Wednesday, December 01, 2004

STUNT BAND ANNOUNCE STUNT: In a bid to try and interest people in a well-worn joke, the brains behind the Gorillaz are holding an international talent contest throught the web to fin... oh, you've already lost interest, haven't you? Did you know Syd Little's published his second autobiography in five years? Oddly, the first one (Little Goes A Long Way) was all gloomy about how his children came to grisly ends, but this one is apparently an "inspirational" story. Little's quite big on the God circuit these days, like Cannon and Ball oddly enough. Hang about, here comes Damon Albarn, we'd better pretend we were interested in his band or he'll have a hissy fit... and the whole thing with take 23 weeks to work through before an eventual winner is crowned.

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