Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kid Rock has trouble with the concept of addiction

Cocaine - it's a funny thing, huh, Kid Rock?

"People have different personalities ... Some people do a line of cocaine and start selling their TVs and their guitar. Other people do it, have a fun night and go about their business."

It's not clear exactly what would happen if you business was buying and selling televisions - presumably you'd have to get used to your friends constantly holding interventions.

Rock, of course, has his own problems:
"I have been to anger management twice. After the first session the lady was like, 'Baby, you don't seem that angry at all. You seem like a really nice guy.' 'I go, 'That's the way I feel too.' I think that the judge made a mistake when he sentenced me. I think he probably should have sent me to Alcoholics Anonymous because I do have a drinking problem ... None of these fights would have ever occurred without drinking."

The anger management woman called you "baby" and said you were "a really nice guy"? If you weren't a violent drunk, we'd assume you must have turned up three sheets if you thought that was going on.

Perhaps the judge was happy for you to keep drinking, just so long as you stopped hitting people.

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