Monday, September 12, 2005


It was never like this back in the 60s, of course, when a spot of unrequested fondling was less likely to see you thrown into jail. But this is the 21st century, and Mike McCartney, former member of Scaffold and (of course) younger brother of the more famous Paul is looking at a jail sentence after, it's alleged, he went up to a waitress during a family function at a Wirral pub, and "groped her behind." McCartney has been charegd with "indecent touching" - after he originally suggested bringing the police in to sort matters out:

"I have been a prisoner in my own home, restricted in what I can say in this very delicate matter.

"It was originally me who insisted the police be involved to resolve the matter.

"I have been asking for the truth to be told for over a year.

"All will be revealed when we get to the truth of this ludicrous allegation."

McCartney pleaded not guilty to the charge last week; the case comes back to court next month.

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