Virgin Megastores: Now we are three
Tick, tick, tick: Virgin Megastores shrink further in the US, with more closures announced. The chain will now consist of just three stores, and you wouldn't put bets on them lasting much longer, either.
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Tick, tick, tick: Virgin Megastores shrink further in the US, with more closures announced. The chain will now consist of just three stores, and you wouldn't put bets on them lasting much longer, either.
Joan Wasser does Jimi Hendrix, in Utrecht:
[Part of the Joan As Police Woman weekend]
According to
U2 brought London to a standstill tonight (February 27) after performing a surprise rooftop gig.
Thanks to Gary W for pointing me in the direction of this gem from the Pirate Bay trial:
Laughter filled The Pirate Bay trial here Wednesday when John Kennedy, the chief executive of the International Federation of Phonographic Industries, testified that people would have purchased every music track they got free file sharing.
Kennedy answered an affirmative "Yes" to Pirate Bay defense attorneys when asked whether that was true. Bursting laughter could be heard from the audio room beside the courtroom where the trial's sound was being broadcast.
[Universals' Per] Sundin concluded the day's testimony and perhaps was the most aggressive witness. He testified Pirate Bay was the root of the industry's financial woes.
Recorded live in La Scala, 12th June, 2008:
[Part of the Joan As Police Woman weekend]
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on joan as policewoman, la scala, live, london, youtube
The Daily Mail (although, explicitly, not the McFly pushing Mail On Sunday) is going to stop giving away covermounts. Someone has apparently noticed that it's a bloody expensive way of adding short-term readers without providing any long-term benefits.
Deezer had been doing for French music fans what Spotify has been doing for the Anglophone and Scandinavian audience.
Now, though, it's been 'improved' in a way which suggests the dead fingers of the music industry throttling another golden goose. You now need to have an account, accept your email address getting sold on to anyone Deezer chooses, and:
But here’s the worst part: some tracks on members’ playlists have simply become inaccessible, due to “territorial restrictions” imposed by the record companies. Hence, a song from a UK album version can in some cases no longer be listened to in France. The member then has to search for the track again on a French or international version of the album – assuming there is one.
Jonathan Benassaya, one of the co-founders of Deezer, justified these changes in an interview (in French) with French IT news site PC INpact.
Seemingly unapologetic, he said: “We all want to say that with the internet there are no longer any borders, except that the music industry still reasons in terms of territorialities. We need to reassure this industry because without them we can’t live. Indeed, the Deezernauts are not happy, which is natural, but on the other hand Deezer needs to be able to grow and remain the star pupil, and as long as we’re like that we’ll be able to move forward with the industry. This industry is not well and, in such a situation, we have to accompany them.”
This is from a BBC Collective session Joan Wasser performed in August 2006:
The whole session is available on the BBC Collective website
[Part of Joan As Police Woman weekend]
Surely, a couple of years back, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson going into Somerfield would have been a story so slight it would have struggled to make the grade for a "spotted" item? Now, though, 3AM clears space for in-depth reportage:
Good old Linds... she seems more than happy to muck it along with the rest of us.
With the cream of the capital's shops to choose from she and girlfriend Sam Ronson ended up in Somerfield.
And, fair play to the American lovebirds, they seemed to love every minute of it!
Linds was positively beaming as she handpicked her Coco Pops and Fanta, even swiping them through at a self-service till for the full experience.
Isn't it wonderful being normal? We can just imagine her gushing to Sam about all the fabulous bargains.
Given the way she moaned on about being featured by OK, you'd probably be a bit surprised that Lily Allen has no problem being interviewed by the Daily Mail. Perhaps some told her it was a very prestigious newspaper - you know how much she loves those.
It didn't go well, sadly. Oh, the gentle plugfest passed by happily enough. The problem for Lily, though, is the headline albatross attached to the neck of the piece:
Lily Allen: Why I've got the hots for Boris Johnson
I quite fancy Boris Johnson, even though he's a Tory. He's very funny and charming.
Let's face it, any organisation that requires money to keep running is having a tricky time of it right now. But if you're a failing organisation, lacking a strategy, having burned through enormous sums on legal fees with the only outcome making an industry despised, you're going to have to work a lot harder when it comes to getting the subscription renewals in.
Hypebot is reporting a deep-throat on the slashing of budgets at the RIAA:
RIAA "It is about 90-100+ people across the US and global offices - anti-piracy, coordinated IFPI/BPI etc - trust me it's a bloodbath...
(Major label heads) Hands, Morris are squeezing the ____ out of these guys after the ISP failure and a major budget cut. (The) RIAA as you know it is probably history by Tuesday of next week, a formal announcement is being drafted for drop next week.
The new group is a aggregate of IFPI + remaining pieces of BPI + RIAA - (a) new leaner, coordinated group...DC offices are getting closed except for one part of one floor on Conn. Ave., just for the address."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on andy burnham, dcms, hypebot, other music blogs are available, riaa
Want to go to T in the Park? Too late, if you intend to spend your nights there: camping tickets have sold out.
Back to last year, and Joan doing To America in Codroipo:
[Part of Joan As Police Woman weekend]
Some splendid news - the Holy Fuck European tour has suddenly gotten about three thousand times more alluring with the addition of the lovely It Hugs Back onto the bill.
This would be their tour dates:
Monday 20th April - Nijmegen, Holland @ Doornroosje
Tuesday 21st April - Amsterdam, Holland @ Melkweg
Wednesday 22nd April - Groningen, Holland @ Vera
Friday 24th April - Brussels, Belgium @ AB Club
Saturday 25th April - Koln, Germany @ Gebaude 9
Sunday 26th April - Hamburg, Germany @ Molotow
Monday 27th April - Berlin, Germany @ Magnet
Tuesday 28th April - Munchen, Germany @ Ampere
Wednesday 29th April - Schorndorf, Germany @ Manufaktur
Thursday 30th April - Vienna, Austria @ Wuk Foyer
Friday 1st May - Rorschach, Switzerland @ Mariaberg
Saturday 2nd May - Strasbourg, France @ La Laiterie
Monday 4th May - Heidelberg, Germany @ Karlstorbahnhof
Tuesday 5th May - Nancy, France @ L'aute Canal
Wednesday 6th May - Paris, France @ Point FMR
Friday 8th May - Oxford, England @ Academy
Saturday 9th May - Canterbury, England @ The Farmhouse
Sunday 10th May - Manchester, England @ Academy 3
Monday 11th May - Glasgow, Scotland @ Oran Mor
Tuesday 12th May - Birmingham, England @ Academy 2
Wednesday 13th May - Liverpool, England @ Academy 2
Thursday 14th May - London, England @ The Scala
Some free music is always good; even better when it's the lovely, lovely Superdrag. They've made a couple of tracks from Industry Giants available for free via their Nimbit store. It's a bit fiddly, involving signing-up and emails whispering through the ether, but it's free Superdrag music - surely worth walking down a stony street without shoes?
It's been too long since I've spent a weekend lobbing videos from a single artist up. This weekend, then, a video-filled tribute to the genius that is Joan As Police Woman.
The great thing about JAPW is that it was (she was?) Joan Wasser's way of organising one side of her life. The great thing about JAPW is that the person-as-band title was a Angie Dickinson reference. The great thing about JAPW is so many things, things like this, Eternal Flame:
Research: JAPW elsewhere on the web
Jude Rogers interviews Joan
TheScene meets Joan
Official website
Last FM
Joan Wasser on Wikipedia
No Rock Joan As Police Woman posts
Buy and/or download
Download Start of My Heart, free and official
Download Joan As Police Woman mp3s from Amazon
To Survive - CD version
To Survive - mp3 version
Real Life - CD version
Real Life - mp3 version
The Joan As Police Woman weekend videos
Start Of My Heart video
To America live
Flushed Chest in session
Furious live
Fire live
more to come
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on joan as policewoman, joan wasser, video, youtube
If there's one thing we can be sure about with The Sun, it's that it isn't impressed with Russell Brand. Last October, The Sun Says outrageditorial fumed:
It says a lot, in these days of routine F-words and sex jibes, that serial offenders Brand and Ross have outraged even their own fans.
RUSSELL BRAND is making his radio comeback hosting a football show with pal NOEL GALLAGHER.
It will be Russell’s return to the airwaves since quitting his BBC Radio 2 show in October after making prank calls to Fawlty Towers star ANDREW SACHS.
Swordsman Russell apologised and fell on his, erm, sword after the Sachsgate scandal where he and JONATHAN ROSS left messages on Andrew’s answerphone about his fling with the actor’s granddaughter GEORGINA BAILLIE.
But I reckon he has served his time and personally I am pleased to hear his unique style back on the wireless.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on andrew sachs, gordon smart, noel gallagher, russell brand, talksport
In fact, she believes that:
The New York Time are cheap skanks
So, something has been really bugging me [...] Ambrosia my press agent and friend called me very excited [...] the cover of their Arts section. [...] goes without saying The New York Times is an incredibly prestigious publication [...] would fly in from New York, hang out at my house [...] feel more relaxed and then we’d go out for dinner after [...] she was called Milena and she [...] showed her round [...] an ISSA patterned all in one, louboutins, hoop earrings [...] got out her Dictaphone [...] interview for an hour, hour and a half [...] this restaurant called the Wolsley [...] a bottle of wine I wasn’t really drinking at the time [...] I decided to let my barriers down [...] Wiener Schnitzel [...] Duck [...] shared a pickled cucumber salad thing [...] left Milena with my friend Louis [...] she and Louis seemed to get along [...] my email address and contact details [...] all she need do is ask, and I bid them both farewell [...] a little awkward about her paying for dinner, but she insisted [...] a photographer whose name escapes me came round to the house to take a picture to accompany the NYT piece, [...] piece was so intimate and the biggest part of the interview had been conducted at my house [...] allow photographers into my home [...] special circumstances and after all TNYT is one of the most respected news publications in the world. [...] article came out [...] a really nice piece with a picture of me sat on my sofa, on the cover of the arts section. [...] I saw Milena was in New York [...] Bowery Ballroom and had an after party [...] I thanked her for the article as it was very complimentary ,it’s not often people write nice things about me.
Now I want to be clear, this has nothing to do with Milena she is a reporter and that is all. The reason what I’m about to tell you is so hurtful is because I had a really nice time with her and I feel that I will only ever feel badly about that day in London from now on .
I am sorry to say that we have no record or recollection of your client or her representatives ever requesting any restriction on our exploitation of the photographs. Indeed, it is not our general policy to accede to such restrictions, so it is certainly not something we would have agreed to without a written agreement confirming such arrangement.
As the copyright owner of thousands of photographs, a significant part of our business, like most news organizations, is the syndication of photos to third parties. This is very standard in the news business and I'm sorry that it comes as a surprise to your client. Under the circumstances, we are unable to provide you with the assurances you have requested.
I do hope, however, that our correspondence sheds some light on this issue for your client's future arrangements.
Uuuuurrggh , so patronizing, and gross. The world has become a dark place when The New York Times considers OK magazine to be “the news business”. Sorry if that made for tedious reading but, I think the NYT have behaved really badly and I wanted to vent .
It’s one thing posing for a picture fro TNYT and wholly another letting OK into your house, and I didn’t even get paid ☹
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on lily allen, new york times, ok magazine, photographers
I guess these comments depend on what sort of filter you're looking through, as Bono tells Jo Whiley about pricing policies for the new U2 tour:
"We're trying to work on some cheaper ticket prices because this is the recession. We're also going to have some very expensive ticket prices because rich people have feelings too!"
A&Rmchair goes to the big NME Awards show:
The gig we were at was the NME Awards Big Gig - a show sponsored by Shockwaves, which for many of the fellas keeping babysitters in business that night, seemed an inappropriate product given our follicular state. It wasn't all about the headline act though - The Cure may have managed to pretty much fill the 23,000 capacity venue but it was Franz Ferdinand who gave it some NME flavour - I doubt whether many of the folk there had ever heard of Crystal Castles and you know my thoughts on White Lies already - we missed them both last night by the way, as we were more usefully spending that time patrolling the cavernous Dome looking for its Box Office, queuing up, being sent to another Gate because of a 'ticket misprint' etc etc. White Lies were about to release their follow up album by the time we got in.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bookmarks, nme awards, other music blogs are available, the cure
Tour dates just appeared over on Kristin Hersh's website
Throwing Muses
Minehead, England - May 15, 2009
All Tomorrow's Parties
Kristin Hersh
Bracknell, England - May 16, 2009
South Hill Park Arts Centre
Kristin Hersh
Gateshead, England - May 17, 2009
The Sage
Kristin Hersh
Glasgow, Scotland - May 18, 2009
King Tut's
Kristin Hersh
Aberdeen, Scotland - May 19, 2009
Lemon Tree
Kristin Hersh
York, England - May 22, 2009
The Duchess
Kristin Hersh
Lancaster, England - May 23, 2009
The Storey
Kristin Hersh
Burnley, England - May 24, 2009
Burnley Library
Kristin Hersh
Norwich, England - May 26, 2009
Arts Centre
Kristin Hersh
Brighton, England - May 27, 2009
Duke of Yorks
Kristin Hersh
Portsmouth, England - May 28, 2009
Wedgewood Rooms
The claims of hypocrisy leveled at Bono for his inventive approach to taxation is fairly simple.
He's keen to tell governments how to marshal their funds, while simultaneously arranging his personal affairs to both reduce income for the Exchequer in the country that raised and educated him, and of which he claims to be proud, while minimising the tax he - an already wealthy-beyond-the-dreams individual - pays.
Aha - but Bono has an equaly simply explanation of why he isn't a greedy hypocrite:
”We pay millions and millions of dollars in tax. The thing that stung us was the accusation of hypocrisy for my work as an activist.
“I can understand how people outside the country wouldn’t understand how Ireland got to its prosperity but everybody in Ireland knows that there are some very clever people in the Government and in the Revenue who created a financial architecture that prospered the entire nation.
“It was a way of attracting people to this country who wouldn’t normally do business here and the financial services brought billions of dollars every year directly to the Exchequer.
“What’s actually hypocritical is the idea that then you don’t use a financial services centre in Holland. The real question people need to ask about Ireland’s tax policy is:’Was the nation a net gain benefactor?’ and of course it was – hugely so.
“So there was no hypocrisy for me. We’re just part of a system that has benefited the nation greatly and that’s a system that will be closed down in time. Ireland will have to find other ways of being competitive and attractive.”
When told that Christian Aid had mentioned him in a 2007 report called Death and Taxes: The True Toll of Tax Dodging, he replied:”It hurts when the criticism comes internationally.
“But I can’t speak up without betraying my relationship with the band. So you take the shit. People who don’t know our music – it's very easy for them to take a position on us, they run with the stereotypes and caricature of us.”
Wow. Who knew there was still mileage left in the Madonna-Mrs Madonna divorce?
Actually, there isn't, but Gordon's team are going to have a go.
Guy calls Madonna 'IT'
A source revealed: “Guy will say, ‘Oh, It’s in a bad mood today’
“Even towards the end of their marriage, he would call her It. He told people, ‘We can’t make It angry’.
“There is absolutely no love lost between them.”
Now I hear bandmate SARAH HARDING has also found herself in hot bog water.
She was at the NME Awards’ aftershow bash when staff trying to close the club found her in the toilets.
WHAT is it with members of GIRLS ALOUD and toilet attendants?
CHERYL COLE ran into trouble in 2003 when she was accused of assaulting a loo supervisor in a club.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on cheryl cole, cheryl tweedy, girls aloud, gordon smart, guy ritchie, madonna, sara nathan, sarah harding
Terrible times for Guy Hands and the Terra Firma stewardship of EMI: Hands has had to buy out some of the investors who helped buy the label in the first place.
Still, he's not had to pay much to buy them out. I say "still", although that would imply it's a good thing. In fact, the investors were quite prepared to take a bath on their shares just to be rid of the valueless investment.
Bad Idea explains why it's, well, a bad idea:
taking on the responsibility will increase Terra Firma’s indebtedness once the calls for funding come in - the money will have to come from the fund managers themselves, a rare and strange thing to happen.
It comes as Hands is gearing up to pay Citigroup a £32m quarterly loan payment, and spewing out cliched metaphors concerning his rather worrying portfolio of deals made at the top of the market. He’s noted that “the darkest time is before the dawn”, that he’s “getting out of both sides of the bed” (?), and has compared his pricey investments to ‘83 and ‘87 Bordeaux wines, a comparison that could only be understood by the most ridiculously wealthy people on the planet - at least Hands knows his audience.
Hold the front page. Or at least the top of the page... Gordon's updated his byline picture:
Gone is the awkward suit - described by Gordon, of course, as "gay" - and the strange holding of the hand as if shielding the ring finger stance.
In comes... what is that, exactly? Harry Cross on a public order charge? "The sociology teacher was relieved to have got through the Ofsted inspection without year 11 asking questions about same-sex marriage or race?"
You've got to love that strange, ethereal glow around him - is that the protection of a loving god? A recent bowl of Reddy Brek?
Otherwise, it's business as usual: NME Awards coverage with this:
Blur are no longer NMEs
London’s Brixton Academy.
THE ENEMY’s TOM CLARKE told me: “It’s nice not being nominated ’coz there’s no pressure. We’re just gonna have a laugh and get pissed.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on blur, damon albarn, fashion, gordon smart, graham coxon, nme awards
If you really wanted to know how seriously to take the NME Awards - which were lobbed out last night - use this headline as a calibration tool:
Alexa Chung beats boyfriend Alex Turner to Best Dressed award
No video footage to bring you just yet (you'll have to watch Channel 4 on Friday night/Saturday morning)
The Barenaked Ladies have decided they'll face the future with Steven Page, what with all his drugs:
"By mutual agreement, Steven Page will be parting company with the remaining members of Barenaked Ladies" in order to pursue solo music projects and a theatrical career, the group said on its website.
Having had to throw overboard the more serious half of its charges, the prosecution in the Pirate Bay trial has now changed its remaining charges once again:
According to, the original charge read:
The Pirate Bay consists of three sub-components: an index portal in the form of a website with search functionality, a database with related directory containing the torrent files, and a tracker feature. The tracker feature creates a 'peer-to-peer' network of users who want to share the same file. All components are necessary for the users of the service to share files between them.
The last sentence has been dropped, indicating the prosecution was unsure that it could prove all of the points in the original charges, according to Swedish legal experts.
Prosecutors also changed the phrase "provide the ability to others to upload torrent files to the service" to "provide the ability to others to upload and store torrent files to the service", according to
The proposals to merge Ticketmaster and LiveNation into a single focus of hatred and disgust have come before the wise lawmakers on Capitol Hill, with attempts to save the entire US economy taking back seat to hearings on the plan:
The subcommittee on antitrust, competition policy and consumer rights used the approximately 90-minute hearing to discuss how the possible merger could affect ticket prices, the impact it would have on new ticketing businesses wanting to enter the marketplace and how it might expose sales data from rival promoters, among other issues.
"Artists don't sit around and say, 'Let's raise prices,'" said Azoff, who also heads up Ticketmaster's Front Line Management, which has a roster of more than 200 acts. "If we're successful in doing this, I for sure think we'll be able to show that ticket prices will go down, because it will create a bigger pot of money for artists from other avenues in their careers."
Rapino said the combined companies would not hurt music fans or rival businesses. "This deal would benefit them as we spur competition and innovation," he said. "If we don't make significant changes to the business model and if we don't build new structures, we may be back here in the future for another hearing on the death of the American music industry."
Azoff argued that the merger could bring new opportunities for existing ticketing companies. "We've been told and we believe that if this merger were approved, that many of our larger clients would opt out," he said, pointing out that Ticketmaster has about 11,000 clients. "From hearing all the comments that I hear, I think that so many people would be upset about this merger that I'm sure a lot of our clients would leave."
Rapino assured the subcommittee that Live Nation Entertainment's concert division "would not have access to the ticketing division data. He added, "the concert division should have no access to anything [...] any other promoter does in any building or anything in the ticketing business."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on livenation, livenation ticketmaster, merger, ticketmaster
Andy Burnham, out of the DCMS, is still seeing his job as doing the record company's bidding and not protecting the consumer, and wants an international strategy to beat "illegal" downloading:
"I am working towards an international memorandum of understanding, it is time for much more serious dialogue with European and US partners. No solely national solution will work. It can only be durable with international consensus," he added.
Burnham said he is aiming to "bring the threads together" with a five-pronged strategy to help the UK music industry. "It is an incredibly important industry to this country and perhaps it has not been focused on in the way it should. There is a strong sense that this is the year we have to bring this stuff off, we have a head of steam, a bit of momentum," he added.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on andy burnham, dcms, digital britain, file sharing
With Rupert Murdoch standing up to claim ultimate responsibility for the New York Daily Post's editorial cartoons, we can only conclude that everything that appears in all his papers is really down to him.
So, what has Gordon Smart been doing in Rupert's name this morning?
Yes, more minute-by-minute coverage of what Lady GaGa is wearing. Today, though, Gordon's not impressed:
THE trouble with making your name by going out in your pants is that you need increasingly inventive ways to grab people’s attention.
LADY GAGA is clearly struggling with this predicament.
She walked to a photoshoot in Paris looking more like a shop window dummy rather than cutting-edge.
Lapdances, LiLo and me - By Lily Allen
LILY ALLEN has been sounding off about how much she likes naked lapdances and LINDSAY LOHAN.
She likes nothing better than spending the night ogling scantily clad young women in stripclubs.
I have to admit that she is starting to sound like the perfect woman to me.
The singer, enjoying her fourth week at the top of the singles chart with The Fear, said: “I signed my publishing deal at Stringfellows and had a private dance. One of the naked ones.
“And I went to Spearmint Rhino the other day — for six hours. I’ve had lapdances there. It’s fun. I like having a chat with the strippers.”
Last month she also confessed that she once “snogged lesbian twins on a couch in San Diego”.
“I went to Spearmint Rhino the other day actually, for six hours. I’ve had lap dances there. It’s fun. I like having a chat with the strippers.”
The singer insists she’s not gay despite another recent confession that she “snogged lesbian twins on a couch in San Diego”.
She said: “I signed my publishing deal at Stringfellows and had a private dance.
“One of the naked ones. It was really embarrassing. It’s quite awkward if you’re not attracted to women, and I’m not."
Nicolas Sarkozy has been keen to take a pro-music business line on filesharing, with the Three Strikes law being implemented in France and dim views taken on copyright material being used without strict permissions in place.
Which makes it a ll a little, uh, awkward that his Union pour un Mouvement Populaire party has been using MGMT's Kids in its rallies and adverts without permission.
(There can't, surely, have been many bands to soundtrack both a Skins finale and a right-wing attempt for re-election?)
[UMP Secretary General Xavier]Bertrand was quick to respond, promising that MGMT will be paid. "The UMP is very respectful of copyright," he said in a statement. "Compensation has to be expected ... and we are presently looking at whether the band was fairly compensated." Bertrand said the use of the song at meetings was arranged with SACEM, a French rights agency, and the band ought to receive payments through that body.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on copyright, france, mgmt, nicolas sarkozy, politics, three strikes, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire
That story which the Sun ran claiming there was a terror hitlist targeting Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson? It's now heading for court: Alan Sugar, who was also on the list, is suing the paper claiming it threatened his security. If it's proven in court that a journalist posted the original threat in a bid to generate a story, he could have a pretty strong case.
Neil McCormick - Bono's close personal friend - has now introduced it to the readers of the Daily Telegraph:
On Spotify it took me seven seconds and three mouse clicks to dial up I Was A Teenage Werewolf (I know because I just timed it). And if that is not to your taste, you can listen to the new U2 album, in its entirety, as often as you want, a week before it is even released.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on daily telegraph, neil mccormick, spotify, the guardian, u2
Motorhead have licensed an official Lemmy collectible figure (that's what doll buyers in denial call them). Lemmy, though, isn't happy:
"I said to the guy who made them, 'Are you gonna put a dick on it?'" Lemmy tells Hustler. "He said, 'No.' I said, 'Then it's not going to get very much action, is it? Not very lifelike.'"
That strange Portfolio Capital company, which hopes to do for pop star tat what wine auctions did for fine wine, have got their hands on a load of old Madonna outfits which are now up for auction.
Many of the dresses are from the unwatchable film version of Evita she made, which means you could dress up pretending to be Madonna pretending to be Eva Peron. Which would at least be better than going as a Roman in a toga to the 279th fancy dress party in a row.
In the same way there are websites where you can punch in a celebrity name and find out if they're alive or dead, there's got to be an opening for bands - split, ongoing or reunited?
If you're going to spend the evening coding such a site up, you can add Faith No More into the reunions column.
Lil Bow Wow is keen that people don't suddenly turn the horrible stories about Rihanna and Chris Brown into some sort of sideshow:
"I've been in a high profile relationship before and I know how it feels when everybody's in your business," he said. "It just puts more pressure. And the only way they're going to get over the situation is just to let them deal with it. And that's what I really want to do. I'm praying for them both.
"At the end of the day," he continued, "I've always believed in whatever happens with people's business ... my mom always told me don't get into [it]. And the situation is so major I think they just need their space and I think they need to deal with it."
"Just shocking," Bow Wow reportedly told the magazine. "I mean, we heard what happened but we really didn't get a visual for it. But I mean, hey, man. The picture speaks for itself."
The rapper, promoting his latest album, New Jack City II, said that when he first heard about the alleged incident, he was skeptical. "I mean, being in the business, the first thing is, 'Ah, it's false, another rumor, bloggers just wanting to have traffic to their site,' " he said. "But when the story was unfolding, it was kind of shocking to all. Chris is a good friend of mine. We've had the opportunity to tour together. And then Rihanna, she's just a beautiful person. Period. Never done no wrong to nobody."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on chris brown, crime, lil bow wow, rihanna, violence
You just know the Beyonce competition, in which she's seeking videos of dancers recreating her Single Girls routine, is not really looking for the best. It's about people licking their lips at Sony waiting for the inevitable "exuberant tranny" entrant whose video they will, they'll tell themselves, be laughed with rather than at.
Music Ally point out the really odd aspect:
However, the contest is strangely old-skool in the manner of entries - they’re asking for submissions on DVD-ROM discs, rather than uploaded to YouTube or any other site.
Pause awhile as you toss your pancakes, friends, and download a free copy of The Kids Don't Stand A Chance, featuring Vampire Weekend getting a Miike Snow going over.
Oh yes: free. Thanks, RCRD LBL.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on downloads, free, miike snow, mp3s, rcrdlbl, vampire weekend
There's not much evidence of Gordon in Gordon's pages today as the Oscars coverage turns up - instead, there's way, way too much about Elton John's party, including plans to honour Kate Beckinsale with a Pot Noodle. Apparently she said she'd like one during the party. Slim, perhaps, but enough for marketing guys to swing into action:
Pot Noodle Flavour Development Manager, Grahame Walker, said: “We’re always on the look out for ideas for new flavours so when Miss Beckinsale announced her love for Pot Noodles we just had to make one in her honour.
“Steak & BeckinsALE is just like Kate – classically British and a tasty little number.”
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, kate beckinsale, marketing, oscars
The craven nature of Eircom is surprisingly deep - not only has it happily signed up to the music industry's demands that alleged file sharers must be kicked off the internet, but it's announced it;ll block access to sites on the music industry's say-so:
Irma, which represents major music groups EMI, Sony-BMG, Warner and Universal, is to begin compiling lists of websites that it claims are damaging its business. It will then apply for a court order, requiring Eircom and other internet providers to block access to these sites.
Under the terms of an agreement between Eircom and Irma, Eircom will not oppose any court application, meaning that the orders will be automatically granted. A spokesman for Eircom confirmed that Eircom ‘‘will not oppose any application [Irma] may make seeking the blocking of access from their network’’ to blacklisted websites.
Rumour tells that in the late 1970s, efforts were made at Sounds to develop a scratch and sniff offering for their magazine: you see a band's name, you scratch, and you could instantly inhale the perfume of that band. It never saw the light of day - the technology was fautless, but somebody then realised what the sort of band Sounds wrote about actually smelled like.
Now, though, in 2009, NME is trying something similar - not with smell, but with music. And not in the magazine, but online: Every time a band name appears on the site, you can click on it and We7 will stream the sound of that band through to your ears.
It's one of those so-obvious-it's-not-clear-why-it's-taken-til-now ideas; obviously the hope is that a few people will go from going 'what do Pigsy And The Snout sound like?', through 'oh, that's what they sound like', to 'here, have some money, Pigsy, with a portion raked off to the NME.'
It's further evidence that most of the inspired thinking is going on NME's online proposition than trying to prop up the print edition right now - but there is the dangling question of what the NME online stands for if it continues to move away from being an online manifestation of a venerable magazine.
Iggy Pop's status-draining Swift car insurance advert isn't only undignified; it turns out to be a bit of a fib: Swift won't insure musicians:
Tim Soong, the 30-year-old bass guitarist in Roguetune, found that "entertainers" are excluded from cover.
Soong, of Kennington, phoned the Guildford-based company, which is part of the Axa insurance group, and said: "The customer services operator told me that they don't insure musicians. When I mentioned Iggy Pop, she said his case was different because he is American.
"I'm reporting Swiftcover to the Advertising Standards Authority."
Last week, JD Fortune, who had won the job of being the disappointing singer in the pointless continuing INXS, was back living in a car and complaining that he'd been ill-served by the band.
The band, though deny they treated him badly:
INXS creative director and global business strategist Chris Murphy says, "Not only ...
INXS creative director and global business strategist Chris Murphy says, "Not only are we shocked by the claims, even the place the supposed incident was to have taken place is a mystery to the band.
"What annoys me the most after viewing Fortune's interview is the bloody slant he makes toward the founding band members. These guys are the nicest people on this planet, they are not the people he portrays.
"The band have always stated to me that Fortune's services could potentially be contracted again when INXS next tour. In fact he was next on my list to call regarding a very big recording project I am putting together for INXS at present. I guess I have no reason to call him now."
The Concert Promoters Association are anti-touts. They don't think you should be able to sell on tickets you've come into legitimately. And the wanted the government to crack down and stop people making money out of flogging tickets on.
The government said no, so the CPA have suddenly decided they're going to make money from flogging tickets on.
They've launched a website which will allow purchase of second-hand tickets with a degree of confidence. It's called, and if you want to sell a ticket, you'll be called upon to provide enough details to allow the concert promoter to say "that's fine". And, if things do go wrong, the CPA have some vague promise about recompense:
In the event that a buyer is let down by a seller, the CPA says attempts will be made to get the fan into the gig anyway or offer a 100 per cent refund.
The new website, called, will operate "at cost" rather than "for profit" and will charge a 12.5 per cent booking fee to the buyer - whilst it's free for the seller.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on concert promoters association, secondary ticketing, touts
So, that's who's this year's super-secret-surprise for Glastonbury: It's Jay-Z again.
Alright, it's not.
In one of those about-faces we've come to expect from Worthy Farm, last year's plan of bringing in younger, edgier acts to attract back the teenagers has been abandoned as this year Bruce Springsteen is headlining Saturday.
The Eavises, though, are excited:
"He's one of the all-time rock legends and I'm confident that this will be one of our best shows ever," festival founder Michael Eavis said.
Co-organiser Emily Eavis said: "I'm knocked out that we've managed to get Bruce to play. It's the icing on the cake of this year's bill, which I'm sure will take everyone's breath away when we announce the full details."
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on bruce springsteen, emily eavis, glastonbury, glastonbury 2009, michael eavis
Two years after the first airport shutdown because of a bicycle with a This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb sticker on it, it's happened again:
"I was at work and just kind of freaked out," TBIAPB lead singer/guitarist Ryan Modee told the Pensacola News Journal on Thursday of his reaction to hearing about the incident. "I was like, 'Oh, God, not again. How could this be happening?'"
Modee is urging fans to remove stickers from items at airports and other high security areas to avoid such problems, and says the band will replace them afterward.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on airports, terrorists, this bike is a pipe bomb
Obviously, overnight, Bizarre has been remade to mark Chariots Of Fire II - so it's probably not fair to hold Gordon responsible for this headline:
Slumdog and Kate Win-a-lot
AS a super-rich pop star, you would expect ROBBIE WILLIAMS to indulge his passion for poker at the world’s most luxurious gambling resorts.
He could go “all in” at Monte Carlo or Vegas — but instead he is choosing to hit the tables in not-so-glamorous Swindon.
But The Robster — during breaks from gazing up at the sky searching for flying saucers — has become a regular at the club’s poker nights close to his multi-million pound Wiltshire mansion.
The US singer, real name STEFANI GERMANOTTA, took her quest for global domination to Germany at the weekend – and sported some seriously kinky leather.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on gordon smart, kate winslet, lady gaga, oscars, robbie williams, slumdog millionaire
Absolute radio has been following up its playing of the new U2 single with ten second "blipvert" suggesting you buy the track from iTunes.
So. That's a piece of editorial - playing the U2 single. And a piece of advertising - "buy the U2 single".
Isn't that, at best, a little grubby?
“We had to get approval from Ofcom because we are in uncharted territory,” says Absolute Radio chief operating officer, Clive Dickens. “The song was already in the highest rotation it could have on Absolute Radio - 27 to 30 times a week - so they were confident any commercial relationship between us and [U2’s record label] Universal was not influencing the number of times we play it.
“And they wanted to be confident that the consumer would know when they were being advertised to. We felt we came up with a creative that made it clear this was an advert. U2 typically don’t market their stuff on the radio, and we sold it at a significant premium over normal spot advertising.”
You might think, if you swallow the music industry's standpoint whole, that giving away a free download is a counter-intuitive way of promoting a day designed to show much love for record shops.
Luckily, the organisers of this year's Record Store Day (April 18th this year) have no such over-simplistic qualms, and are promoting themselves, and the new Black Lips record, with a free download.
Simon Hayes Budgen
More from No Rock on black lips, downloads, free, record shops, record store day
This morning, I've been enjoying Urgent Talk, who are from Sheffield. There's three of them, and they tie up electronics in strings.
This is them:
You can allow yourself to be seduced sideways at their official site. Or out their MySpace.
CBS's LastFM outpost are hopping mad over a story that TechCrunch ran on Friday, claiming that they'd given the RIAA details of anyone whose scrobbling included unreleased tracks.
Let's just think about that for a moment: why would that information be of any real use to the RIAA? Just because a track is unreleased, it doesn't automatically follow that someone listening to it is doing so illegally: there are legitimate reasons for having an album before it is on sale to the general public. And Last FM have users around the globe, but mostly not in the US, so it seems that the figures would be of less use to the RIAA than, say, the BPI or IFPI. And the RIAA have, belatedly, announced plans not to embark on any more lawsuits against individuals.
However, that the figures would be virtually meaningless and useless doesn't ultimately preclude the music industry seeking them - it's not like the RIAA doesn't enjoy sending itself off on fools' errands.
The TechCrunch story, though, is based on a single, unnamed source, who "heard" it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that you'd been messing around. Sorry, had heard it from a friend at CBS. Which is a bit of a weak chain upon which to base such a serious claim.
Last FM and CBS are furious:
Another rejection from systems architect Russ Garrett on Last’s forum: “I’d like to issue a full and categorical denial of this. We’ve never had any request for such data by anyone, and if we did we wouldn’t consent to it. Of course we work with the major labels and provide them with broad statistics, as we would with any other label, but we’d never personally identify our users to a third party - that goes against everything we stand for. As far as I’m concerned Techcrunch have made this whole story up.”
London developer, Jonty Wareing posted on TechCrunch: “What annoys me is that people are deleting accounts and losing their entire scrobbling history based on shoddy journalism. This hurts those people who have spent years carefully collecting their data far more than as a whole. We have now stopped the job that removes users marked for deletion, so if you did delete your account in haste and want your scrobbles back, please contact our support team.”
Soon after I posted, however, plenty of unofficial but heartfelt denial came from staffers in London, two of which I linked to last night in the update above. The one from Russ Garrett, in particular, raised even more questions. His denial starts out unequivocal, but then he adds a squishy disclaimer:
I’d like to issue a full and categorical denial of this. We’ve never had any request for such data by anyone, and if we did we wouldn’t consent to it.
Of course we work with the major labels and provide them with broad statistics, as we would with any other label, but we’d never personally identify our users to a third party - that goes against everything we stand for.
Hmm, so could the RIAA or a record label use the data to identify people? I never suggested that it was that was singling out individuals listening to unreleased tracks. The issue is whether the RIAA or any of its member companies are trying to do so and whether or not is helping them.
As Garrett points out, shares aggregate listening data with the labels. Are there any unique identifiers associated with this data that could lead back to an individual, despite any precautions might take? (It wouldn’t be unprecedented—remember that leaked AOL search data a few years ago?) I sent Garrett an email about 5 hours ago asking him some of these questions.
From the very beginning, I’ve presented this story for what it is: a rumor. Despite my attempts to corroborate it and the subsequent detail I’ve been able to gather, I still don’t have enough information to determine whether it is absolutely true. But I still don’t have enough information to determine that it is absolutely false either. What I do have are a lot of unanswered questions about how exactly shares user data with the record industry.
Dan Wootton - Gordon Smart portrayed by Harry Enfield - knows that when stars get big, you don't need their surname anymore. In fact, he's gone one better and dispensed with first names, too on the front page of his blog:
Hell-alujah February 22
BRITAIN’S brightest star is living in fear after her ex-boyfriend burst into her flat in the early hours of the morning.
The petrified Hallelujah babe was forced to call the police as crazed Russell Brooks banged on her door and screamed at her.
Brooks somehow managed to storm past security and into the £500,000 building in north London.
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The most popular stories published this month, so far, have been:
1. Liveblog: The Brits
2. Liveblog: Morrissey on The One Show
3. RIP: Dewey Martin of Buffalo Springfield
4. RIP: Steve Dullaghan of The Primitives
5. RIP: Kelly Groucutt of ELO
6. RIP: Phil Easton of Radio City
7. RIP: Lux Interior
8. Bloctober: Bloc Party plot tour
9. QTrax has yet another launch
10. LBC tries to smother Ben Goldacre's critique of Jeni Barnett's dangerous radio programme
These releases were worth a trip to Zavvia local record shop
Aidan Moffat & The Best Ofs - How To Get To Heaven From Scotland
M Ward - Hold Time
download Hold Time
Beirut - March Of The Zapotec / Holland
download March Of The Zapotec
The Priscillas - 10,000 Volts
download 10,000 Volts
Crucified Barbara - Til Death Do Us Party
Various - Heroes Volume One
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Franz Ferdinand, Peaches... charity compilation
download Heroes
Various - Dark Was The Night
Feist, Grizzly Bear, Dirty Projectors... charity compilation
download Dark Was The Night
Morrissey - Years Of Refusal
download a 1989 Mat Snow interview with Morrissey
The Monochrome Set - The Lost Weekend
Download The Monochrome Set back catalogue
Visage - Beat Boy
download The Best Of Visage