Tuesday, September 07, 2004

SCISSORS CUT: It turns out that < ahref="http://breakingnews.iol.ie/entertainment/story.asp?j=116541538&p=yy654zz44">Kylie is dumping the stuff she's recorded with the scissor sisters - on the grounds that it's too personal. She's afraid that people might listen to the lyrics (like anyone does that with a Kylie song - "what does she mean by la-la-la? What does she mean?) and assume they know all about her relationship with Olivier Martinez, which hithertoo has been a secret known only to her, Olivier, and anyone who reads Heat or OK. We actually hadn't been in any way interested in these songs before - doing a song with Kylie is the band equivalent of rich teenage kids shoplifting; something they all have a go at if they get the chance, because it makes them feel naughty and special, but very rarely leading to any notable sort of record. But now, we really want to know what it could be on these tracks that would lead people to assume that they're about Oliver and Kylie rather than just some random pop words...


Anonymous said...

"like anyone does that with a Kylie song - "what does she mean by la-la-la? What does she mean?"

Didn't yer man out of the Art Of Noise write an entire book about that?

Anonymous said...

I think if Paul Morley can get 300 odd pages out of "La La La", that's a good enough reason for Kylie to chuck anything that goes any deeper, purely for conservationist reasons...


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