
A treat from RCRDLBL today: Baby Lee, a track which will be well-known to Marc Riley fans as it's been floating about on his 6Music show for about a year. Yes, it's early fruits of the new Teenage Fanclub album.
[Buy: A Catholic Education]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on downloads, free, mp3s, rcrdlbl, teenage fanclub
Ten years after Barbara Walters asked, Ricky Martin has finally answered:
According to the Associated Press, Ricky Martin, who's 38, decided he didn't want to keep any secrets in the closet. But what closet? Frankly this blogger was surprised to learn Ricky Martin was straight.
A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to bring me closer to an amazing turning point in my life. From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time. Things that were too heavy for me to keep inside. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And thisis something worth celebrating.
For many years, there has been only one place where I am in touch with my emotions fearlessly and that's the stage. Being on stage fills my soul in many ways, almost completely. It's my vice. The music, the lights and the roar of the audience are elements that make me feel capable of anything. This rush of adrenaline is incredibly addictive. I don't ever want to stop feeling these emotions. But it is serenity that brings me to where I'm at right now. An amazing emotional place of comprehension, reflection and enlightenment. At this moment I'm feeling the same freedom I usually feel only on stage, without a doubt, I need to share.
Many people told me: "Ricky it's not important", "it's not worth it", "all the years you've worked and everything you've built will collapse", "many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature". Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions.
If someone asked me today, "Ricky, what are you afraid of?" I would answer "the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war...child slavery, terrorism...the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith." But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.
These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.
What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word "happiness" takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.
I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.
Gordon's got a really weird interview with Rage Against The Machine this morning. Reading it - if you didn't know any better - you might assume that RATM had somehow come up with last year's Christmas number one campaign rather than just having been the recipients of other people's hard work.
Rather queasily, the band are now building on what happened last year as part of their promotional framework, thereby validating the idea that Simon Cowell is central to the music industry. You know, the idea that other people were supposedly buying their record to disprove:
Zack told The Sun: "I really hope there are no hard feelings with Simon.
"He seemed to think that it was a bullying campaign but the truth is the British people wanted a change.
"I don't think anybody has heard anything of that Joe guy since Christmas, but we have nothing against him.
"The truth is Simon's shows occasionally produce talent.
"We love Susan Boyle, she is hot.
"To show there are no hard feelings we would like her to perform with us on stage this summer.
"She is a great vocalist and we would love to perform Killing In The Name with her. Everybody knows her in the US and she can add her vocals to anything. It would be an honour for us."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on britain's got talent, christmas, gordon smart, number one, rage against the machine, x factor, zack delarocha
It's a fair question: if the Digital Economy Bill is to be passed before parliament is prorogued, it's only going to happen if it isn't debated properly. Cory Doctrow wonders if the BPI would be relaxed about the bad, poorly debated law that would result. The BPI are reluctant to answer:
I emailed Mr Liversage the next morning and asked whether Mr Mollet, or the BPI, believed that the digital economy bill had received sufficient scrutiny by the peoples' elected representatives, or whether the bill should go to a full debate. I got a terse note back referring me to the earlier statement, which didn't answer my question.
So I asked again. And again. And again. I left messages on Mr Liversage's mobile and landline phones. Sent more email. Silence.
Let me take you through that again: the BPI really wants you to know that its representative didn't say that there was no need for debate on the digital economy bill. But they won't say whether there's a need for debate on the bill.
There's a new Tokyo Police Club album due in June; They're streaming a sample track, Breakneck Speed.
With thanks to the ever-delightful Minnesota Public Radio, here's Tegan And Sara in session from last week:
In what is almost certainly a serious political statement and not a naked attempt to outstrip GaGa & Beyonce's YouTube hits, Erykah Badu has shot a video which sees her taking her pants off as she walks towards the Grassy Knoll in Dallas.
The video ends with a Erykah Badu naked, lying on the ground, with the words, erm "groupthink" bleeding from her head. While actual tourists stare at her in a "should we call an ambulance or the cops" fashion.
There was only one man there with a camera, although some people claim there was a second guy shooting from the grassy knoll.
There are many things you could say about the ill-advised Libertines reunion. Possibly only Gordon would go with this:
Smells like 'tines spirit
If they'd managed to keep going, they were on course to become the biggest rock band in the country.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, leeds festival, reading festival, reunions, the libertines, the sun
From the until-now-last-album, Self Same Thing:
[Buy: the Self-Same Thing]
[Part of Dubstar weekend]
You know what's great about metal? It's just so wild and in your face. Even if you only have a small face, it's all up in it. They just don't care. They sup with the devil. They rock, in short.
Take Dave Mustaine. He's hard as nails. Nothing spooks him.
Oh, except a couple of stage divers getting on stage.
Oh, it's not that Mustaine is a baby or anything. But, right, someone shot Dimebag, right?
"I really don't say a lot from the stage, but those two little fucking assholes that just came up here on stage... We lost a very dear friend of all of ours in the state of Texas, we lost Darrell because some fucking piece of shit came up on the stage behind him and shot him," Mustaine said. "You know what I'm talking about, right?" He continued, "Listen, if you're gonna come up on the stage tonight, just know you're fair game. And if you're gonna stay out there, you're my friends, and if someone comes up on the stage and tries to fuck with me, I want you to help me. We'll take him outside and we'll give him a good old-fashioned Texas fucking beatin' . . . One thing is for sure — those little fuckers got thrown out before I could get hold of them."
"Oh, you're flipping me off. Oh, you big bad-ass. Oh, you're so tough, aren't you? Look at you, aren't you a cocksucker. Yeah. You're flipping me off." He continued, "Hey, I wonder what his mother is doing, but I don't think sucking dick is really important." He added, "This is what happens when your cousins fuck you, you stupid fuck. You don't even have hair on your pussy. Put your fingers up in the air and stuff them up your ass, OK, you cunt? This is definitely dedicated to you. You are not a Texan, you pussy. You're not a Texan. You weren't even born in this fucking country, you pussy.
Off German TV in 1996:
[Buy: Not So Manic Now]
[Part of Dubstar weekend]
Lots of coverage this morning of the 6Music protests in London.
It's probably the first time there's been a popular protest to save a BBC service since the march on Broadcasting House to keep Radio 4 on Long Wave. That march - mainly representing the voice of expats alarmed at a Radio 4 only on FM, and thus beyond the reach of their North European transistors - was a success. The upshot was that the planned rolling news and current affairs station was scrapped, and the original Radio Five was dumped to create a hybrid news and sports service instead.
The last march, then, killed the original Radio 6, and wiped out a bunch of interesting late-night music shows. Let's hope this march sort-of-reverses the effect.
I'm sure Jeremy Hunt really does understand his shadow brief as the Tory's man for Culture, Media and Sport. So, presumably, when he writes stuff like this he's just hoping nobody is actually going to think about:
We also want a structure that encourages people who create digital content to innovate with new business models (like Spotify does for the music industry) rather than look to legislation to protect their current business models. It is a delicate balance: if the law is too heavy-handed, it will stifle innovation; but if it does nothing at all to protect copyright people will simply not be prepared to invest in the creation of new digital content – something that would be very damaging for the UK’s creative industries.
Although their chart career probably wasn't quite as stellar as EMI would have liked, Dubstar did manage to notch up an agreeable number of Top Of The Pops performances. Look! Look! Here's them doing No More Talk:
(When I watched this, it was offering me Julie Andrews tickets to buy; I can't decide if this was a genius piece of targeted marketing or totally broken.)
[Buy No More Talk]
[Part of the Dubstar weekend]
The most-read stories from this month have been:
1. RIP: John Sicolo of TJs, Newport
2. Mark Linkous' death treated as suicide
3. Music Matters: Downloading music is like drink-driving
4. The Economist gets its 6Music numbers muddled
5. RIP: Carol Clerk
6. Graham Coxon sets his fans on a blogger
7. Willie Nelson confirms Glastonbury 2010
8. Gene Simmons wishes there were more bands like Oasis
9. RIP: Charlie Gillett
10. SXSW 2010: Muse
This week was the week of these interesting things:
Goldfrapp - Head First
Download Head First
Laura Marling - I Speak Because I Can
Download I Speak Because I Can
Autechre - Oversteps
Download Oversteps
Galaxie 500 - Today
Download Today
Colourfield - Virgins & Philistines
Download Virgins & Philistines
Pocorn: Fifty Years Of Rock & Roll Movies - Garry Mulholland