Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Eurovision 2014: A Sash for Europe

Carrying the UK's hopes of a place in the lower tenth of the board at Eurovision is Molly Smitten-Downes (and really, you must take a cottage on the Smitten Downs this summer, they're relatively unspoilt).

The BBC is keen:

A BBC statement described Children of the Universe as "an anthemic, uplifting track specifically written with live performance in mind".
Oddly, having watched the first performance yesterday on the BBC Red Button, I'm not sure I'd recognise the song from that description.

To be frank, despite having heard it yesterday, I'm not sure I'd be able recognise the song again.

Smitten-Downes isn't entirely new to the limelight:
Had a top 10 hit in 2008 when she sang on Sash's Raindrops (Encore Une Fois)
Yeah. 2008. The slightly dodgy and pointless remake that seemed to exist purely because it was a pun.

She also sang with Basshunter. On an album track.

Anyway, here's the song:

Warning: you won't be able to get it out your head now. But don't worry, you won't even notice it's there.

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