Wednesday, July 23, 2003

IF YOU'RE PLANNING AN EVENT TO SALVAGE YOUR REPUTATION IN THE WORLD'S EYES...: ... it might be best not to make a total Horlicks of it. However, Toronto's bid to throw a jamboree to show the world there's no Sars threat is now in danger of collapsing as the main draw, the Rolling Stones, are threatening to pull out over press coverage. It seems that Michael Cohl has got upset that the Canadian press have been drawing attention to the ridiculous rules being laid on concert-goers (no blankets... no umbrellas - and remember, this is an open air concert which goes on for several hours. In Canada) and the pisspoor organisation of transportation to the event. Cohl's attitude was unhelpful, to say the least - "Everybody's getting ready to go, 'Oh my God, what a bad idea this was. What do you think would happen tomorrow if I canceled? If I called in and said the Stones cancel, I mean, they'd have a fit, wouldn't they?" So, have you got that, Canada - you just be snivellingly grateful that the old men are coming to your town. Never mind that you'll probably have to walk home, if you don't freeze to death first.

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