Thursday, September 25, 2008

Steve Tyler sues "Steven Tyler"

by Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler is suing people who have been posting blogs claiming to be him, and casting disparaging slurs on his mother.

Or, just possibly, someone pretending to be Steven Tyler has launched a lawsuit against the real Steven Tyler, claiming that his genuine blogs were fabrications. It's a little like that episode of Star Trek with the two Kirks, and it's incredibly hard to tell which is the genuine Tyler.

Amongst the false claims made by Steve Tyler is that he enjoyed love in a elevator, especially travelling towards the ground floor. "I mean" said Steve "you might try it knowing you're going to a top floor which is likely to be deserted when the door opens, but downwards? The chance of the doors opening a busy lobby area? That'd be crazy."

Tyler also denied claims that he had woken up in 1973 and was unsure if he was mad, or had gone back in time. "I never left 1973 in the first place" he insisted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's obvious, the evil one will have a little goatee...

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