Friday, April 25, 2003

WHERE SHOULD WE POINT THE FINGER?: It's been a really odd week already, and now we have to feel sorry for Natasha from Atomic Kitten because people aren't smart enough to get one of her jokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Someone asked her about how she kept in shape, and she said "I don't eat - the way to a nice backside is not to eat." Okay, not a great joke, but clearly a joke. However, the likes of the Daily Mail and its femail website are having kittens - clever wording, huh?
Oddly, we can't find any indication of Femail - or anyone much - raising any objections to Christian Aguilera showing an anorexic girl in a video while trilling happily "you are beauitiful, no matter what they say" over the top. This surely is a much scarier image to be putting in front of young girls, suggesting that when you're seriously at risk from being way, way too thin, you should ignore the advice of the people who care about you and feel yourself to be beautiful? Some people do see the clip as being about overcoming eating disorders because "the girl smashes the mirror in the end" and feels happy, but really all that adds up to is a celebration of the refusal to see the problem. Beautiful is cited as being a 'thinspirational' tune by pro-anorexia websites. But that, of course, might be tricky for the Mail to balance with its "make yourself look thin and gorgeous, tubbso" diet supplements.

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