Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Coldplay bloke splits from his wife

Guy Berryman and his wife Joanna Briston have split. The couple, whose first child was born six months ago, had their break-up confirmed by a Coldplay spokesperson:

, "I can confirm that Guy Berryman and his wife Jo have separated. The decision was amicable."

"The decision was amicable" never seems believable when they're talking about a band breaking up; it's hard to imagine a marriage ending with a shrug.


Anonymous said...

I think we ought to start using the term ColdplayBloke to refer to the anonymous drones who stand behind the walking egos that front certain bands.

Anonymous said...

There's already a name for them.


eyetie said...


Simply Red
The The
Guns n Roses

In some cases, the anonymous drones go off and do their own thing, anonymously e.g. (what's left of) The Darkness or The Other Two. Then again, let's hear it for Pepsi & Shirley and The Band.

Yay - it's sunny!

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