Wednesday, July 24, 2002

BAD NEWS FOR MEL C: Or for any celeb who might be letting the side down by living like - god forbid - ordinary people, eating kettle chips and toying with same-sex liasons (not, of course, that Mel C has ever done either), as EMAP are preparing to produce a sister magazine to Heat, designed to cross the 'Look - it's a celeb' eyes wide of Heat with the sarky bite of Private Eye. Pop star ridicule a go-go, then? Like the glory days of Smash Hits... well, maybe not. It's unlikely EMAP are going to go too far when they're also relying on the same stars to fill The Box, Q albums, Radio City...
Heat... Sneak... Sheet? - not that we'd approve of taking the piss out of people who make records, of course.

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