Monday, February 13, 2006


Almost as if it's "queue up to have a half-assed pop at Weller" day, it's the turn of Ricky Wilson from that band before the Arctic Monkeys to tut over how rude Paul Weller is:

“Paul's a bit of an old fuddy-duddy for slagging those people off. I think if you haven't got anything good to say...

"You shouldn't just slag people off just because you don't like their music, when you don't even know them or when you'll bump into them next week."

Hang about... "fuddy duddy... if you don't have anything nice to say... if you don't like their music you should still be nice..." - was this actually Ricky Wilson or has my Nan been ringing up journalists? Blimey - Weller might be past it and slowing down but compared to the new generation, he's like Nye Bloody Bevan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes but to be fair, Weller is an ungracious curmudgeonly bastard. Not to mention the fact that all this 'im a Mod me' nonsense gives me the shits to start with. Lets be honest, if it was Britney Spears or someone judging the world on the cut of their suit and the shape of their haircut you wouldnt be cutting her so much slack would we. And im sorry but that Steve Marriott haircut he has had since 1977 is shit. It looked shit on him when he was 19 and it looks even shitter on him now hes 50 or whatever. Anyway i cant stand the wanker. P.s Heavy Soul=Bloated '70s cod-blues Rock.

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