Sunday, January 01, 2006


Interestingly, just a day after the Guardian's weekly showbiz gloss slot reminds us of Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster's double-smug parenthood this year - they doused the placenta in herbs, buried it under a tree and danced around on the ground, you might recall - up pops Sarah Streeter.

If you're asking "who's she, then?" it's just possible you might be Rod Stewart, as she's the daughter who Stewart is less keen on.

It's one thing for a man to walk out on his family and break off all contact - it's fairly shitty, but it happens - but it's a totally different level of rubbish to behave as Rod has subsequently:

Instead she has had to endure Rod joking in interviews that he wished she didn't exist. He was once quoted as saying: "You can count her if you want. I try not to."

Rod has met his eldest daughter a few times - although she always had to book meetings through his secretary.

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