Wednesday, February 04, 2004

FEELING DIRTY AND CHEAP: MTV CEO Tom Freston has said that Janet Jackson "violated" the network. Oddly, he claims that Janet Jackson "isn't the sort of person you would think would be doing that." This is the Janet Jackson whose most famous picture is that Rolling Stone cover with her wearing some bloke's hands for a bra, is it?

More sickening than the overstatement on the violation is the desperate bid to try and cram it into some sort of MTV branding - so, apparently, MTV got "punk'd", just like the programme, see? And doubtless the executives swore like the Osbournes.

Still, it's not been bad for everyone - No Rock had had more traffic by Tuesday teatime than we'd usually expect in a week; the rub also saw a mighty surge, and blogcritics saw its visitors swell from ten thousand a day to a quarter of a million on Monday. And Janet's Breast managed to provide TiVo with a press release moment - apparently her half-unfurled tit is the most-replayed moment by TiVo owners in history.

We'd imagine that Alex from Blue is going to be feeling slightly vindicated, too - he was complaining the other day that Beyonce's arse took the light off everyone else; now Janet's breast has taken the shine off Beyonce's national anthem. But what will remove the spotlight from Janet? (Can someone make sure Courtney Love is under sedation?)

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