Monday, September 05, 2005


It must be terrible being Chris Martin - you put in the good three afternoon's work that X&Y must have demanded, release it to an expectant world, and then a couple of publications give it a harsh review. No wonder that would upset you:

Martin, 28, said two bad reviews of the group's latest album X&Y, a scathing piece in the New York Times and a negative Rolling Stone review "knocked us sideways." He added: "And this is the first time that we've responded to it. That's why we're having trouble knowing how to answer. There's no harm admitting that you're human and these things bring you down. That New York Times thing, yeah, it was fuckng devastating for us.'"

It must be especially hard when everyone else is telling you how great you are, Chris. Interesting that it's two US publications who gave a fair ("unimpressed") view of your album, when the British treated you like the visionary genius you perhaps aren't, isn't it? I wonder why.

Still, there are two ways of ensuring you never find yourself devastated this way in the future: you could try and make a decent album; or - and this is the one I favour - you could just not make any more records. It's not like you need the cash, is it?

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