Monday, August 06, 2007

Britney shrugs at Posh

It could have been one of the great meetings of our time; a "Doctor Livingstone, I presume" for the 21st Century.

Instead, Britney meeting the Beckhams was even better than that: Britney didn't have a clue she was supposed to know who they were:

A source said: “They bumped into each other in the Chateau Marmont and Victoria said, ‘Hi Britney. I’m Victoria from the Spice Girls’.

“But Britney had no idea who she was. She just looked at her with a vacant and bemused expression and turned and walked away.”

Victoria Newton simply cannot believe that Britney would have no idea who Victoria thingy is:
I realise Britney’s not likely to be a soccer fan, and she’s probably been too busy running around LA behaving strangely to have caught up with the latest on the Beckhams in the news.

But the Spice Girls were huge in the States and you’d have thought that, as a fellow pop star, Britney might have caught a glimpse of the girl band at some stage.

In fact, Newton wonders if not recognising the great Victoria Beckham - famous for, erm, you know, stuff - might not be it's a sign of a need for rehab:
I wonder if the Spice Girls really went over Britney’s head or if she is just too out of it to remember?

In contrast to Britney’s fall from grace, Posh has made a real splash in the States, enjoying the company of a host of top stars.

(Well done for remembering the Spice reunion fawning, Victoria - every little helps.)

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