Finish Idol: a bit Gothiery than Will Young
Our eye was caught by a detail in the interview SideLine are carrying to herald End Of Green's Michelle Darkness going solo:
[The album] features also some very peculiar cover versions of the songs "The sound of silence" (Simon and Garfunkel) and Joy Division's "Love will tear us apart" for which Michelle Darkness worked together with the Finish Idols winner Hanna Pakarinen.
Finish Idol?
Yes, that's as in Pop Idol. Ms Darkness explains:
Hanna did an amazing job on the cover version! Nino my producer explained in the studio that the Finnish Idols cannot be compared with the German ones f.ex. (do not know others though) it is really about rock and metal there!! The latest winner Ari went straight to #1 for weeks and got platinum gold in same week, he looks like Axl rose from Guns and Roses somehow and they play heavy metal. So Hanna has always been in rock bands and writes songs and her voice was the only choice to imagine with her sexy warm timbre.

Perhaps not. Besides winning Finish Idol, she was entered by her nation for Eurovision last year. We suggested she was a cross between Amy Lee and Dolores Cranberry.
Still, even that's got to be better than Will Bloody Young.
Personally I welcome the coming of our Finnish overlords
Throw in some Swedish and I'm right there with you.
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