Thursday, September 30, 2004

WE'RE DOING IT FOR THE ARTISTS... IT'S JUST A COINCIDENCE THAT WE'RE KEEPING THE MONEY: Ah, bless the little hearts of the RIAA, they really care about the artists. That's why they created SoundExchange to collect and distribute royalties from digital sources to performers. Of course, they actually make no effort to contact the performers to let them know there's this cash waiting for them, and if the performers don't get in touch, the money reverts to the RIAA. You could perhaps argue that a system where the organisation which handles the money gets to keep the money if the people don't claim it, and yet has no compulsion to find the entitlees, could be inherently corrupt. Perhaps the leftover funds should be put towards something other than the record companies' profits - how about healthcare funds for musicians? After all, the cash is meant for performers, not putting potted palms into the RIAA's luxurious HQ.

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