Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ooh! Scary Manson

Goodness, will Marilyn Manson ever stop freaking out the squares. You'll never guess what he's doing now:

He's got a microphone shaped a bit like a kitchen knife.


Although, it actually looks a little more like the plastic cleaver I got in a play kitchen set when I was about five. But, still, scary, huh.

Meanwhile, former member of the Spooky Kids Stephen Bier is pushing forward with his complaint that Manson ripped off his bandmates. He's now filed papers in LA alleging that Evan Rachel Wood got:

the "highest salary ever paid to any actress in any music video in history" for starring in his "Heart Shaped Glasses" music promo.

Ms Wood is also Manson's partner, of course.

Bier also claims that Manson misused funds to have his copies of Alice In Wonderland shipped about.

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