Monday, January 21, 2008

Franz Aloud

Franz Ferdinand are about to be in the studio, with Girls Aloud producer Brian Higgins doing what, apparently, we're obliged to describe as "twiddling the knobs". As if the reason wasn't obviously "because we'd like to see what happens and pop is bloody lovely", NME asks Alex Kapranos what they think they're playing at:

“We could easily make a ‘Franz Ferdinand by numbers’ record, but there’s no point, no enjoyment in making a record like that. If we wanted to make a record like that we would have released it last year, that’s why we’ve been taking our time to push ourselves.”

And, of course, that pop is bloody lovely.


M.C. Glammer said...

This might cause me to have to start liking them. I monder, though, which one will be made to stand at the back until it's time to sing an ironic cover for the b-side.

Olive said...

Simon, are you really expecting anything radically different from 'You could have it so much better'?

Anonymous said...

their cover of sund & vision, with girls aloud, was, i think, produced by that sounded nowhere near as good as it looks on paper/screen

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