Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The lawnmowers strike back

Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce have helped pull together what's being described as "the first ever Smiths documentary on DVD", as if the means of delivery is more important than the content.

This isn't, the press release informs us, a chance for the men described by Mozzer as "lawnmowers" to enjoy a dish of revenge:

“It isn't about attacking Johnny or Morrissey,” says Rourke. “Despite
the fact that the band ended in a messy way we shared a lot of things and we adopted an almost gang-like mentality. We still have many loyalities to each other as a result of that.”

It's a pity; we'd have liked a "yeah... well, you're like a bloody rotavator, you are" or two.

The DVD, Inside The Smiths, is available for preorder; it comes out 16th July with two launch events:
-MANCHESTER July 15th @ 8pm - TV21, Thomas Street
-LONDON July 18th @ 6pm - FOPP, Tottenham Court Road

Be warned, though, there is some I Love 1983 style padding:
Ricky Wilson and Nick Hodgson of The Kaiser
Chiefs and Ordinary Boys singer Preston offer their own unique insight
into what made The Smiths so special.

Wilson we can just about see... but Preston?

1 comment:

CarsmileSteve said...

bah i thought this was going ot be about a lawnmower deth reunion tour...

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