Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Vacancies at the Gest-'House

Can we please do whatever it is that David Gest wants us to do to make him go away now, please? Watching Michael Grade launch ITV's broadband service, boasting about how they've got more great stuff in their archive than any other commercial broadcaster in the world, you wonder if that's the case, then why does he allow them to fill the airwaves with second-rate programming built around a man who could out-creep a conference full of struck-off clowns?

Now, Gest is being given a platform to be wrong anytime he chooses. For example, we're not fond of Amy Winehouse, but when we hear Gest oozing in her direction, we feel compelled to offer her sanctuary. Or a gun. Or something:

"I would kiss the mole on Amy Winehouse's face and every tattoo on her body, and I'd stick my tongue in the gap where her tooth is missing.

I love her."

Where's the News of the World and whipped-up crowd of the outraged when you really need them?


James said...

Television hates us. The people behind TV loathe the public with a passion. Want proof? Look how much effort they've put into selling us HDTV, huge PR drives and advertising campaigns trying to convince us to spend a large portion of our non-existant money on boxes which, we're told, will project crystal-clear images into our living rooms, showing us every last tiny detail of every picture.

And now they've convinced enough of us to buy these revolutionary devices, who do they make the stars of Saturday night prime-time television?

David Gest and Andrew Lloyd Webber.


julian said...

frankly, that is just GROSS. david gest is disgusting.

save amy from his lechery!

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