Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gordon in the morning: A little closure

Okay, it's not quite as surprising as Northside playing the opening ceremony, but...

Blur will headline the 2012 Olympics closing ceremony
That's quite a surprise. Headline? Did we hear that right, Gordon?
Blur will close the Olympics
That's a surprising honour. They'll walk into the stadium on the last day, and knock out a few bars of Trimm Trabb as the athletes pack up their training shoes?

Er, no:
Damon Albarn Graham Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree will play London's Hyde Park on the last day of the Olympics.

The BT London Live Closing Ceremony Celebration Concert will take place on Sunday, August 12, with support from The Specials and New Order.
This is a gig on the same day as the Olympics ends - the poster for the event doesn't even have the word "Olympics" on it. It does have a logo of The Sun on it, though. And the words "closing ceremony celebration concert".

I think there's the makings of an event there that we could all get behind.

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