Monday, May 10, 2004

GET UP? SHUT UP: We're living in tricky times, with the yellow pencil mob out in numbers not seen since the late eighties when Tipper Gore's hair attempted to rule the music world. So it's disappointing to see artists calling for tighter regulation of the airwaves to protect us from (gasp) indecency. It's really frustrating when the artist backing the FCC is Prince, a gentleman who in the past has used his freedom of expression to take trips way beyond Zone Six. Now, though, he thinks that the next wave of artists should be forced to think about the children. No more will he be calling his old lady for a friendly word and only hearing "sex sex sex." Can't we write songs about meadows? And seeing-eye dogs, perhaps. Curiously, he ends his call for a world where every song is like a Werthers Original advert with the words "All you see on television are debased images. Whether you believe it or not, black people do not want to see images of people wearing bulletproof vests." Let's hope George Bush listens to him. Just on the taking off his bulletproof vest score.

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