Can you hear the sound of an orderly queue forming?
Tom Fletcher, out of McFly, has a secret desire: he wants to write for other bands:
Songs that "aren't right for McFly"? Can this mean Fletcher really knows two-syllable words?
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Tom Fletcher, out of McFly, has a secret desire: he wants to write for other bands:
The Daily Mail has taken some time to peer into the black heart of the preparations for the Spice Girls tour, and the jostling for position between the various egos.
It suggests that Geri Halliwell's appearance at the initial press conference in a white dress wasn't an accident, but a deliberate 'look at me' effort to break the agreement that all the women would wear matching black (it's not known if Victoria's odd-looking breasts were signed off in advance.)
Meanwhile, Mel B's inability to get herself booted-off Dancing With The Stars is causing rehearsal problems - although not as many as Geri's need to take repeated meditation breaks. On top of which, Victoria is gunning to get the star billing on the dates.
Don't you feel glad you're not Emma Bunton?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on emma bunton, mel b, mel c, reunions, spice girls, victoria beckham
Currently showing on VBS.TV, Thurston Moore showing us - the interwebbed gawping public - round his collection of rare books.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on books, sonic youth, thurston moore, video podcasts
Cerys Matthews has axed her November tour; the good news is that she's shifted the dates to February and added a few. The late winter Welsh tour looks like this:
Swansea Grand Theatre - February 14
Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan - 15 and 16
Aberystwyth Arts Centre - 17
Wyeside Arts Centre, Builth Wells - 19
Muni Arts Centre, Pontypridd - 20
Blake Theatre, Monmouth - 21
Theatr Hafren, Newtown - 22
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cancellation, cerys matthews, tour dates, wales
The Crown Prosecution Service have sighed a deep sigh and explained, patiently, that - since Elton John's Nan Goldin wasn't indecent in 2001, it wouldn't be indecent in 2007, either.
Kerrie Bell, head of the CPS Northumbria South Unit, said:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on art, crown prosecution service, elton john, nan goldin, police
Surprisingly, despite the absence of Howard Donald, you could barely spot the difference in Take That's Vienna gig.
Donald has sustained a chest injury onstage - presumably the choreography was designed to show off his heavy lifting skills - and was in hospital while the others went on with the show:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on howard donald, rock sick list, take that, vienna
Nobody scoffed louder than us when EMI disappeared into the hands of the German motorway network's catering company, but we'll give them this: the new owners are trying to remake their company to fit the 21st century faster than the old labels are.
Latest move: sticking a load of material onto DjDownload, in hi-quality, DRM-free format. Amongst the tracks now added is everything on their sub-label Positiva, the Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack and Radiohead's back catalogues.
Wonder if EMI really wanted to send a signal that they've changed: withdrawing from the RIAA (at least until it stops seeing computers as, at best, an irritant to the core business) would be a bold, year zero move. But one that probably makes economic sense - what does EMI really get from pouring its subs into the organisation?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on chemical brothers, djdownloads, drm, emi, massive attack, mp3s, radiohead, riaa
MediaGuardian is reporting that EMAP is about to offload Kiss to Global Radio; the idea being that Global will merge the Kiss brand with its own Galaxy network which covers a similar not-especially-challenging dance beat.
Those of you with long memories will recall that the Galaxy stations used to be branded Kiss, under a licence from EMAP, until the publisher took the name away.
It's not thought that the Kiss TV network forms part of the deal.
Possession of drugs? Driving illegally? It's not enough to send Doherty to prison - especially since procedural screw-ups meant the court was unable to consider that these latest crimes occurred while Doherty was meant to be on probation.
He's got a fine and a four-month sentence, suspended for two years. He's also been handed a 12 month rehabilitation order and an 18 month supervision order.
It's now up to Pete to show what he makes of all the chances he's been given.
Tescos must be delighted, as the money they're paying The Spice Girls to appear in an ad is generating acres of coverage, such as Newton's simpering write-up this morning:
Those of us who were convinced that Akon's disaster-strewn career was all part of a subtle campaign to pitch him as a Terry Scott for a new generation will be unsurprised to hear that he's now been involved in a collapsing tent incident. It's not thought he was actually carrying a tray full of refreshing drinks at the time.
(The canopy actually fell while the stage for his Atlanta Gig was being set up; a couple of people were injured but, we believe, nobody was seriously hurt. The gig, however, has been axed.)
It's not easy being rock. Glenn Danzig was happily starting the latest Danzig US tour when he fell offstage. Ouch.
His injury was bad enough to lead to cancellation of the following evening's Worcester gig; he's back in action now, but his arm is in a sling.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on accidents, cancellation, danzig, glenn danzig, rock sick list
Alan Ellis, the IT expert arrested at the behest of the record labels, has turned up - somewhat surprisingly - in the Daily Telegraph defending his OiNK operation:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on alan ellis, daily telegraph, downloads, file sharing, oink, peer-to-peer
What a startling surprise. Although Evan Rachel Wood makes a living as an actor, all of a sudden she's decided that, really, she wanted to be a singer all along. Having curious-clown-man Marilyn Manson playing the Anton Rodgers role in their relationship clearly hasn't harmed her chances of getting the inevitable record deal.
We know that labels see these deals as cheap ways of building artist awareness - the power of "you might also know me from..." - but haven't they noticed that, mostly, the reason why actors are actors and not musicians already is because they're better at acting?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on acting, evan rachel wood, marilyn manson, record deals
Not well, according to the latest figures: XFM's audience share in London halved to a tiny 1.2% of listening, reports the latest RAJAR figures.
We expect the bosses at GCap will be hiring some daytime presenters fairly sharpish.
At his time of life - and with his history - it's no wonder Keith Richards is worried about his local hospital closing down.
Keef is going to join a march protesting at cost-cutting plans to reorganise Sussex hospitals, which would see St Richards possibly having its acute services cutback. As a West Wittering homeowner, this worries Keith.
Of course, Keith might have more effectively ensured the NHS provide wide ranges of services at local level by making sure he and his chums didn't organise their tax lives to minimise the level they contributed to the nation.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on keith richards, nhs, politics, rolling stones, sussex
The predictions that the times between bands splitting and doing the reunitey tour will eventually be measured in zero are looking more and more on the nail with the news that Patrick Larrikin is rejoining Larrikin Love after a handful of months away.
Of course, this is slightly different to, say, Blue as the reunion is designed to try and give traction to his new project, The Pan I Am, and - to be honest - nobody really noticed that Larrikin Love had split in the first place.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on larrikin love, patrick larrikin, reunions, splits, the pan i am
Not only do we now have to struggle with the concept of a drug-free Doherty, they're now rolling out an alcohol-free Amy Winehouse on us.
Although she's only giving up prior to gigs. It's not yet been put to the test of gig versus a little drinkie, but we're not betting on the pledge remaining enforceable for long.
From the more-than-generous department: Filthy Little Angels have just posted up the first 19 of its releases for your ear-delight needs. Complete with artwork, should you want that too. There's Christmas albums, Grease and Rocky Horror tributes and the lovely Leatherettes and Vichy Government - and much more besides.
Mick Hucknall has decided the world has had enough of Simply Red:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on mick hucknall, simply red, solo careers, splits
Things are going from bad to worse for Foxy Brown: following a fight at Rikers Island, she's now looking at 76 days in solitary confinement. That means "without an entourage" in prisonspeak.
Much-beloved of the Marc Riley show on 6Music, Emmy The Great has announced a new single, due the start of December. It's seven inch vinyl, of course, and called Gabriel.
To tide you over until then, this is the great The Great from the Black Cab Sessions:
She's not wearing a seatbelt. Saville would be outraged.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on black cab sessions, emmy the great, new releases, seven inch singles, youtube
Busy, busy in the studio: Rob Halford and his old friends Judas Priest, working on a concept album about Nostradamus. Why Nostradamus?
Apparently, Courtney Love loves staying at Claridges when she's in London.
Claridges, though, aren't that thrilled in return. Not after last time, when she did a bit of damage. The 3AM Girls investigate:
With something approaching a poetic mirror-image, John Legend has given a long interview to The Sun. Since nobody here cares much about Legend, the paper has splashed with his opinions on why nobody much cares about Robbue Williams:
Did Sarah Harding strip naked for a radio presenter? The Bizarre headline suggests 'yes':
Despite not having bothered to turn up for the last hearing, Pete Doherty's eventual trip to court has turned out alright for him: he's had the last six months of his drug control order quashed by Judge McIvor:
We were going to headline this 'save the Britney - save the world' but then, as we read the page, we saw they were using "save the popstar - save the world" with a straight face anyway. The "friends" (or, at least, semi-shunned former entouragettes) of Britney Spears have launched a MySpace calling upon us all - all to take part in something akin to a mass-participation cyberintervention:
With Radiohead effectively allowing you to steal their album, and the Charlatans foisting it on you for free whether you want it or not, the prospect of a free, limited-time single download is slightly less exciting. But the new Verve single is probably worth a listen, if nothing else. And it is being given away free (unless you place a value on your contact details - and you should) by the NME.
The much-hyped, little-seen SpiralFrog ad-supported music download service has done the equivalent of a coma patient twitching and signed a licensing deal with Sony-ATV music. This would ensure that - should anyone ever use their site - songwriters as well as performers would get a share of the non-existent advertising revenues.
It's heartbreaking, like watching someone prepare for a date you know they're going to be stood up on.
New Model Army are pulling on their clogs and heading out for a tour:
Tue November 13 Wolverhampton Wulfren Hall
Wed 14 Glasgow Garage
Thur 15 Aberdeen Lemon Tree
Fri 16 Manchester Academy 2
Sat 17 Leeds Met
Sun 18 Sheffield Corporation
Tue 20 Norwich Waterfront
Wed 21 Cambridge Junction
Thur 22 Brighton Concorde2
Fri 23 Southampton Brook
Sat 24 Oxford Zodiac
Sun 25 Exeter Phoenix Centre
Tue 27 Bristol Thekla
Wed 28 Nottingham Rock City
Thur 29 Northampton Roadmenders
Thur December 20 London Astoria
Poor Britney has now sunk so low, even Boating Magazine is ridiculing her. Although, to be fair, they're laughing at her because, erm, she thought that a Portuguese Man O'War was a jellyfish. Just imagine, eh?
The sliding official version of Napster has come up with a novel wheeze - it's partnered with AT&T in the US to offer mobile downloads (although not to the phone company's iPhone customers.) The USP? Erm, charging double the price of its main competitors. Two dollars a download.
And, of course, there's normally a carriage charge on top, too.
Who would be stupid enough to pay $2 for a song they could get elsewhere for half that? Unless they live in the UK and have no choice in the matter, obviously.
[Thanks to Michael M for the link]
Because her album hadn't exactly lived up to its name, Sony BMG have brought forward release of Britney's Blackout.
Peter Paphides in The Times has a "world exclusive first review" which, unlike his colleague Victoria Newton's "world exclusive first review" from down the Wapping Corridor in the Sun a couple of weeks ago, is based on actually having heard the finished album:
In what the IFPI-RIAA is claiming as a major victory, and what others are saying "they've shut the what?", the operator of alleged file-sharing site OiNK has been arrested:
Andy Burrows has issued a denial of stories that The Johnny Borrell experience is about to split; it has the ringing confidence of Menzies Campbell's Lib Dem conference speech.
So, the download version of In Rainbows has happened; what about the physical product? The New York Times is reporting that Coran Capshaw's Side One labelette (a side-business to his management of Dave Matthews and others) and XL will release the record in the US and UK respectively. But only for a time: the band are keeping hold of the rights, so the deal will only allow the labels a brief crack of the whip.
Which is only fair - after all, it's not like the labels had to pay for the record to get made, so why should they own the disc?
Not, of course, that Alicia Keys would resort to a spot of lazy stereotyping of lesbians, but she reckons people think she's gay because she used to look a bit rough:
Ruts guitarist Paul Fox has died after a fight against cancer.
As with many of the leading lights of the UK punk scene, Paul had originally been a pub rocker. His band - Hit and Run - transformed into The Ruts in 1977 (although they had toyed with the name Malcolm and The Skulking Loafers). Slots with Rock Against Racism and support from John Peel helped the band into the top ten and onto Top of the Pops with Babylon's Burning, but the band ran into the sand after the heroin OD death of singer Malcolm Owen in 1980. The band continued for a while as The Ruts DC.
In Fox's own words, he then disappeared a little off the scene:
Everything, clearly, is up for grabs in Bob Dylan's world: he's now pocketing cash from Cadillac to appear in an advert for a new model. The ad also includes a plug for XM radio and - in a circular plug-jerk - he's dedicating his next XM radio show to songs about Cadillacs.
Presumably, 6Music will have to drop that episode of Theme Time Radio since it's essentially a long advert?
Borrell is now telling anyone who'll listen how keeping fit is better than living with Kirsten Dunst:
VH1 had a nifty idea to celebrate - if celebrate is the word - the return of the Spice Girls: a talent show to put together a five-piece tribute act. Trouble is, the Spice Girl bunker got wind of it, sent a few threatening letters and now it isn't going to happen.
Presumably taking a bunch of showbiz wannabes, finding five who fitted a pre-cut "personality-style" template and could sing a bit, and putting them on stage wasn't just trading on the Spice Girls' brand; it was exactly how the Spice Girls were made in the first place. We imagine Fuller was worried VH1 would have ended up with a tribute which outclassed the original.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on legal, reality, simon fuller, spice girls, tribute bands, tv, vh1
It's probably not surprising that Kid Rock has been arrested on rumble-related charges "along with five of his entourage" after a fight in an Atlanta Waffle House car park.
What is puzzling, though, is what sort of person goes to a Waffle House with an entourage?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on arrest, atlanta, crime, kid rock, waffle house
Curious this: a Sacramento CW anchor is forced to give a groveling apology to Tyler Perry and Janet Jackson on-air, after making the "mistake" of assuming that the only really interesting thing Jackson has done in years is getting her tit out on the Superbowl.
The channel had apparently been inundated with complaints that the interview had focused on that rather than the poor new film Jackson and Perry have made - the anchor claimed 19,000 to him alone.
19,000? There are that many people in Sacramento who (a) watch The CW and (b) care enough to send emails? Or, is it more likely that the network has been the target of an orchestrated campaign by people who didn't even see the original interview?
Shall we start a campaign to get that apology withdrawn on-air?
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on janet jackson, sacramento, the cw, tyler perry
Somehow having forgotten to mention it until now, Kevin Hackie has announced that he wasn't just Tupac's bodyguard. Oh, no, he was also undercover FBI.
And possibly being controlled by shape-shifting aliens too, although he'll be saving that for a later book tour.
Hackie seems happy to reveal this, despite now adding "rubbish at being an undercover secret agent" to the earlier charge of being "total disaster at guarding Tupac's body".
The now-defunct Sunday People's Visible Panty Line column VIP is claiming responsibility for Gary Barlow's body:
The horrifying prospect of the McCartneys settling their divorce differences amicably having receded, the tabloids have rushed to fill the vacuum with idle speculation. The News of the World is taking the lead:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on divorce, heather mills, news of the world, paul mccartney
The death has been announced of former Killing Joke bassist Paul Raven.
Born in Wolverhampton in 1961, Raven played bass for Kitsch, a proto-Dogs D'Amour, but his first big break came when he joined Killing Joke, taking over as Youth quit. He stepped down from the band in 1988, rejoining for the band's 1990 Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions album. Raven stayed on when the band dropped Jaz Coleman and morphed into Murder Inc. A 1992 Killing Joke reunion saw Youth return, but when the Joke revived in 2003 Raven again took on the bass.
A busy man, Raven also found time to be part of Prong and Godflesh, but perhaps achieved his greatest success after a meeting with Al Jourgensen led to him joining Ministry, a role he relished as it allowed him to bring his political side more to the fore:
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on killing joke, ministry, obit, obituary, paul raven, prong
Talking of eye-catching walk-offs, Annie Lennox fled from the stage during her Boulder gig after spotting a bloke wearing a gas mask and a cape in the crowd.
It's not known if other Grumbleweeds characters, like the poor impression of Jimmy Saville, were also in the audience with Wilf 'Gasmask' Grimshaw.
Lennox is pretty pissed by it all:
Goodness! Sharon Osbourne (played by Christopher Biggins) has walked out of the X-Factor because of the need to shore up ratings ("because one of her bands got voted off").
And they reckon that Robin Hood is a poorly scripted programme.