Wednesday, August 27, 2003

NOT ONLY DID SHE SCREAM, BUT SHE RAN THROUGH TWO OCTAVES ON THE WORD 'BASTARDS' ALONE: No Rock is relocating in the next couple of days - we're meant to be putting things into boxes right now, in fact - and, naturally, we get stressed. ("Moving house is a great upsetment. It's upsetting. People get upset", of course). But when we need to relax a little, we just reach for a piece of paper onto which we've printed the Associated Press report on the arrest of Bobby Brown:

Singer Bobby Brown was fine with being arrested -- it was his wife and fellow singer Whitney Houston who went ballistic, police say. Sgt. Chris Lagerbloom said Houston angrily confronted police officers "yelling and screaming and pointing fingers" as Brown was arrested outside a seafood restaurant outside Atlanta for an alleged probation violation. He said Houston was "outwardly frustrated" and "to say that she was calm about it would be a misstatement." Police say Brown was arrested for not showing up for court-ordered community service, drug treatment or a random drug test. Brown has been in jail since Friday's arrest for violating his probation from an earlier drunk driving conviction. He's due in court Wednesday. Police say they didn't charge Houston with disorderly conduct because people react that way all the time when a relative is arrested.

You know, I believe the children are our futures, and we should teach them well, and let them lead the way. Part of that would be to get ripped off their tits on drug, skip bail, turn into a screeching harridan when the police turn up to do their job. But it's nice to know that whatever they take away from Whitney, they won't take away her dignity.

No doubt the real reason they didn't arrest her was because they really, really didn't want her in the cells. The noise of desperate men seeking sexual solace in each other is bad enough, but listening to Whitney bellowing from the other cells? Nobody's going to want to submit to that willingly.