Monday, May 24, 2004

BYE DO: Dido is pissing off to America because, apparently, it's going to help her write songs. Her reason for decamping isn't because she's scared that David Blunkett is actually planning to collect retinas, not just pictures of them, or because like everyone else she's sick of hearing her music floating through the wireless, but, apparently, "sometimes you have to be lonely to write, it really helps."

She's going to achieve this loneliness not - as you or I might - by going for a caravaning holiday in Scotland or taking a cottage in Devon, but by buying a giant mansion in Beverley Hills. You can see it, can't you? Cast away from the hustle and bustle of modern civilisation in the middle of LA, Dido will find the peace she needs to rhyme "break my heart" with "fall apart." Let's not all rush to assume that she's moving because she dreams of breaking the American market - that would just be cold and calculating.


She's leaving because she loves us.

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