Between 10th & 11th Weekend: I Can't Even Be Bothered
The only appearance of this track on YouTube is marked with a fan video which only slightly looks like a screensaver. Soothing, though. Soothing.
[Part of Between 10th & 11th weekend]
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The only appearance of this track on YouTube is marked with a fan video which only slightly looks like a screensaver. Soothing, though. Soothing.
[Part of Between 10th & 11th weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on between 10th and 11th, the charlatans, youtube
It's something of a classic day for watching people struggling to cross the massive river flowing between things they understand and things they know. To be fair, hardly anyone would turn to Blackie Lawless for a cogent summary of world events, but his interview in Classic Rock magazine makes him look like a man who shouldn't be trusted to choose his own jello, either.
Classic Rock: You wrote the songs on Babylon while the world was experiencing a global financial meltdown.
Blackie Lawless: It's no secret that I wasn't Bush fan, neither Bush No. 1 nor Bush No. 2. In general, I don't trust politicians. But when this supposed global meltdown was happening a year ago and I saw all these world leaders calling for a one-world government, a one-world system and a one-world currency, I thought to myself: "They gotta be kidding." I mean, do these guys understand what they're talking about? I don't think that they do.
Classic Rock: What sort of stuff makes you grit your teeth?
Blackie Lawless: The whole Lockerbie situation. Freeing that Libyan bomber was a despicable act.
Plus, as I say, you look at how it's been socialized. I was watching a TV program the other day. It was a British kid here in the U.S. The interviewer asked him: "What did you come here for?" The kid said: "I wanted to start a small business and I couldn't do that in the U.K." There's no help from the government. You can't get a bank loan. There's no incentive to get anything done. Those days are gone. I thought to myself: "Is this where America's going?" It really hurts me to watch your country go that way. The pride factor has gone.
Classic Rock: You were a supporter of John McCain during the U.S. presidential election campaign.
Blackie Lawless: By default.
Classic Rock: So, how are you finding life under Barack Obama?
Blackie Lawless: I was very, very critical of Obama during the campaign. I wrote a long letter and I sent it out to all the press the night before the election.
I pulled no punches with this guy because I had really done quite a bit of research on him while the election was going on. He's one of these old-time 60s radicals from way back.
He thinks he's going to change the world and he's hell-bent on doing that.
When he stood there the night of the nomination and he said that he intended on "fundamentally changing" America — a chill ran down my back.
Thousands of people were just standing there, wildly applauding, and it reminded me of Hitler standing on the steps of the Reichstag.
I thought, "These people don't understand what this man is talking about, what his true intentions are, and how he is going to go about doing this."
This man, like I said, is straight out of the '60s school of radicalism where he thinks he's going to be Robin Hood and rob from the rich to give to the poor.
I subscribe to the theory: if you work, you eat. And if you don't, you don't.
It's really no more complicated than that.
Do we want to be compassionate? Yes. Do we want to help each other as best we can? Yes.
But that doesn't mean that I bust my hump to create something and somebody comes along and decides that I can't keep that anymore. That's not what either one of our countries was really built on.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on barack obama, blackie lawless, john mccain, WASP
This was one of the album's singles - it came in a somewhat pointless double CD set, with one of them coming with an outside, swing-fronted container which never fitted in any CD rack, box, or display device known to man.
This version is live, from The Melkweg in Amsterdam in 2008:
[Part of Between 10th and 11th weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on between 10th and 11th, live, melkweg, the charlatans, youtube
You would have thought that, by now, Chris DeBurgh would have realised he was an acquired taste, and accepted that he's one of those people who you either can't stand, or who you go and see because you really feel as if you should do something with your evenings and you can't sit drinking all night by yourself, can you?
Apparently not, though, as he's taken time out of his busy schedule to respond to a bad review the Irish Times gave him. I say "bad"; I mean "fair", of course.
Dear Mr Crawley,
I rarely read reviews, but as yours was sitting on my kitchen table, and after three sold-out shows in the Gaiety Theatre, I thought I should have a look at it; after all, receiving a favourable review in The Irish Times is about as likely as . . . well, receiving a favourable review in The Irish Times!!
I was not disappointed. How the fond memories came flooding back, more than 30 years of them; you must have a Lexicon of Handy Insults, because you managed to use many of the same ones that have been used so many times before, and still they make me smile at their continued lack of imagination. “Small man . . . shudder . . . warbly tenor . . . mawkish balladeer . . . cringe factor . . . squeaky clean . . . snigger . . . cheesy” etc – yes, they were all there, as used by many of your colleagues before, such as Joe Breen (who, I note, has been put out to pasture in the wine section, and I am assured by friends in the wine trade that he knows as much about wine as he did about music – precious little. I wonder what they have in mind for you in your dotage? Searing critiques of primary school Christmas plays perhaps, or judging knife-sharpening competitions in Sligo?).
Being a theatre critic and not a music critic, you must have strayed into the Gaiety by mistake last Monday night, possibly looking for the rear entrance to Neary’s pub, but you certainly arrived with the word “prejudice” burned into your furrowed brow.
How it must have galled you to hear the rapturous welcome I received at the start of the show; how you must have writhed at every standing ovation; how you must have cringed at every call of “Chris, we love you”; how you must have felt isolated as the audience rose to their feet as one, singing, dancing and shouting out for more; how you must have growled to yourself as you left, surrounded by so many happy people, to make your curmudgeonly way to the safety of the street outside.
You really should look up the word “entertainment” again, you might be surprised to see that it is all about people having a GOOD TIME!!
Your churlish review is an insult to all those who enjoyed their night out, and in these days of collapsing newspaper sales and an entire new generation on the way who will get their information online, you may be looking for another job sooner rather than later.
Your pals in the pub must have loved your review, but it seems that you are universally loathed in the theatre world. A leading impresario has described you as “puffed up with his own self-importance”, and a much-loved and successful actress refers to you as “that loathsome little turd”. Great accolades, to be sure.
And what of you and your future ambitions? Will you continue to be an occasional critic in a country with the population of Greater Manchester, or are you, like so many of your colleagues, about to write a book/play/film script/biography? If so, I would be delighted to attend the opening/launch/ premiere.
. To have gone to the Gaiety with your mind made up is unprofessional of course, but to totally ignore what actually happened and launch a personal attack is so transparent that any reader can see that it was pointless even writing it, as you were the only person who attended the show that night who didn’t ACTUALLY WANT TO BE THERE!!
As I have always had a very positive attitude towards life, I have sympathy for your position, as it must be so poisonous to have to lurk in the shadows, riffling through the garbage bins of despair and avoiding those who think that you are an irrelevance, an irritation to be ignored and laughed about.
I would be very happy to meet with you and pursue these ideas further, but I suspect that you, like so many others of your kind, would lack the courage, like a dog that snarls and barks from a distance yet cowers and runs away at the first sight of reaction. Anyway, the offer is there.
Finally, whatever happens in your career, let me wish you a long and happy life, all the best,
Chris de Burgh
PS We were wondering by way of explanation and as you seem to portray yourself as a bitter and unfulfilled man, were you much teased by your school chums in the schoolyard and called “Creepy Crawley”? I think we should be told!
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bad reviews, bitter men of pop, chris deburgh, irish times
Kelly Osbourne didn't get where she is today relying on other people, and wants the rest of us to pull our bloody socks up:
"I find it easier being in America. The UK is a lot harder, people have this kick you while you are down mentality. It seems like some teenagers just want to get pregnant so they can get a bigger council house.
"It is not OK for girls to want to grow up to be a WAG. I find that frustrating."
"A lot of celebrity kids don't do that much with their lives. You are in a position where you are so lucky - you can do whatever you want.
"A lot of them waste their lives going to parties and being mean to other people."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on america, kelly osbourne, parents, united kingdom
Not the most-obvious choice for a second track on an album, a song called Ignition. This is the 2008 version of the band playing the track in Sheffield:
[Part of Between 10th & 11th weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on between 10th and 11th, live, sheffield, the charlatans, youtube
You'll recall Pete Wishart, the SNP MP who once was a member of Runrig. He's written an opinion piece for the Scotsman about filesharing.
Will it be informed amd coherent?
Pete Wishart: We must silence web trade in 'free' goods to protect our artists
IMAGINE a perfect Saturday afternoon shopping trip. You've had a fantastic fix of retail therapy and you can't wait to get home to try out all your new goods.
Then you come across your local music store and you can't believe what you see: outside there's a sign saying "for an unlimited period only – everything inside is free!"
With no-one to hold you back, you immediately help yourself to this week's top ten, the new Tarantino film and the latest computer game. As you leave, the assistant calls: "Come back anytime, we're open all hours!"
Of course, this is absurd, but it is exactly what happens online, every second of every day.
Music and other digital products are simply offered to a public grateful not to have to pay a penny. No-one refers to it as "giving goods away" – that would be too crude – instead it is "sharing" or "peer-to-peer filesharing" to give its proper title.
Music led the file sharing revolution and, where music gently tread, the rest of the creative industries came galloping in. Now films, computer games, books and football highlights can all now be given away for nothing.
Platinum selling artists Radiohead and Pink Floyd have said they are happy to see their music used as a sort of digital loss leader to sell other products, but these groups are the exception rather than the rule.
The average musician earns less than £15,000 a year and losing royalties makes the day-to-day struggle even harder for them.
The loss of royalties has become such a problem that many artists, such as Mercury Prize winning Speech Debelle, must ask themselves what is the point of creating anything if no-one is paying for it?
I wouldn't care about [illegal sharing and downloading] if I didn't have the pressure of having to sell more albums to maintain a career. I don't really want to do anything else, so I need to be able to maintain myself and I need to keep people happy.
Outside of that, I would prefer it just to be heard. Some people might nick it and become lifelong fans. My album is called Speech Therapy because writing it was therapy for me, so I can't be like, well, other people shouldn't hear it unless they pay for it. I didn't pay for it.
[The industry] has changed so much that now you don't put out a record – you put a record on the internet. You've got to have an album to begin with [then] you get your MySpace, your Facebook, your Twitter and you connect them all up.
People spend so much time in front of computers, all they have to do is click a button and they stay in your world.
If we are serious about developing our creative industries, then we must respect intellectual property and copyright.
Forthcoming in the next Westminster Parliament is the Digital Economy Bill – a piece of legislation that will create a regulatory framework to combat illegal file sharing and other forms of online copyright infringement.
The UK government is right to pursue it vigorously. If we are to lead in the world, then we cannot allow our artists and creators to work for nothing.
"Won't you just criminalise some seven million kids who are doing nothing wrong?" comes the knee-jerk response. No. These "kids" (or rather the internet account holder) will simply get a letter informing them that what they are doing is wrong.
That letter will spell out the damage that illegal file sharing does and politely ask that they stop taking music for nothing. If it is ignored, then they will get another.
Of course, most will stop at this point, but those who continue to abuse the property of others will face sanctions such as temporarily suspending internet connection. What could be wrong with that?
The music industry is an easy hit. It is renowned for its excesses and its contractual shortcomings, but somehow it has conspired to give the UK the second-largest share of a valuable world market, bringing millions of pounds to the UK economy and producing some of the greatest talents the world has known along the way.
Yes, the music industry is in dire need of reform, but the need to protect and develop our creative industries is more important than one sector's business model.
We need serious debate about how our artists are protected and how our creative industries are developed, but the solution does not lie in giving products away for nothing. We can be the best, but only if our artists are rewarded for the work that they produce.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on file sharing, pete wishart, runrig, speech debelle, three strikes
So, then, onto the album proper - and one of the band's great lost classics:
Another happy lad with dirty pictures plastered on the wall.
A british beach collection, a classic alcoholic argument.
I don't want to see the sights there is nothing worse,
Thank God I don't have to see the sights.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on between 10th and 11th, the charlatans, video, youtube
Some sublime news from the Saint Etienne camp:
Rumours have been flying left right and centre, but we can finally confirm that disco dynamo Richard X has taken Foxbase Alpha and re-arranged it into a brand new beast called FOXBASE BETA. Using the original masters, adding cellos, electrix, choirs, and the spirit of Brian Cant he has created something really special - spruced-up yet reverential, it is essentially a 2009 up-date of Foxbase Alpha, given a shot of vodka and a loving caress. We're chuffed. It feels unnervingly like jumping into a Tardis.
FOXBASE BETA will be issued, via the fan club, as a limited, numbered 2CD set of 3,000 copies, which will also include FOXBASE EXTRA, three unreleased recordings from the original album sessions: a just discovered coda to Girl VII (we'd forgotten it existed), a summery instrumental called Richard III, and the first, very different, take of Kiss And Make Up, which was the very first Saint Etienne recording. We cut it one afternoon in January 1990, and then Only Love Can Break Your Heart in the evening! It was all so simple then. These tracks won't be available anywhere else.
If this story featured a woman - any woman - wearing a bikini top, Gordon Smart would have exploded:
GUY RITCHIE has set his sights on rock lords KASABIAN to provide music for his next film.
The RocknRolla director has invited guitarist SERGE PIZZORNO to join him for a cheeky single malt to discuss the idea.
I bumped into the new GQ Film Director Of The Year at London's trendy Groucho Club.
Guy told me [...] "I'd love to meet up with the band. The music on the latest album is like a film soundtrack. He's a talented bloke, Serge."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on film soundtracks, gordon smart, kasabian, serge pizzorno, the sun
Don't worry if you're not a big Charlatans fan - or, indeed, can't stand the lips-and-fringe-and-organ combination at all; I'm probably not going to work through all of The Charlatans album-by-album.
Probably not.
But someone did hope for an illustrated Between 10th & 11th last week, and who am I to turn my back on popular demand?
This, then, was to be the first of what has proved to be an increasingly difficult series of follow-up albums. Having galloped to number one on a wave of popular affection for all things Madchester, the band were now facing a task of building on success while, all around them, the scene they'd helped shape was falling apart.
But you know what? Before we get to the 1992 album, let's take a couple of moments to remember the singles that bridged the gap between Some Friendly and Between..., which signposted a shift to something a bit more atmospheric.
First up was Over Rising:
Then, the gorgeous Me, In Time:
Of course, we all scribbled out the final letter 'e' and giggled back when it came out. We made our own fun back then.
CD version
MP3 download
Cassette version
And don't rely on dribbles of videos - have Tim Burgess permanently shoved in your slot:
Forever: The Singles: The videos
More to come, when we actually hit the album proper
I Don't Want To See The Sights
Tremolo Song
Can't Even Be Bothered
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on between 10th and 11th, the charlatans, video, youtube
More free early-morning goodness, in the shape of Compass from Venice Is Sinking.
This act of generosity - coming fresh from Athens (the REMy one, not the ancient one) - is by way of announcing their new maxi-single ep-type thing. It might be best if Daniel from the band explains it to you in his own words:
We've got a new EP coming out called "Okay". Actually, it's more of a maxi-single for the song "Okay", which appeared on our last album, AZAR. On the EP are two alternate versions of AZAR tracks "Ryan's Song" and (ahem) "Okay". We also included two covers of the San Francisco band Okay wea recorded with Jason NeSmith of Casper & the Cookies: "Compass" and "Give Up".
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cover versions, downloads, free, okay [band], venice in sinking
Go on, start the day with a free download from Dragonette: Boys & Girls (Les Petits Pilous remix). It's all legal and above-board, a promotional gift to raise awareness of this bunch of Canadian and American tour dates:
10.5 HAMILTON, ON casbah
10.6 LONDON, ON Call the Office
10.7 WATERLOO, ON The Starlight
10.8 TORONTO, ON The Mod Club
10.12 WINNIPEG, MB west end cultural centre
10.14 CALGARY, AB The Whisky
10.15 EDMONTON, AB Starlite
10.16 NELSON, BC venue TBC
10.17 VANCOUVER, BC Venue
10.18 VICTORIA, BC Sugar
10.19 SEATTLE, WA @ Vera Project
10.20 PORTLAND, OR @ Doug fir
10.22 SAN FRANCISCO, CA @ Popscene / 330
10.23 LOS ANGELES, CA @ The Echo
10.24 COSTA MESA @ Detroit Bar
10.26 DENVER, CO @ Larimer Lounge
10.28 KANSAS CITY, MO @ Czar Bar
10.30 SPRINGFIELD, MO @ Outland
10.31 CHICAGO, IL @ Sonotheque
11.4 BOSTON, MA @ Great Scott
11.5 NEW YORK CITY, NY @ Santos
Last night, we saw how Courtney Love insisted she couldn't have burned through all the money that Kurt earns ("all the money that she earns") because she's frugal and shit.
I'm not sure if spending over $10,000 a month on security is actually a sign of not being that good at avoiding pissing away your money, or the claimed non-payment of the bill shows that she is actually quite canny. I'm not sure I can wade through the Tweets that will attempt to explain the situation.
In other Courtney news, unless I've missed it, Activision don't seem to have fulfilled her prediction of a withdrawal of the cartoon Kurt video game.
As Michael M points out, the massively over-promised and then rapidly junked Michael Jackson tribute gig echoes the massively over-promised and rapidly vanished Jacko Katrina and 9/11 benefit singles.
The plans for an enormous gig in Vienna in a couple of weeks' time have now been ripped up. Out goes the idea of honouring Jackson's love of castles and The Sound Of Music, because it turns out that the promises to appear were as vague as Jacko's connection to Vienna. Jermaine explains:
“A little more than five weeks ago I began, together with my partners in Vienna, to work on the Tribute Concert. As you can imagine staging a show of this monumental dimension in less than eight weeks is a daunting challenge,” he said.
Related Links
“I personally have spoken to many international artists and invited them to attend The Tribute and perform one of Michael’s songs. Several leading artists immediately agreed to participate in this unique tribute show. Many others told me personally that it would be a great honor to be part of this memorial concert for my late brother – an artist who influenced the music world like virtually no other.
“However, due to the short time frame involved it just was not possible for many of them to change their schedule so that they could be on stage in Vienna on September 26th.”
"We have therefore decided, after careful consideration, to reschedule The Tribute concert for my brother to June 2010 and to stage this very special music event at Wembley Stadium in London.
"Here, over 70,000 fans will have the opportunity to experience the life and music of my beloved late brother. We will hold the concert in the city that he himself chose for his comeback concerts but, due to his tragic death, he was not able to do."
"When artists who have won 8 Grammy Awards and sold millions of records around the world and are able to sell out large stadiums are then called 'B-list artists', are made fun of and generally disrespected, is something I just cannot understand. If these artists are not welcome in Vienna, London is more than happy to have them”.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on jermaine jackson, mary j blige, michael jackson, vienna
Starfucker are no longer going to call themselves Starfucker. It turns out the 'fuck' bit was a bit of a stumbling block when it came to getting slots on kids TV programmes, tours, and radio.
Whoever would have guessed that, eh?
[Lead fucker Josh] Hodges: “[We've talked about a name change] for at least over a year. [Our tour manager] was really encouraging us to change our name because we lost out on all these tours like the L.A. tour that Passion Pit got on—they got big after that tour. Nobody wants to tour with us, basically. That’s why we’ve never done an opening slot, we’ve always done headlining tours…it’s weird. It’s [the bands'] managers and their people that are like ‘oh, they’re gonna chase away the little tweener fans’ or whatever. Their parents aren’t going to fund them to go to the show. Which I guess I can understand. But no one really cares, it’s just they’re afraid that people will care. Most people don’t care but the fear of people caring has hurt us (laughs).”
What was it again, Gennaro? The Beatles were going to dominate this year?
HMV’s Gennaro Castaldo said: “This is likely to prove one of the cultural highlights of the year.”
Gennaro Castaldo at HMV told the Evening Standard: "We feel there's every chance that The Beatles will dominate the top 20 next week, even with only four days sales compared with other artists.
"Chances are Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road will battle it out for the No.1 spot against the current incumbents - the Arctic Monkeys."
HMV spokesman Gennaro Castaldo said: “The Official Chart Company has decided to treat the boxset as a single product rather than a set of individual albums.
“Although this will propel the boxset into the charts in its own right, it is hitting sales of the albums themselves and may well deny the opportunity of a purely Beatles top 10."
Gennaro Castaldo of retailer HMV said: "Dame Vera has been steadily selling albums every day since her new release came out. We're seeing huge Beatles sales around the country, but the purchasing by fans is being diffused over a wide range of Beatles titles.
"Not only does Dame Vera look set to block the historic return of the Beatles, but she will also set the record as the oldest person ever to hold the top spot - an incredible feat by a remarkable lady."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on arctic monkeys, gennaro castaldo, number one, the beatles, vera lynn
It's wrong, it's very wrong. But it's so very, very good. Taco Bell are offering bands free taco bell foods as part of their regular Feed The Beat promotion.
Five hundred dollars worth of Taco Bell bucks (or money-off coupons, in other words), which works out at about 600 cheese roll-ups. Enough to keep a drummer happy.
And, don't worry, bands: they've cleaned up the kitchens:
For a short period earlier this week, Sky News was apparently reporting an announcement by Yoko Ono of The Beatles coming to iTunes:
The story kicked off with the headline:
“The whole of the Beatles back catalogue will be made available to buy on iTunes, Yoko Ono has told Sky News.”
But almost immediately after publishing the story Sky News killed it, leaving nothing but a blank page in its wake. Google News had a cache of it for a brief time, but that too has apparently disappeared in record time.
With apologies to Private Eye.
Sales of Abbey Road, best-performing of The Beatles albums on re-release day following a month of press coverage, Beatles Week on the BBC, and Gennaro Castaldo pulling double-shifts:
Sales increase of David Eaglemen's Sum on Amazon alone, after a single tweet by Stephen Fry:
Meanwhile, Gordon is all excited about the Beatles reissues:
BEATLEMANIA is back - blasting the Fab Four back into the Top Ten with a whopping 50,000 sales of their sparkling reissues in just one day.
a whopping 50,000 sales of their sparkling reissues
RAP star DAPPY has a secret conviction for spitting in a girl's face during a drunken brawl.
Dappy - real name Costas Contostavlos - had kept the incident quiet.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on crime, dappy, first day sales, gordon smart, midweeks, n-dubz, reissues, sales, the beatles
The news that Phil Collins can no longer drum might be the sort of news that would have led to street parties in the 1980s, but now is actually quite sad:
The former Genesis star can't even hold his sticks after years of sitting in front of a drumkit.
Collins, 58, whose hits include In The Air Tonight, said: 'After playing drums for 50 years, I've had to stop.
'My vertebrae have been crushing my spinal cord because of the position I drum in.
'It comes from years of playing. I can't even hold the sticks properly without it being painful, I even used to tape the sticks to my hands to get through.'
Collins told fans: 'Don't worry, I can still sing.'
The ill-judged resurrection of Kurt Cobain in Guitar Hero has sparked a slew of messages from Courtney Love via Twitter, in which she claims she knew nothing about it:
FOR THE RECORD I DID NOT APPROVE KURTS AVATAR FOR GUYITARHERO5. i think Kurt would despise this game alone let alone this avatar
this is NECROPHILIC this is VILE please address all calls to my lawyer Kieth Fink Esquire who is FURIOUS And to my Publicist Rogers and Cowa
and they both also represent the Estate and Frances's Trust and if youd like to point the finger do so, Bruce Karsh at OAKTREE CAPITOL
and LARRY MESTEL at Primary WAVE not content to rape and pillage mydaughters "trust fund" a fucking JOKE in seattle called Laird NortonTyee
who do not know the difference between emi eom and bmi. who are greedy and lazy and forced me to 1 sell publishing rights then stole fromher
2Howard Wetzman and John Branca at Kinsella Wetzman and Ziffen branca in particular ONE who has disabused his forged Power Of Attorney
and raped Kurts estate and are now raping Micheal Jacksons to profit thier "Private Bank of California" of wich former CPA Micheal Thompson
is an owner in fact 5 former cpas are funnily enough owners this "BANK" is funded by karsh and built on the bones of Hendrixes estate, Kurts
and Micheal Jacksons ( last count 50m for rehearsal tapes) My will was just pulled and if i pop my clogs THEY get everything this is forged
this goes to the VERY heart of what you motherfuckers refer to as my "ranting" NEVER underestimate a mothers love and NEVER underestimate
My ETERNAL and PURE love for my deceased husband, the guradian says Kurt has made 800m dollars(450mpounds) since passing,
its actually alot more if you count the illegal Nirvana llc di you think in a million years weve spent such an absurd amount of money?
we have NOTHING to do with this it was presented to me and oi said "show me a better avataR" TO DRAG MY HEELS., never did i intend on allowi
allowing GUITARHERO for me or for Kurt i am NOT yoko fucking Ono no ofense to her, but i am a different person entirely and this is insane
all day every day i take the shit for men and women of LAW and WEALTH
VIOLATING their positions from the moment of Kurts Death forging his will as "In testate" you have not listened to me so Kurts avatar is on
YOU for dismissing me as a LOON, go fucking play guitar hero commit necrophilai KNOW you are raping me and my family mother in law child
NOW WILL YOU FUCKING LISTEN OR DO YOU NEED MORE? i saw a piece of the avatar on the nightly news i actually had to vomit but ive been alone
that is a "boun ce" address, i have spent 20/30,000 hours doing high level forensics and am presently qualified to work at DeloitTouche
and yes this is a clear and linear line to Guitar Hero 5 outragous violationa nd breach o contract it makes you feel smug to say ESTATE
say it but know that at the end i am a widow and a single mother whose polemic husband has been utterly and totally liquidated, and its YOUR
YOUR FAULT for not hearing me scream, and i will not stop screaming so euthe rbecome responsible and allow me to love my country again,
and you wonder about Guitar Hero 5 disgusted? welcome to my NIGHTMARE. yeah well sue activision this is disgusting, but theres alot MORE
a proper press release will address this and a proper legal team will be assembled to deal with the mortgage fraud aspect Kieth isnt doing,
its a specialised industry and very very specialised, i understand mortgage fraud almost better than anythingand corrupted banking officers
anyone who dares call the below a rant or rambling or "bizarre rambling rant" is a retard who cant take documentation.
“you can assrape dave he was always a bad seed and is stillriding the shit while i take bullets if theres a hell hes going. im not.”
nor was going to and my quote on grphl stands, he financed his mothers home and his own with kurts etstae not his "own" money.
are they doing this to defelct the bad pr?Blame courtney? they know they are fullof shit and oi need to have the preleaselawstuf
activision is fulllof shit they have a a contcrct called a deal memo that said upon approvale they could use an avatar i approved i .
and i never inteneded to aPPROVE this shit, they are doing a recall you can be sure o fthat. waita ew hours maybe tomorrow press and etc
“Activision is responding to queries regarding the usage of Kurt Cobain’s likeness in Guitar Hero 5 with the following statement ‘Guitar Hero secured the necessary licensing rights from the Cobain estate in a written agreement signed by Courtney Love to use Kurt Cobain’s likeness as a fully playable character in Guitar Hero 5.’ Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl, the two surviving members of Nirvana, have no say whatsoever in the usage of Kurt Cobain’s likeness.”
Courtney supplied us with photos and videos and knew exactly what she wanted Kurt to look like,” Riley told RS. “She picked the wardrobe and hair style, which turned out to be the ‘Teen Spirit’ look, then we went back and forth over changes — some subtle, some not so subtle… She was actually great to work with. She got back with comments pretty quickly.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on activision, courtney love, dave grohl, rock star [game], twitter
Musicians who have, perhaps, made a decent record more recently than Feargal Sharkey have been suggesting that UK Music's delighted gurglings at the Mandelson proposals might nor represent the views of everyone involved in music in the UK.
A band of top-drawer musicians have issued an 'oi, noooo':
Artists from bands including Radiohead, Pink Floyd and Blur told The Times that plans announced by Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, to suspend the internet accounts of those who engage in file-sharing will criminalise a whole generation of their fans.
Nick Mason, Ed O'Brien, Dave Rowntree and Billy Bragg, the singer, are lining up against Government's stance on file sharing
Geoff Taylor, chief executive of the British Phonographic Industry, said: “We could hardly have more legal download services than we already do, and they have not eliminated piracy. It is the peer-to-peer downloading that is holding back investment in more services."
“What Government is proposing in the temporary suspension of accounts as a last resort is a set of measures that are proportional and balanced.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bpi, dave rowntree, featured artists coaltion, nick mason, uk music
The front of the BBC News website reports that James Allan's whereabouts are still a mystery:
Allan went Awol four days ago and missed the Mercury Music Prize, where the Scottish rock band were nominated.
But he got in touch soon after the ceremony on Tuesday to say he was safe. He did not reveal where he was or why he took flight.
The band's manager, Dean Cunning, said the singer had telephoned him yesterday afternoon after finding out that people were concerned for his safety.
"James is not missing, he's in New York," he said. "He got in touch with me yesterday at about 1.45pm to tell me he was OK because he knew people were worried, but to be honest I've been just as much in the dark about this as anybody - the last time I saw James was at the gig in Cardiff. I don't even know exactly when he went missing."
When asked whether the singer would be able to join the band for their American gigs, Mr Cunning said: "I fucking hope so."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on dean cunning, glasvegas, james allan, management, missing, the independent
Something must be terribly wrong in Wapping - there's no lightweight half-story on the Bizarre pages this morning about either Robbie Williams or JLS. How can this be?
Elsewhere, Gordon has a bunch of gossip from the GQ Awards the night before last, which is fascinating. No, not the lame "look, here's a picture of Gary Barlow talking to Pixie Lott" backstage mutter itself, but the question it throws up for Rupert Murdoch's digital strategy. It's taken over 24 hours for this stuff to appear on the Sun website because it was being held back to coincide with the print edition.
But what would have happened if people were being expected to pay for Smart's gubbins? Let's just assume there's a market for now. If you're shoveling over quids for hot gossipings, would you feel the deal was sweet if you have to wait for over a day before seeing a photo of The Bloke Out Of Take That and That Woman Who Looked Uncomfortable On The Front Of FHM Last Month? Simply so that it doesn't "spoil" the story for the paper edition?
But if Gordon had rushed back to the office after the GQ Awards and stuck the stuff up before he went off to bed, how would the people who buy the paper on Thursday morning feel at discovering they're now handing cash to effectively buy a print out of the website from Tuesday evening?
It's not like Smart has enough content to be able to offer something exclusive to both outlets. So which paying customer gets the stale content, Rupert?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, paywalls, pixie lott, take that, the sun
It's still a bit of a mystery why Wayne Coyne decided to have a go at The Arcade fire earlier in the year. And then why he offered a half-hearted apology. Now, though, he's half-assedly withdrawing the lame apology:
"It's so silly. People say things about The Flaming Lips all the time and I don't give a shit. For Arcade Fire to even think that what I would say would have any impact on their egos... it's all silly," says Coyne. "Who cares?"
"In my defence, I would say it was a casual conversation with the reporter. I don't care. I know what I said was absolutely the truth. I run into people virtually everywhere we play and they're like, 'Wayne, you're the only one that says anything'. I would say in their defence that perhaps they have changed. But I don't care. A lot of silly gossip gets built up into epic proportions. I can understand people who loved their music thinking I was out of line for saying it."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on arcade fire, feuds, flaming lips, wayne coyne, win butlers
Jermaine Jackson has been in London today, pushing a wonderful live music event. Oh, yeah, in memory of thingumabob. But mostly the event.
Where to start? First, perhaps, with the news that Chris Brown is hoping to take part:
"Chris Brown is working out some situations but he definitely expressed to us that he wants to be here," Jackson said at a press conference in London.
"It's just up to what he's going through with his court case right now - but he's definitely going to work that out and be here."
Jackson said that, despite the negative publicity surrounding Brown's court case, he was happy for the singer to take part.
"People make mistakes and he's a wonderful performer and during these times people need support and that's really important," he said.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on austria, channel 4 news, chris brown, death, jermaine jackson, memorial, michael jackson, the sound of music, vienna
Congratulations to Girls Aloud for picking up the Popjustice £20 Music Prize for The Promise, and a round of applause to Nicola Roberts for heading over to pick up the cash. It's not like she really needed the publicity. Or the cash.
Nobody from The Sugababes showed up for the £20 Invoice for worst single. Pity.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on awards, girls aloud, nicola roberts, popjustice, twenty quid music prize
A handy chunk of data has been made available by the Guardian, in spreadsheet take-it-and-mash format, detailing not just the winners of the Mercury, but also how well they sold and the highest chart position.
So, just three Mercury albums have been number one - Suede by Suede, Different Class by Pulp and Whatever People Say... by the Arctic Monkeys.
Only three have sold more than a million - Franz Ferdinand, Pulp and the Monkeys.
Only one album failed to make the top 40, and that's also the lowest-selling album of them all: Talvin Singh's OK.
So, we now know that the average sale of a Mercury Prize Winner is a bit over 500,000 - 580882, to be precise.
And the average chart position is 10.
A top ten record and half a million sales? It sounds like the very model of a tolerably well-performing record. Not too flash, not setting the bar so high that the performance of the next record will disappoint, but good enough to guarantee the label will pony up for it.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on mercury music prize, sales, statistics, the guardian
Some point in the future, you'll be able to download this into your Guitar Band game-pack. For now, you'll just have to make do with The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future by Los Campesinos.
You can watch the song with pretty moving pictures on the LC website.
UPDATE 07-09-14: These links both now go to long removed pages. But there's the song from YouTube:
No, really, there was a line in the suicide note which said "my only regret is that I die before I get the chance to take part in a tribute to Bon Jovi; if only there was still a way". Genuine fact:
Everett True responds to this delightful desecration:
Um. Grohl and Love sanctioned this one for the new Guitar Hero. So respect due to Grohl and Love then. Fucking corporate cock-sucking memory-destroying fret-wanking MTV-supporting fame-chasing money-grabbing grave-turning publicity-loving vacuous spoiled jaded cunting rock whores.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on computer games, courtney love, everett true, guitar hero, kurt cobain
Yesterday, readers of Gordon's column were sent to the bookies almost certain of a Mercury win for Florence And The Machine, mainly - admittedly - on the strength of 'giving Gordon an excuse to print a sexy picture':
FLORENCE WELCH is the front-runner to scoop glory at tonight's Mercury Music Awards.
And if she does bag the 20 grand prize for 2009's best album, I suspect that by the end of the evening she could be pulling a similar pose to this - crawling around London's Grosvenor House Hotel.
The Sun's Something For The Weekend section said last week that Speech was the "most deserving" nominee.
Beaming Yoko said: "I love Shine. I know most of their greatest hits. They're a great British band."
And the feeling's mutual.
Mark said: "It's amazing that Yoko thinks that about our music. It is an honour to accept an award from her."
Yoko Ono: TT are new Fab 4
JOHN Lennon’s widow is a big fan of the man band – naming Shine as her favourite track
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on awards, florence and the machine, florence welch, gordon smart, gq, mark owen, mercury music prize, speech debelle, take that, the sun, yoko ono
Mike Read - yes, the former DJ one, not the dead one who was R-E-I-D anyway - contributed to the Guardian this morning, marking the departure of Wogan from breakfasts.
It includes this slightly bemusing segment, rejecting the likelihood that the audience will vanish:
Yes, there will be an exodus, but probably not of biblical proportions; after all, there has never been bondage at Radio 2 – and in any case where is their Moses or Aaron to lead them to a new radio land, unless Elvis rises again from the chip shop.
Long one of our great exports, the music industry has been strangled by the lack of innovative radio and television. This country has far too many radio and TV stations pumping out pap, so it's not surprising that many are proving to be unsustainable. It's time for a shake-up, and perhaps Wogan's departure will prompt just that. Fewer stations, more quality and realistic budgets.
As the lawyer Jaggers dealt with Pip's question in Great Expectations, let me take a hypothetical case: 20 former Radio 1 voices, all national names and all highly experienced, who have collectively broadcast to billions over the years and won countless awards. What a line-up that would be. Now, we need a hypothetical name, let's say One Gold. Put thousands of advertisers and sponsors, who would kill to advertise on Radio 2 if it were commercial, into the mix. This theoretical station may well broadcast (and I mean broadcast, not narrowcast) the best of the 80s, 70s and 60s as well as established artists who don't seem to get a look in despite highly successful tours.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on breakfast shows, mike read, radio 2, terry wogan
Lauren Laverne, eh? God, how quickly did Jo Whiley fall from favour?
Rather than detain us with large chunks of music, we're whistling through small chunks of the nominated bands. Miranda Sawyer and Nihal are offering opinions - Nihal suggesting that Speech is a Mercury judge's idea of a hip-hop album. Which is a fair point.
The EPG is calling the programme "packed", which with the need to have some runners-and-riders, a form discussion and the actual announcement is a bit of an understatement.
Blimey - Elly Jackson seems to have had whatever the quiff equivalent of a hair extension is to celebrate the evening.
Nihal has dismissed The Horrors, which seems a bit rich considering he was suggesting that it was a bit rocksnob to have a pop at Kasabian.
Miranda Sawyer is suggesting Bat For Lashes should go a bit bonkers. "It's a beautiful album, but... beautiful mixed with something. But to win the Mercury Music Prize, is it enough?" ponders Nihal.
Time for the announcement, then: Jools Holland, naturally, is the MC. Everyone gets a little ripple of applause because we're all winners, right?
"Let's remind ourselves what those twelve people albums are" mumbles Jools, like a man who is doing his best to try and make Fearne Cotton feel better.
"Moment of truth... fever pitch... esteemed judges" - a quick tour of Holland cliches - "only one can win." No, really?
Although his "we don't applaud money, we applaud talent" is a good joke, a bit undermined in an event which is sponsored by a bank and makes a lot of its twenty grand prize.
The result is "a surprise", drags out Jools: The winner is Speech.
Speech Debelle. I don't think anyone saw that coming (I typed just as Aaron S tweeted that.)
So, who knew that this was a year for the judges to pretend that it's not really just a rock prize? Clearly not Speech, who - ironically - had come without a speech prepared.
As one, the world looks up and says "anything that wasn't Kasabian can't be wrong, can it?"
In her winner's interview, Speech has just mentioned that Ms Dynamite winning the Mercury was an "inspiration" - although since that was a gate swinging to open a not-entirely glittering career, that seems a bit ominous. Still, at least she didn't say it was Roni Size who shaped her dreams.
Here comes Newsnight, then.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on lauren laverne, mercury music prize, miranda sawyer, nihal, speech debelle
In a conversation with Spinner, in which Stewart Copeland stood atop of the mountain of cash he made from the Police reunion, he suggested everyone should get back together, like, right now:
Copeland believes other famous holdouts should follow suit. We asked him about the Talking Heads in particular since they come from a similar scene and era he describes as being "about anti-nostalgia."
"I would advise them to give it a try because of two reasons," he says. "One, in most bands that I know, and certainly my own band, you have a real bond with your band members. Love them or hate them, there's a bond. We in the Police found and slayed a lot of dragons. We really put a lot of misconceptions about each other and ourselves to rest. We conquered the world together, same as Talking Heads. They have had a big part in each other's lives and wouldn't it be great if they all got along? It's like burying the hatchet."
"I don't know anything about the Smiths, but yes," he says. "It isn't any act of courage to not do it. What quality does it take to say no to something like that?"
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on reunions, stewart copeland, talking heads, the police, the smiths
Now it's official that Terry Wogan is off to enjoy a lie-in, and Chris Evans is going to take over, there seems to be some confusion. Especially amongst Daily Mail readers, there seems to be a misunderstanding; an expectation that TFI-era Evans is going to turn up to do the show, with testicle jokes, beer and Kula Shaker over by the piano. This is the howl of anguish from Radio 2 "loyal" listeners who haven't bothered to listen to the more mellow Evans programme on the network.
Still, it's good news for the Mail who haven't had anything to wrap up in a horseshoe and throw at the BBC for, ooh, hours. And it's not just their readers who are struggling to contain their rage, oh no:
Chris Evans tells Terry Wogan fans he'll deliver 'first rate family show' as Gloria Hunniford leads campaign against 'childish' successor
They include 'shocked' veteran broadcaster Gloria Hunniford, who said: 'I would have reservations. But that's only a personal opinion. He's a good broadcaster, but I personally don't think he's of the same calibre as Terry.'
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on chris evans, daily mail, gloria hunniford, outrage, radio 2, terry wogan
Somewhat ironically, considering he was talking at a charity Beatles event piggybacking on the hoopla around Beatles Game, Bill Wyman has been grumbling about Rock Band style games:
[He claimed] they will lead to fewer young people taking up real instruments.
"It encourages kids not to learn, that's the trouble. It makes less and less people dedicated to really get down and learn an instrument".
"I think it's a pity," he said, speaking at Abbey Road studios while recording a charity Beatles song for Children in Need.
"It irritates me having watched my kids do it. If they spend as much time practising the guitar as learning how to press the buttons, they'd be damn good by now".
But Alex Rigopulos, co-founder of Harmonix Music Systems, which created the Rock Band series, refuted the musicians' claims.
"We're constantly hearing from fans who were inspired by Rock Band to start studying a real instrument," he said.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bill wyman, computer games, nick mason, pink floyd, rock band, rolling stones, the beatles