Saturday, December 12, 2015

Bipolar Sunshine: Everyone gets Nandos

It's been a grim few months, so it's a lovely change to hear about someone doing something really nice.

Bipolar Sunshine got a Black Nandos card, and rather than just eat all the chickens, he shared the chickens out:

Bipolar and Jazz took the card on tour with them, handing out chicken to homeless people across the country.

"We were just coming over, just being honest and saying, 'Look, we've got this card, this is what happens, we can get a free meal.'"
This is a brilliant story for two reasons - first, it's a lovely thing to do in its own right.

Secondly, Bipolar Sunshine has found a way of talking about the actual existence of the Nandos Black Card in a way that Nandos can hardly get angry about. I'm imaging most of Britain is currently staring at some version of this news story going "they DO exist", as if Nessie and a yeti had just announced a dual-headlining tour of small arts venues for the new year.

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