Sunday, April 01, 2007

Apparently, heroin screws you up: Why weren't we warned?

The Sunday People shows why it's doing so very very well in the modern world by reproducing online a story from the paper. It's about a photo it's got of Pete Doherty showing the way his drug habit has ruined his looks. Trouble is, the paper doesn't bother to scan the photo onto the website, so it's kind of like reading a transcript of a radio programme. Try and picture this in your mind's eye:

A HORRIFIC new close-up of crack head Pete Doherty proves how years of drug abuse have taken their toll.

His teeth are now little more than ROTTEN pegs and his nose is ravaged by unsightly SORES.

It's the teeth that seems to bother the paper the most - they even called in an expert:
A Harley Street cosmetic dentist yesterday explained how hard drugs including heroin ruined Pete's teeth.

Dr Anthony Zybutz said: "One of the biggest problems with heroin addicts is not looking after themselves. Their focus is on the drug rather than looking after their teeth."

There's one for the next government campaign: "Taking heroin may make you forget to floss." The risk of dying in a pool of your own shit is one thing; but imagine a drug which leaves you sometimes skipping the second brushing of the day. Doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

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