Friday, February 04, 2005

JUSTICE? WHO CAN WAIT FOR JUSTICE?: It seems like the family of Lana Clarkson have got a little tired of waiting for fair trials and due process, and so her mother Donna Clarkson has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Phil Spector. Her attorney explains:

Lindblom said in a statement that the Clarkson family had hoped that the criminal proceedings would have been resolved before the civil action was filed. But the family, he added, understands "that the fair administration of justice takes time."

So, since Clarkson can't be arsed to wait for the proper trial, she's doing what? Attempting to do a slightly less fair, but much faster trial to raise a few quid? We know that losing a daughter in such terrible circumstances must be awful, but this does have the air of an unseemly rush to try and turn a buck off the back of it.

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