Charlotte Hatherley weekend: The Name Of The Game
A spot of Abba covering now, from Plug in Sheffield last October:
[Part of the Charlotte Hatherley weekend]
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A spot of Abba covering now, from Plug in Sheffield last October:
[Part of the Charlotte Hatherley weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on acoustic, charlotte hatherley, live, sheffield, youtube
The Music have canceled tonight's gig in Holmfirth - home of Last Of The Summer Wine, reports
because of problems with frontman Rob Harvey's voice.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cancellation, rob harvey, rock sick list, the music
The deal between U2 and LiveNation which sees U2 leave Island for the company included U2 receiving about $19million worth of stock in the company.
It's so nice when workers get to take a stake in the employers, isn't it?
Neil Young, back in 2003, before it became politically necessary for Clear Channel to spin off LiveNation, observed:
"They are anti-music, and they don't get the spirit of it."
As if the family name hadn't been sullied enough, Hank Williams Junior is trading in what's left of his goodwill in the interests of supporting Sarah Palin and John McCain.
He's rewritten Family Tradition as the McCain-Palin Tradition (a tradition that stretches back to, erm, September, given that they're keen to claim to have nothing to do with previous administrations). But it gets worse than that. Much worse:
The chorus now includes the lines "John and Sarah tell ya just what they think, and they're not gonna blink"
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on elections, hank williams jr, john mccain, presidential race, sarah palin
Summer, recorded live in Birmingham on March 3rd, 2007:
[Part of The Charlotte Hatherley weekend]
One cheer, if that, for the news that the UK is revamping its approach to Eurovision for 2009. It's much needed, but the solution is to get Andrew Lloyd Webber to write a song, while Graham Norton will host a talent show to find someone to sing it.
Yes, they've scrapped Making Your Mind Up and replaced it with the bastard child of How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?
The trouble is, does Lloyd Webber really know how to write a cracking pop tune? Let's not forget the last time he dabbled in pop the result was Bombalurina - Timmy Mallet, a novelty cover and a few three-years-out-of-date "oh yeahs". The nations of Eastern Europe are not, I suspect, quaking tonight.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on a song for europe, andrew lloyd webber, eurovision, eurovision 2009, graham norton, making your mind up
The story of Nokia's Comes With Music deal gets even more tortuous: The Times Mousestrap blog asked Nokia if it was true there was a cap of 120 tracks on users. Unlike back in September when The Guardian asked, and Nokia gave a vague response, Nokia are now denying there's any limit at all:
Once you have bought a Nokia Comes With Music device, there is no per-track cost for these unlimited downloads. There have been some media reports that there is a maximum of 120 tracks but this is not correct.
Your licence to download Comes With Music Content is limited to your personal, non-commercial and reasonable use. If our analysis of your use of the service suggests abusive or excessive downloading, Nokia may contact you and ask you to moderate your usage. If you fail to comply with such a request, Nokia reserves the right to restrict or terminate your use of the service.
So the general guidance we give is that you can download as much music as you want as long as you use the service for your own personal, non-commercial use.
It's been quite a while since Liverpool's Grafton club was on the circuit - the Beatles played there in the past, but it's glory days have so far receded into the distance it's perhaps not surprising its owners are closing it down once and for all. The site is going to become a comedy club.
Here's something extra: Charlotte playing bass with Client on Sweden's TV4 for It's Not Over and Drive:
[Part of the Charlotte Hatherley weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on charlotte hatherley, client, sweden, tv4, youtube
Nelly Furtado did that strange thing for a famous person: she got married without inviting a magazine to give her large piles of cash.
Furtado married Demacio "Demo" Castellon back in July, but nobody noticed until, as SFGate puts it:
The news comes just days after Furtado was spotted out in Miami, Fla., wearing a large sparkler on her ring finger.
Back in September, the world learned that the RIAA was trying to have a lawyer branded as vexatious because, erm, he disagreed with their behaviour.
Now, they've gone a step further: they're trying to have Whitney Harper branded as vexatious, too. The cause of the label's vexation? She has refused to pay a demand for alleged illegal downloading and exercised her right to have the claim heard by a jury.
There's a precise legal definition of vexatious - the RIAA, though, seems to think that it can just use it whenever anyone annoys them slightly. You find yourself wondering if their lawyers are actual legally trained people, or if all the cases are being handled by Mitch Bainwol, a guy who set his PVR up to get the last run of Boston Legal and still intends to watch them one day, and a well-thumbed 1973 edition of Readers Digest's Your Guide To The Law.
[Thanks to Gareth J for the tip]
Gordon's back on the Madonna divorce this morning, with Emma Cox helping out, as Smart details what Ritchie might expect:
GUY RITCHIE will get at least £20million in cash and properties worth many more millions in his surprise settlement with MADONNA, it emerged last night.
The 40-year-old film director gets the couple’s 1,200-acre country estate and a swanky London pub.
The total value will be around $60million — enough for Guy to walk away satisfied.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on divorce, emma cox, gordon smart, guy ritchie, madonna, money
She was excellent in Night Nurse. She brought something to Ash that unquestionably reinvigorated a band that could have slipped into being an indie-by-numbers outfit. And since she was - shall we say - phased out of the band, she's been turning out some cracking solo music. Apparently there's a new record being slapped together - Luke Smith produced, Alan Moulder mixed and it's being mastered right this second. First fruits - a downloady single of some sort - should be here before St Stephens Day. Meanwhile, let's remind ourselves of what we've been missing.
Kicking off with the promo for Bastardo - or B*stardo as Amazon know it:
And, like some sort of DVD extra, here's a making of feature - might seem like nothing to you; to ITV2, this is an evening's programming:
Hatherley on line
Official site
Last FM
The Deep Blue
Grey Will Fade
More videos this weekend
Performing with Client on TV4
Summer live in Birmingham
The Name Of The Game live in Sheffield
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on ash, charlotte hatherley, solo careers, videos, youtube
After a long period of ill-health, Levi Stubbs passed on Friday at his home in Detroit.
The son a foundary worker, Stubbs was born in June 1936. His real name was the subtly but importantly different Levi Stubbles. It was in Detroit, while at Pershing High School, that Levi formed a band with Abdul "Duke" Fakir; in 1954 they hooked up at a party with Renaldo "Obie" Benson and Lawrence Payton and The Four Tops was born. Almost. For a while, they were The Four Aims, which was changed to The Four Tops to avoid confusion with another local band, The Ames Brothers. While the name might have changed, the line-up was pretty solid and lasted for 44 years, until the death of Payton enforced a change of personnel.
In a lucky break, Roquel "Billy" Davis - Payton's cousin who was sometimes drafted in as an extra voice for the group - was a gifted songwriter; Chess records was keen to sign him up to write for the their artists and this gave him the chance to push the Four Tops onto the label. The cut one single for Chess, Kiss Me Baby, which was to be the start of a seven year slog through a number of labels and a large pile of unsold records.
It wasn't until arriving at Berry Gordy's Workshop Jazz label that the band's success playing live started to find a successful shape on disc - Breaking Through wasn't exactly a major smash, but it was enough to persuade Gordy to try moving the band towards soul, shifting them to his more mainstream Motown imprint and, crucially, pairing the group up with Holland-Dozier-Holland. Baby I Need Your Loving reached number 11, and kick-started an eight year stretch of some of the most sublime music ever to grace the US charts.
The depature of Holland-Dozier-Holland from Motown in 1967 started a period of mild decline for the band's fortunes: they still had hits, but 1968 saw them treading water releasing cover versions. Fair enough, one of those covers was Walk Away Renee, but it was a cover nevertheless.
In 1972, unwilling to follow Motown out of Detroit to the new LA base, the band moved to ABC/Dunhill where they had a mini resurgence before fading again. Casablanca Records would be their next home in 1981, delivering their final significant hit, When She Was My Girl. By 1983, they were back at Motown but adjusting to a position as a heritage act.
Stubbs had two acting roles under his belt - one major, one somewhat more obscure. He was the voice of the plant in Little Shop Of Horrors and of Mother Brain in the Captain N Super Mario Brothers spin-off franchise.
He quit touring in 2000 when his health deteriorated. Levi Stubbs was 72; he is survived by five children, 11 grandchildren, and Clineice. At 48 years, their marriage was as durable as the band which made him famous.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on four tops, levi stubbs, motown, obit, obituary
We took our kitten for his orchidectomy today. It looks like Sumesh wasn't the only one to have his manhood permanently rmeoved, as Guy Ritchie's Dad has decided he needs to protect his son from that beastly Madonna:
In his first comments about the marriage split, Ritchie's father, John, said of the reports: "She is being beastly. She is saying, 'Did you ever love me?' It goes back to a time when she fell off her horse and she's blaming him for that. She's calling him an emotional retard. When he's being bashed by her it's horrid."
His father said from the doorstep of his Chelsea home: "I haven't spoken to Guy for a few days. He's very busy. He is really into his new film. He's up to here with work."
One good thing about the Oasismandias tour this summer - it might shut them up about those Knebworth gigs from years and years ago. Do you remember when playing Knebworth was seen as a sign of virility, and any old milksop who wanted to look the big I am dreamed of playing there? Thank god we're past that now, eh?
Oh, hang on... what's this Newsbeat is reporting?
Coldplay are planning to play a massive one-off gig in the grounds of Knebworth House in Hertfordshire.
Chris Martin revealed the news exclusively to Zane Lowe on Radio 1 on Thursday night.
"We're trying to book a place that rhymes with Blebworth.
"We realised there's a lot of people who don't like us in Britain but, you know, they don't have to come."
Apparently unaware that he's flogging a one-note night rather than a four-day event, Noel Gallagher has launched into a Del Boy sales pitch for the Oasisabian tour of 2009:
At a press conference at Wembley Stadium, Gallagher said: "When Michael Eavis reads about this, he will shit himself. I wouldn't bother. This is where it is going to be at next summer.
"Glastonbury is great to be at but it's not really great for people like us to play at. You don't get on until 11 o'clock at night and by the time you get on, all the people that you are with are absolutely bladdered. I think it's better to be at than play at.
"The last time we did Glastonbury, I said I don't think we will ever do it again."
He added that there was something "weird" about playing in front of the "festival crowd" and that there were "not enough speakers".
Gallagher, who hit out at the decision to ask Jay-Z to headline Glastonbury last summer, said: "These gigs are going to be easily the gigs of next year, if not the decade. They are gigs that go down in people's memories... where they might meet their future wives.
"I give thanks that we're going to be headlining it and not just the heritage act before the young kids. Liam, on the other hand, will shit himself," he joked.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on glastonbury, lemurs, noel gallagher, oasis, wembley
There are lots of this sort of video on the internet; normally, though, they've been filmed in order to persuade governments to cut a deal or to encourage insurgents. This time, though, it's intended to push a Britney Spears website overhaul:
[via Holy Moly]
If someone took an already damaged person, and dragged them into a city centre and humiliated them, you'd expect police to get involved.
If it happens on national TV, everyone gives Simon Cowell money. How does that work, exactly?
Nikki McKibbin has been telling Us magazine about how far the duty of care on American Idol goes. It's not that far:
"I came out of Idol with a lack of self-confidence," McKibbin tells the new issue of Us Weekly. "I think I had my first solo in school when I was 5, and I got more as I got older: That's the biggest compliment in choir. I had never been told I wasn't good enough. Having to hear it for so many weeks from Simon Cowell killed me inside. I couldn't get the s--t he had said to me out of my head."
She continued: "It drove me deeper into my depression. I wouldn't say that this was Simon's fault. It just added to the addict that I already was."
"We were heavily chaperoned, but I would buy vodka and sneak it into the refrigerator on the bottom floor," McKibbin tells Us. "If I wasn't too exhausted, I'd have one or two drinks."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on addiction, american idol, drugs, nikki mckibbin, simon cowell
Cassettes Won't Listen had recently been pitching for free the album Ludacrisdemocracy, a mashy-bashy delight that took the Chinese Democracy tunes that had previously leaked and slapped chunks of Ludacris over them.
Quite a delight.
Of course, the sound of young people having fun attracted the attention of the RIAA who have rushed forward with a cease and desist causing it to disappear from the internet in everything but fact.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cassettes won't listen, chinese democracy, copyright, ludacris, riaa
Mike Baldwin traveled from London to Greater Manchester, bringing with him cunning London know-how about how to make cheap clothes and keep down the proletariat at the same time.
Mancunians have learned those skills well, and now Noel and Liam are embarking on a little bit of the rag trade for themselves. Unfortunately, the forgot the importance of having an Elsie Tanner in the supervisor's office to make sure it all works properly. James P picks up the story:
Oasis have generously offered their US fans a free shirt. All they have to do is install a widget and listen to six new tracks. They'll then be redirected to a form which lets them order their reward.
...and here's what actually happened:
Complaints from hapless fans include;
- 'I can't get in'
- 'The website's broken'
- 'It's telling me I 'may be chosen to win' a shirt'
- 'It said that I wanted 17 of the shirts for $220.83'
Care to wager how many days until Noel Gallagher promises us that the *next* widget-based online giveaway will be loads better?
Katy Perry - who, for some reason, turned up at the MTV Latin American awards - indulged in those sorts of fun and games which seem like larks until someone loses any eye.
Jumping into a cake seemd like such a good idea, until Perry discovered why it's called icing:
[Thanks to Michael M]
With Ringo's deadline for signing stuff looming, thank god Dodgy have arranged a bail-out. Two-time Ringo in a Beatles tribute band, Mathew Priest is offering to sign on Ringo's behalf. Only from the 21st, mind:
[Thanks to Mike E for the tip]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dodgy, ringo starr, the beatles, tribute bands
Just one person filing for the Madonna divorce story today - Virginia Wheeler is charged with going through the whole thing again. Readers of The Sun might be a little confused, having been told over the last couple of years that the marriage is strong, that it's being repaired, that it's over, that it's never been a genuine love match, that Madonna is in fact a man called Malcolm and that it fell apart before they even met. Today's line? Apparently it's been dead since 2005, with the most ridiculous headline ever to grace a break-up story:
The moment Madonna fell off that horse, the marriage was doomed
But we can reveal that the truth behind the episode was that Madonna felt 40-year-old Guy “abandoned her emotionally”.
And she became so embittered over his “shabby treatment” that she told pals at the time: “He can’t possibly be my soulmate.”
Xtina's boobs are simply huge
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on christina aguilera, gordon smart, guy ritchie, madonna, the sun, xtina
There's a new album due on December 1st from Extreme Noise Terror; meanwhile, they've cancelled their tour of Mexico which had been due to take place this week.
At first, ENT were outraged that the local promoter was ripping everyone off:
In the last few weeks we started to receive concerned emails from people in Mexico asking if we were still playing the concerts (as we had listed dates for the shows here on our myspace page & our official web page) & those people were saying that they had not seen any posters/flyers for the shows in the cities where we were ment to be playing! Again, some people were saying they had heard 'rumours' that the tour was not going to happen as we were asking too much money & nobody would book us! That concerned us & we have now had some contact with the people from one of the concerts (the Let's Grind The Border Fest crew) & we asked them if they could tell us anything about what was going on or if they had heard from Benjamin. They told us that originally Benjamin was asking each local promoter to pay him an advance sum of money of 25,000 pesos (approximately £1,170) & that they themselves had actually paid this to him in monthly instalments (and in good faith) & also a promoter in Mexico City has paid 15,000 pesos to Benjamin but no other promoter was willing to pay this money to him! Now, to the best of our knowledge Benjamin has not repaid that money to those people & has essentially ripped them off & stolen their money & if he actually releases the ENT cd, he has ripped us off as well as he still owes us $500! Some days before we wrote this blog i personally wrote to Benjamin one last time asking if he would explain himself & this whole crazy mess & if he was actually ok but again i have received no reply....NOTHING! I also explained that if he would not communicate with us i would have no choice other than to write these words.
So, we would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all the people who were expecting to see us in Mexico & we hope that one day we will still be able to play some concerts there. It is not our fault that the tour did not happen & we will not be held responsible for this fucked up situation. If anybody wants to know more information about this, all of Benjamin's email address's are below so please write to him & ask him the questions....we hope you have more luck than we did!
Since then we have exchanged just two emails & have sorted out the differences, i told him it was a shame that he just hadn't contacted us sooner to make us aware of the situation he found himself in & that we would of been completely understanding. It would of also been better for the people who intended to come & see ENT to have been more aware of the truth/real situation & not for them to hear only childish rumours of what 'might' have been happening!
I would like to take this opportunity & state that in the blog i wrote i have one piece of information wrong regarding the amount of money paid to Benjamin from the promoter in Mexico City & instead of them making an up front payment of 15,000 pesos Benjamin assures me it was only 5000 pesos but i could only write what i had been told & at that point (and after asking Benjamin for the real facts but receiving no reply) i had nothing else to base my opinion/words on.
Upon our renewed contact i asked Benjamin whether or not he intended to repay the money to those promoters & he assured me he will do that very soon & that he would still like to release the ENT 'Best Of' cd on his label, Estajanovismo Records. With some deliberation i decided to allow him to do that & again, he assures me he will pay us the other $500 for the cd in the next 5 - 10 days. I am a firm believer of giving some people a second chance as we all make mistakes & we should all be given the chance to (hopefully) learn from those situations. It's good to see someone willing to make amends for their mistakes which many people would find difficult to do as it requires a lot of personal energy & admission. One of the reasons also behind my decision to allow him to continue with the release is that he, to the best of my knowledge, is the only person who has ever contacted us from Mexico & shown an interest in releasing any of our material & i think it would be a positive move if people were able to buy a cd of our material at a low price instead of paying shitty extortionate import or eBay prices! The cd should hopefully be released in the early part of '09
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on extreme noise terror, feuds, mexico, new releases
So, then, that "you'll never guess in a million, billion years" venue that Noel Gallagher was talking about? It turns out to be Heaton Park. Yes, you'd never guess they're playing a park which has hosted music events in the past.
Tickets are going to go on sale a week tomorrow at 10am [that's Friday 24th] so expect Saturday week lots of self-congratulatory "sold out in thirteen seconds" press activity.
These are the dates:
Saturday 06 June 2009 MANCHESTER, Heaton Park
Sunday 07 June 2009 MANCHESTER, Heaton Park
Wednesday 10 June 2009 SUNDERLAND, Stadium of Light
Friday 12 June 2009 CARDIFF, Millennium Stadium
Wednesday 17 June 2009 EDINBURGH, Murrayfield
Saturday 20 June 2009 DUBLIN, Slane Castle
Saturday 11 July 2009 LONDON, Wembley Stadium
Sunday 12 July 2009 LONDON, Wembley Stadium
And guess who's supporting? That's right: Kasabian. It's like Gordon Smart's bestest gig ever.
Kev Seed, who has been with Radio City for over a decade, has been axed after pleading guilty to driving on the M6 while over the limit.
Seed is somewhat surprised, to say the least:
"I am in a state of total shock. After 11 years, I just did not expect this."
My Morning Jacket have just pulled their European tour through online statementing:
It is with great regret that we have to announce the cancellation of My Morning Jacket's up-coming tour to Europe due to injuries suffered by Jim in Iowa City. For the fans who have purchased tickets, we would like to extend our gratitude for your support and understanding. Our hope was to merely postpone the tour, but as our scheduling does not allow that to happen in the immediate future, we feel it is best to cancel this tour in hopes of re-scheduling at some point.
We would also like to say 'thank you' to all the fans who have reached out to Jim with their well-wishes as we all hope for his speedy and full recovery.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cancellation, europe, jim james, my morning jacket, rock sick list
In what we take to be an email from a Republican, the Answer Bitch is challenged about anti-McCain bands:
If I hear one more band complain about the Republicans using their songs in the presidential campaign, I'll scream. Why don't these singers just shut up and sue?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on elections, john mccain, presidential race, republicans
It's pre-pre-order status, but BestBuy is showing Chinese Democracy in its catalogue.
Really sorry to hear of the death of Ray Lowry, the cartoonist whose career was reinvigorated by punk.
Lowry had already built a reputation on the underground press circuit in the late 1960s, working for titles like the International Times and Oz, but it was the 1970s where he really kicked into gear - sending illustrated reports back from The Clash's tour of the US to the NME, most notably. He designed the London Calling sleeve for the group - which surely gives him a position in British music culture at least alongside Peter Blake - and, more recently, returned to adding pictures to words about the band for Johnny Green's A Riot Of Our Own.
It was as a cartoonist, though, that he earned his living: providing acerbic editorial and pocket cartoons for the NME, of course, before moving on to provide work for everybody from Punch to Private Eye, the early Face and - perhaps uniquely - getting paid for material by The Spectator, New Society and Loaded.
Ray, who was 64, was found dead at his Lancashire home on Tuesday. His official website team is collecting tributes.
My favourite Lowry cartoon was one of a series of his 'men in a high-powered office' sketches, featuring a top-paid business man sat at his desk, the penthouse floors of lowlier skyscrapers visible through the window. A pinstriped arm reaches for the intercom, and the caption: "Remind me again, Miss Jones - what was my raison d'etre?"
The Guardian coverage of the Mobos is slightly surprising, hailing a great night for the British:
Rule Britannia: Estelle leads UK stars in Mobo sweep
Breaking the tradition of British R&B stars playing second fiddle to their US counterparts, Estelle and Leona Lewis last night capped a successful year by dominating the Mobo awards.
There's been much excitement over Nokia's Comes With Music phone, pegging it as a simultaneous iPhone and iTunes killer. And you can see where the thrill lies - you buy a phone, and you get access to Nokia's fabulous music library, forever, for free.
Only now that a deal has been struck with a carrier - 3, in the UK - it turns out to not be quite so sweet a deal after all. Andrew Orlowski runs through the small print:
Comes With Music reportedly bundles "free and unlimited" music downloads with selected Nokia handsets. But actually, it doesn't. Downloads are limited to 120 per year*, and there's an upfront charge of £129.95 at Carphone Warehouse. So it more accurately resembles the Britannia CD club model: pay up front and get some albums.
Sharp-eyed readers will notice the weasel words in Nokia's press release:
"Comes With Music offers one year of unlimited access to the entire Nokia Music Store catalogue…"
But access to the Store is not the same as unlimited downloads, of course. Asked about this, Nokia's EVP of entertainment Tero Ojanpera repeated that unlimited meant unlimited access, not downloads.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on carphone warehouse, comes with music, nokia, subscriptions
Another three-headed Sunbeast leads off Bizarre this morning, as Gordon gets some help with the writing and the typing from Virginia Wheeler and Emily Smith again. The trio laugh at the very idea that the Ciccone relationship has been fought for:
THE marriage of Madonna and Guy Ritchie has been dogged by bitterness and recrimination for YEARS — and any notion that they have battled to save it is a myth.
She's got £300m, he's got £30m, but...the Guy doesn't want a penny
The singer hid in a blacked-out SUV as she left her New York apartment for Boston for the first leg of her Sticky and Sweet tour.
At this rate, if McCain does win and makes it through to his inauguration, they're only going to have the Charlie Daniels Band left to play for the party. Jon Bon Jovi has joined the chorus of acts asking the GOP to just not play their music. Sarah Palin - who's based on a character created by Tina Fey - had been using Who Says You Can't Go Home at her rallies.
Which not only implies an endorsement from Bon Jovi, but is a poorly chosen song anyway: nobody is saying you can't go home, Sarah; indeed, half the world is praying that you will.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bon jovi, jon bon jovi, republicans, sarah palin
I don't often get surprised by the winners of awards, but tonight's ASCAP prizes have left me agape.
Corinne Bailey Rae's Go Put Your Record On has been named 'song of the year' and even more confusingly in the arse-end of 2008, Dido has picked up songwriter of the year. Have I missed something? There's some talk that she's about to release a single later this month, but how can a year stretch so far to include the release of Bailey Rae's track and the release of Dido's new material?
Jonny Greenwood picked up an award for his There Will Be Blood soundtrack.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on awards, corinne bailey rae, dido, jonny greenwood
In an age when even the US government is nationalising banks, perhaps it's unsurprising that the Mobos have been given out in a fair-shares for all way, with Estelle and Leona Lewis getting two prizes each.
It probably doesn't matter over much who got which, but Estelle got best UK female and best song (American Boy) while Leona took best album and the in-no-way-consolatory best video prize.
Dizzee Rascal took the Best And, Honestly, He Wasn't The Only Bloke We Could Think Of For The Shortlist UK Male Award.
Chris Brown turned up, and thus qualified for Best International Artist.
The Mobos web site hasn't been updated with details of the any of the winners. Can't they find anyone to take a laptop along?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on awards, chris brown, estelle, leona lewis, mobos
If you enjoyed our Chris TT video extravaganza at the weekend - we say "ours", like we did anything more elaborate in the creation of it than pasting some embed codes - you'll be delighted to hear that there's a new single and a massive tour about to happen. We Are The King Of England is out on October 27th; the tour dates are coming near you. If you're anywhere in the UK or Ireland. Or Italy:
19 Snafu, Aberdeen 7pm £5
21The Cockpit, Leeds 7pm £8
22 The Duchess, York 7.30pm £8
23 Oran Moor, Glasgow 7.30pm £8
24 Academy 3, Manchester 8pm £8.50
25 The Barfly, Birmingham 7.30pm £8
26 The Phoenix Arts, Exeter 8pm £8
27 Wedgewood Rooms, Ports 8pm £8
28 The Ansom Rooms, Bristol 8pm £9
29 The Scala, London 7.30pm £12.50
30 Tower Arts, Winchester 8pm £8
31 The Rescue Rooms, Notts 7pm £8
2 The Barfly, Liverpool 7.30pm £8
3 Roisin Dubh, Galway 8pm €10
4 Cypress Avenue, Cork 8pm €8
5 Auntie Annies, Belfast 8pm €6
6 Crawdaddy, Dublin 8pm €14
26 Forli Diagonal, Italy Bologna (Italy)
27 Fucecchio Limonaia, Firenze (Italy)
28 Recanati Extra Carrara (Italy)
29 Rome Blackout) Rome (Italy)
About-a-year-on, Warner Chappell, the publishers for Radiohead's catalogue, have revealed some of the sales figures for In Rainbows.
Tellingly, they still don't confirm what the average amount paid per download was, but the company confirms that three million tracked copies of the album were sold - across the box set, various official download sites and the pay-what-you-want site. As the Music Ally blog points out, this compares with six-figure sales for the last three albums from the band; it's also despite there being far more copies harvested online in the traditional (i.e. without paying) fashion.
Yes, it's Radiohead and it doesn't mean that Frank from the pub would sell millions if he adopted the model, but even so - Radiohead did much, much better financially than they would have done if they'd just shipped a load of CDs to HMV and skidded on the iTunes. What the figures can't show is what the effect would have been had In Rainbows been one of dozens of albums from dozens of bands being released in a similar fashion - how much the boost came from the flexible payment scheme, and how far it was down to the publicity around the idea.
Yo La Tengo have booked up a series of Hanukkah shows for New York this December, but, rather sweetly, are gently acknowledging that gig tickets might seem a luxury when ATM machines are currently being turned into shredders:
As Joan Rivers asked so poignantly: can we talk? With all the economic turmoil turmoiling about us these days, it's not that easy to suggest that you spend what's left of your money with us. But if you've ever attended these Hanukkah shows before, we hope you'll agree that they are unique evenings of entertainment (and if you haven't, there are lengthy descriptions of the 2005 and 2007 editions archived in the News section at We don't take a penny from these shows, and no performer receives anything beyond their expenses.The word benefit is an often abused one, but we promise you, the money you pay is being passed along to charity.
Which brings me to the next point. Over the years, from time to time people have offered unsolicited suggestions about where we could donate the proceeds from individual shows, suggestions we have frequently taken. So let's solicit them this year: If you work for a non-profit organization, don't hesitate to tell us about it. We can't guarantee that we'll select you as one of our recipients, but we will absolutely consider it.
The Streets are hoping you've already got a 2009 diary, in order to write in their just-announced UK tour:
Thu 22 Jan - Liverpool Academy
Fri 23 - Lincoln Engine Shed
Tue 27 - Cambridge Corn Exchange
Wed 28 - Brighton Dome
London got to experience Robyn Hitchcock's live revisiting of 1983's I Often Dream Of Trains. Now, Hitchcock - accompanied by Mr. Terry Edwards - is bringing the experience to Americans, living in America:
11/12 San Francisco, CA, The Fillmore
11/13 West Hollywood, CA, Coronet Theater
11/15 Chicago, IL, Old Town School of Music
11/17 Pittsburgh, PA, Hazlet Theater
11/18 Alexandria, VA, The Birchmere
11/19 Philadelphia, PA, World Café Live
11/21 Somerville, MA, Somerville Theater
11/22 New York City, NY, Symphony Space
The New York date is being taped for the Sundance Channel, and so hopefully will get a showing over here at some point.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on albums, robyn hitchcock, terry edwards, tour dates
Having spent his time yesterday telling Radio Times about the X Factor, Noel Gallagher has now given the benefit of his wisdom to Time Out magazine. In this exclusive insight into his brainy-workings, Noel mused on how fame costs:
"I'm not embarrassed by wealth or fame or stardom," he said. "It's what I was born to do.
"For some people that level of fame can hit you really fuckin' hard. I'm not having a go at her, but the likes of Amy Winehouse have been wiped out by that.
"Whether people would care to admit it or not, that's fame that's done that. Sometimes people think they're not worthy of it, so they build a shell around themselves which cannot be penetrated."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on amy winehouse, lemurs, noel gallagher, oasis, time out
Uncut - which has, hitherto, held itself somewhat aloof from the tawdry business of reader's polls and awards ceremonies - has decided to be aloof no longer, and announced its own Big Prize.
Introducing, then, The Uncut Music Prize which will invite a panel of judges to choose the best album of the last year.
And, erm, that's it.
At least it's not gone for something flashy and showy, and avoided creating something like Q's seventy-five excuses for semi-famous bands to get prizes deal. But: the best album? Isn't that already covered by the Mercury, and countless categories in other music awards? What's different about this one?
Uncut editor Allan Jones said in a statement: "Reducing our original list of 25 albums to a short list of eight was not what you call an easy task.
"I'm very excited, though, by the final selection of albums that will contest the inaugural Uncut Music Award. The eight shortlisted albums are an exciting reflection of the great music produced over the last year and highlights the diversity of music regularly championed by Uncut.
"What happens next is going to be very interesting indeed."
Unlike Metallica, who somehow are trying to tell fans that their dissatisfaction with the poor sound quality on the new record is wrong, New Order are actually leading the attacks on the Warners re-release series. Or at least, Peter Hook is - although his name has fallen off ContactMusic's report:
He claimed that the record industry has changed over the years, saying: "They don't have half the staff they used to have so everything becomes quite a trial, and I know from doing the Hacienda compilation tape, you get a lot of masters of old songs - they are mastered from the record because nobody can find the tape."
The bassist also said it was "intensely annoying" that Warners had chosen to distribute the re-issues to the shops before sending them to the band, deeming it "a masterful piece of planning".
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on hi-fi, new order, peter hook, reissues, sound quality, warners
Given that the little bit of bother at the airport was dealt with effectively by the people paid to deal with these things, you might think it goes without saying that Mel B does not need to up her security in response.
But you know the problem with things that go without saying? The thing gone without saying usually fails to get reported, alongside a photo of the person saying the thing and a puff for their latest project. So Mel B has helpfully announced that as a result of a swiftly resolved, unusual situation, she has no plans to change her life:
[T]he singer insists she is determined not to change her way of life and hire security staff following the incident.
She says, "It wouldn't make me feel safer. I think it draws more attention to yourself. In my mind I believe that what happened at the airport doesn't happen often."
Brown, 33, has hailed her spouse a hero for coming to her rescue during the terrifying ordeal.
She adds: "I'm lucky my husband is so protective. The family always travels together, which makes me feel safe. I still don't know what was going through that man's head at the airport... I was half asleep and I looked up and it was all going on. But my husband's quick reaction made sure we were safe.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on heathrow, mel b, security, spice girls, stephen belafonte
If even Madonna and Guy can't make marriage work, even with the support of bottles and bottles of Kabbalah water and almost totally separate lives, what hope is there for anyone?
But here is a heartwarming tale of young couples making sanctified union work to their advantage - Deryck Whibley and Sum 41 have rejected rumours about a crack in their marriage:
On October 20th the National Enquirer issued a gossip story
surrounding Deryck Whibley of Sum 41 and his wife Avril Lavigne. For
the record we strongly deny the inference of martial problems
between Avril and Deryck. We also strongly deny the National Enquirer
claims of any other liaisons. Deryck has in fact been travelling
through Asia performing with Avril as evidenced by the numerous
Youtube videos.
Says Deryck Whibley "I'm actually very surprised that so many media
outlets picked this story up. Since when did the National Enquirer
become a trust worthy news source?".
Sum 41's most recent release "Underclass Hero", which spawned the
hit singles "With Me" , "Walking Disaster" and " Underclass Hero" ,
has now sold in excess of 1 million albums, 2 million digital tracks
and 15 million streams world wide. The album peaked at #1 in Canada,
Japan, and #7 on the US Billboard charts. Based on this success
Universal Music picked up their option to have Sum 41 produce a new
album in 2009, thus after completing a very successful 18 month
world tour the band has started work on a new album.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on avril lavigne, deryck whibley, divorce, national enquirer, relationships, sum 41
The "world exclusive" end of Madonna's marriage sees the Sun scrambling no less than three journalists (I'm using that phrase in its loosest sense):
They can't bear the pretence any more
Madonna denies Guy divorce
MADONNA has denied that she and hubby Guy Ritchie are getting divorced.
In a strongly-worded statement the singer said she and Guy have "no plans to divorce" and insisted rumours of a relationship with US baseball star Alex Rodriguez were not true.
I saw their marriage cracking
I have spent a lot of time with Guy over the past few months and I’ve really grown to like him. He is great company, talented and a brilliant father.
The marriage falling apart is incredibly sad but I think he will be far happier now he can be his own man.
MADONNA and GUY RITCHIE are holding a special family dinner to tell their nearest and dearest that their marriage is finally back on track.
The couple, who have just weathered the biggest storm in their seven-year marriage, will put all the madness of the past few months behind them with a “Shabbat Nachamu” – a night of consolation.
The Kablah-blah ceremony will be witnessed by two rabbis who will fly to the UK from New York, on the weekend of Madge’s 50th birthday next month.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on alex rodriguez, divorce, emily smith, gordon smart, guy ritchie, madonna, the sun
James P emails to bring Noel Gallagher's latest pronouncements to our attention. Noel doesn't think that The X Factor has anything to do with music:
The X Factor "has absolutely nothing to do with music and everything to do with television", he said.
"You spend a year slogging around the country and then what? You can't go back to Barnsley and be a check-out girl cos that would look bad.
"So you end up either trying to be an actress or trying to sustain your profile by going on celebrity shows."
He said: "Instead of instant fame and celebrity and all your ex-boyfriends and girlfriends coming out of the cupboard and your family being ripped apart the prize ought to be: 'I'll introduce you to someone who might introduce you to someone who might, if you're very lucky, know a producer who'd record one of your songs.'
"That's the only way to make any money. Otherwise you sell 5 million records and earn 50 grand."
We7, who have been in the business of giving away ad-supported downloads, have signed up a whole slew of major labels (only Universal have failed to join in so far). At the same time, they're moving away from the download model to concentrate more on streams instead.
The implication is clear, of course: ad-supported downloads aren't attractive to anyone and you're never going to get rich offering them to punters. This is further shown by the withdrawal of ad-supported downloads outside the UK altogether. The company says:
“Outside the UK, we will be suspending the ability to download free tracks with ads.”
“Our dream is to eventually give you the choice to stream or download any music you want, for free. The barriers are many, but we are confident that we eventually deliver on our dream, even though it may be in small patient steps.”
Churning, churning: another batch of nominations for another batch of pointless awards - these are the American Music Awards and, in a bid to stand out from the crowd, they've shaken up the nominations format. Instead of telling you who has been nominated for a prize, award-by-award, they've listed the nominees and then told you what they're up for. Crazy, huh?
Well, no. Not crazy, irritating; although it does allow you to take in at a glance how predictable and drudgy the names are:
Alvin and The Chipmunks
Favorite Album - Soundtrack
Mary J. Blige
Favorite Female Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Mary J. Blige - "Growing Pains"
Favorite Album - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Garth Brooks
Favorite Male Artist - Country Music
Garth Brooks - "The Ultimate Hits"
Favorite Album - Country Music
Brooks & Dunn
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Country Music
Chris Brown
Favorite Male Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Male Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Colbie Caillat
T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award
Mariah Carey
Favorite Female Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Mariah Carey - "E=MC2"
Favorite Album - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Casting Crowns
Favorite Artist - Contemporary Inspirational
Kenny Chesney
Favorite Male Artist - Country Music
Artist of the Year
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Artist - Alternative Rock Music
Coldplay - "Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends"
Favorite Album - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Artist - Adult Contemporary Music
Artist of the Year
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Artist - Adult Contemporary Music
Eagles - "Long Road Out of Eden"
Favorite Album - Pop or Rock Music
Flo Rida
T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award
Favorite Male Artist - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Foo Fighters
Favorite Artist - Alternative Rock Music
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
J. Holiday
Favorite Male Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Enrique Iglesias
Favorite Artist - Latin Music
Jay-Z - "American Gangster"
Favorite Album - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Jonas Brothers
T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award
Favorite Artist - Latin Music
Favorite Album - Soundtrack
Alicia Keys
Artist of the Year
Favorite Female Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Female Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Alicia Keys - "As I Am"
Favorite Album - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Album - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Kid Rock
Favorite Male Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Lil Wayne
Artist of the Year
Favorite Male Artist - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Linkin Park
Favorite Artist - Alternative Rock Music
Mamma Mia!
Favorite Album - Soundtrack
Reba McEntire
Favorite Female Artist - Country Music
Favorite Artist - Contemporary Inspirational
Brad Paisley
Favorite Male Artist - Country Music
T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award
Rascal Flatts
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Country Music
Rascal Flatts - "Still Feels Good"
Favorite Album - Country Music
Favorite Female Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Female Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Jordin Sparks
Favorite Artist - Adult Contemporary Music
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Country Music
Taylor Swift
Favorite Female Artist - Country Music
Lil Wayne - "Tha Carter III"
Favorite Album - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award
Third Day
Favorite Artist - Contemporary Inspirational
Three 6 Mafia
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Carrie Underwood
Favorite Female Artist - Country Music
Carrie Underwood - "Carnival Ride"
Favorite Album - Country Music
Favorite Male Artist - Pop or Rock Music
Favorite Male Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues Music
Kanye West
Favorite Male Artist - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Kanye West - "Graduation"
Favorite Album - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
Wisin Y Yandel
Favorite Artist - Latin Music
Wu-Tang Clan
Favorite Band, Duo or Group - Rap / Hip-Hop Music
You wonder if they wavered about this 'artists by alphabetical order' format when they realised it meant the first nomination for the 2008 American Music Awards went to the Alvin & The Chipmunks soundtrack.
You can go in and vote yourself for the categories, but sadly there's no box to tick for 'actually, Alicia Keys is pleasant enough but she's not that bloody great, you know'
It's not often you hear of a faded star saying 'no, thanks' to a reality TV series. Admittedly, Keith Sweat hadn't been asked to appear on Real Housewives of Atlanta; they only wanted his kids, but still: a line in the sand is a line in the sand.
The BPI pop up in the Daily Mail, praising the ongoing success of compilations and, especially, Now Thats What I Call Music:
BPI chief Geoff Taylor said: 'The ongoing success of the Now albums may surprise some in a digital age of abundant choice, but it's become a well-loved brand.
'Digital music promises huge potential, but music fans still love the quality, convenience and added value in CDs.
'Retail conditions are challenging in the credit crunch, but music is great value for money and with one of the strongest album release schedules we've had for years, labels are optimistic about the market leading up to Christmas.'
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bpi, compilations, daily mail, now thats what i call music
The much-trumpeted return of Janet Jackson to work, erm, didn't happen after all: doctors stepped in and stopped her from playing Connecticut on Saturday. Dates for the tour are busily being rescheduled for early next week, but reports suggest she's already pulled out of her Madison Square Garden booking for Thursday.
To be fair to Gordon, the piece about Lourdes Ciccone dressing a bit like her Mum isn't by him - it's by Erica Davies - but he features it as part of Bizarre smorgasbord this morning.
The 'article' is nothing more than pictures of a twelve year-old girl run alongside photos of her mum. Mum, of course, is Madonna. It's hugely unlikely that the Sun would have run these pictures of any other twelve year, but this is Madonna's daughter. On the other hand, that can't be the case, can it, what with the PCC code strictly injuncting:
Editors must not use the fame, notoriety or position of a parent or guardian as sole justification for publishing details of a child’s private life.
Here is the first look at the boys in action from the expensive video — shot from a helicopter.
Take That get chopper out
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, lourdes ciccone, madonna, press complaints commission, take that
Fall Out Boy's Folie A Deux album has been dropped from its planned election week slot, because of, erm... well, let's let them explain:
Being from Chicago, we know "next years our year" all too well. 6 months ago we thought it would be a fun idea to release our album on election day but this is not the election to be cute. This is the most important election of our time and, as much as the record is a social commentary and the term "folie a deux" is relevant to the candidates, we felt as though rather than making a commentary we were only riding the wave of the election. This seemed less and less like what we intended to do and more of a gimmick.
While we have all individually expressed our positions on the candidates that we support we feel that many of the interviews and press for the record have skewed us into a partisan band. While it may be obvious where we stand. We never intended to be the band that shoved our ideas down peoples throats. We only hope people look at the bigger picture and investigate the issues further on their own.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cancellation, elections, fall out boy, new releases, presidential race
You know, the announcement by Noel Gallagher that he's pretty much written the next Oasis album is being reported like it's some sort of a surprise; as if knocking out a few tunes to throw to the Oasis audience is a process akin to developing a cure for a hitherto unknown disease rather than listening to an old record and trying to have a go at knocking it off.
Noel told XFM:
"I wrote and demoed a full album while we were in the studio. While we were mixing the album in the studio we had another studio that consisted of a cupboard and this little garage band thing in the corner. We bought a miniature kids drum kit and wrote another record."
Gallagher added the new songs he's written are sounding "sickeningly good".
"The new stuff is a proper concept. Have you heard Neil Young's 'Greendale'? I say it with a smile on my face because as I'm saying it, I'm thinking 'you pretentious cunt'. It's all songs about characters and all the songs will have titles and in brackets it'll be 'AKA The Shopkeeper'.
The Black Kids have brought their backlash-flavoured sound to Daytrotter, delivering a three-song session. MP3s are yours for the answering.
There seems to be no end to the nasty old tat that Kiss are happy to flog to their fans - and, clearly, the fans are more than happy to dig deep into their pockets for the stuff. So, amongst the fence-sitting McCain and Obama Kiss t-shirts, the horrible lighters shaped like guitars and, probably, guitars shaped like lighters, this year they're launching Kiss Mr Potato Heads. They're squishy, plastic ovoids upon which you can slap some designs and pretend they're a heavy rock band, even though they look slightly ridiculous. And (inevitably) they've now just launched a range of Mr Potato Heads, too.
The latest Ofcom complaints bulletin includes a ticking off for the digital music channels U and Fizz, for fiddling their on-screen text features.
Channel U text moderators were caught posting up messages inviting responses - like:
where r the essex gals? send me a pic xx ”
a moderator asked “Which football star is married to Alex Curran?” Over a period of approximately 16 minutes, during which further invitations to enter the “fun quiz” were made to viewers, multiple wrong answers, including David Beckham and Ashley Cole, were broadcast before the moderator confirmed the correct answer. Numerous correct answers were then broadcast.
As Fizz is a pop music channel aimed at young people who were likely to have known the answer to the question, Ofcom sought the broadcaster’s comments on why it had taken so long to reveal the correct answer.
The broadcaster pointed out that its viewers are part of a regular community and are aware of the costs involved in contacting the channel. It noted that Ofcom had received no complaints from viewers and stated that, since the withdrawal of the quizzes, many viewers had sent in messages asking for them to return.
Well, it's all over for the illegal music stealing guys, then: Entertainment Media Research's Digital Music Survey has just reported and it's good news for the music industry:
"Despite the ubiquity of free music, there's a real willingness by consumers to pay for music products if the package is right," said Alexander Ross, music partner at the media law firm Wiggin, which co-authored the study. The optimistic verdict contrasts with last year's survey, which warned that illegal downloading was at an all-time high and set to rise further.
The survey - a poll of 1,500 British consumers - found that online piracy fell by 10% this year, attributing this partly to more aggressive noises from internet service providers, which agreed this year to send warning letters to customers suspected of illegal file sharing.
The report also pointed to the popularity of music videos on YouTube as a further reason for optimism. YouTube plans to develop e-commerce opportunities that would allow people to buy music directly after viewing videos.
"The music video is now more influential than ever and has become the industry's trump card for engaging consumers and creating that long-term emotional connection required for monetisation," said Russell Hart, chief executive of Entertainment Media Research. "It is now the vital component in music marketing."
AC/DC album downloaded 400,000 times despite no digital release
'Black Ice' proving popular online
The NME reports that Julian Casablancas is about to open a restaurant:
Julian Casablancas turns restaurateur
The Strokes’ frontman Julian Casablancas is set to open a restaurant in Los Angeles, and will DJ at the official launch tomorrow (October 13).
Casablancas is among a string of well-known faces to invest in the venture, including Mark Ronson, actors Gerard Butler, Danny Masterson, Chris Masterson and Laura Prepon and DJ Steve Aoki.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on julian casablancas, los angeles, mark ronson, openings, the strokes
The decision by Ringo Starr to stop dealing with any fan mail dated after the 20th October is a fabulously grumpy tale - especially given his appearance in The Simpsons where he was diligently working his way through a backlog of letters from the 1960s. The cut-off date itself is brilliant - I'm picturing something like when Thatcher was selling off all the nation's assets and you'd get the Nine O'Clock News showing footage of people rushing to meet the deadline as staff at the NatWest tried to close the doors in their face.
Gordon Smart isn't happy:
I ALWAYS had RINGO STARR down as the best character in THE BEATLES.
But with only ten weeks until Christmas, the wrinkly rocker has told his loyal fans he will soon throw away everything sent to him.
I reckon Ringo is out of order and it seems out of character too.
It doesn’t matter how much peace and love you dish out Ringo – surely you can hire someone to keep your fans happy? It’s only a bit of mail.
DAVID BOWIE and MACCA manage to keep their legions of fans happy – just by giving them the time of day on their websites.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on fan mail, gordon smart, ringo starr, the beatles
Concluding a Sunday spent being shouted at by Rolo Tomassi, here's a slice of their Camden Crawl gig from earlier in the year:
[Part of the Rolo Tomassi weekend]
Bands really do move at an alarming rate these days, don't they? One album and all of a sudden they're being marked up as an All Time Great, two hit singles and they're the new Beatles. And now, The Courteeners have turned into Status Quo without going through the aging process, wondering why Radio One hates them:
In an interview with the Daily Star, the singer [Liam Fray] asked why the station's executives continue to play Kaiser Chiefs' tracks when the indie rock group "haven't got one song better than any on our album".
"Kaiser Chiefs have been on Radio 1 since day one but they won't play us," Fray continued. "I'd rather be 100 people's favourite band than a million who've just been fed it by Radio 1. We've sold out 40,000 tickets for our tour so how the fuck can Radio 1 say no to playing us? I don't get it.
"But I don't give a shit about them or chart positions so long as the kids are down the front at our shows going mental."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bitter men of pop, liam fray, playlists, radio 1, the courteeners
TMZ are leaping to conclusions that the man involved must be a lunatic; the facts of the story are less clear-cut: a man at Heathrow was heard threatening to "get a knife" to stab Mel B and Stephen Belafonte; a photographer who tried to intervene got grabbed by the man. There was an arrest; no charges as yet, though.
Two tracks from a Rolo Tomassi set in Mansfield: Fuck The Pleasantries, and Hiroshima 8.16:
[Part of the Rolo Tomassi weekend]
Apparently, nothing increases your fertility like idiots calling you a terrorist: MIA is pregnant.
Barack Obama is feeling slightly queasy this morning, and hoping it's just the shellfish he ate last night.
YouTube offers the description "Operativ v Rolo Tomassi" and nothing more:
[Part of the Rolo Tomassi weekend]
It's pretty cool of Liam Gallagher to have given fifty quid to a homeless man outside a Manchester nightclub.
Curious, though, that this selfless act of charity has ended up being reported in the Sunday People.
There's only one thing wrong with Rav Singh's tales of Amy Winehouse making candy floss with cocaine in it, and that would be that it probably has no truth in it at all.What is notable, though, is that the News Of The World website has apparently been infiltrated by communists, as comments made this month are being dated from "Oktober".
Something of a shift in gears from yesterday's Chris TT extravangza, as we turn from southern singer-songwriters to northern indie-punk, and Sheffield's Rolo Tomassi.
Apparently some sort of mix of sponsorship and legislation has combined which insists that anything that is liable to polarise opinion has to be described as being "like Marmite", but I don't think that the modern standard of take-it-or-leave-it will cover the effect of being hit by RT.
Splendidly, Wikipedia snorts that, in the wisdom of crowd's opinion, Rolo Tomassi might not be "notable" enough to warrant an entry in their own right. If only they'd named themselves after a character from Star Trek instead of LA Confidential... Oddly, they've managed to get a slot at the Electric Proms so not that obscure, then.
So, if you're going to enjoy: enjoy. If not... probably best to not hit play.
This is Fofteen, at Beyond Retro, in 2007:
Rolo Tomassi around the web
Official blog
Wikipedia (assuming they're considered important enough to remain)
Last FM
Hysterics - the first proper album, released last month
(By the way, Amazon have erroneously listed Rollo Tomassi - a different band entirely - and He Who Holds You under Rolo Tomassi's entry.)
More video across the day
Fuck The Pleasantries; Hiroshima 8.16
Camden Crawl live