Saturday, June 29, 2013

Glastonbury 2013: We're reconstructing a faux pas


Darren said...

Apparently iPad guy wasn't him, but somebody else. He still whipped his phone out, like.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was watching on TV - it 100% wasn't RDB. He whipped his phone out for a minute, but fucking hell wouldn't you want to grab a memento? The bellend with the iPad was something else entirely...

Simon Hayes Budgen said...

Yes, you're right - if you watch his Vine video, you can actually see the iPad man quickly whipping by. Apologies to Rob for both misidentifying him, and for misidentifying the technology he was using on stage.

Simon Hayes Budgen said...

Anon #2
There's a thought experiment there - if thirty seconds on an iPhone is okay, and a five minute sequence on a full-size iPad isn't, where is the boundary between OK/not OK is... possibly a full minute on a Nexus 7?

I think the trouble is that there's a sliding scale of 'if that's alright, then that's alright' - if you had your iPad there, you might be thinking 'I'd better not... oh, hang on, that bloke's just whirled around with his iPhone in the air... if he can do that...'

Still, if Nile Rodgers ever hangs out with Karen O, he's now got a hell of a 'you think you've got problems with people bringing cameras to your gigs' story...

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