Sunday, February 20, 2005

UNBITTERMEN OF POP: It's rare to find someone in the music industry who isn't enjoying the best of luck and yet who bears nobody ill-will about it, so it's refreshing to read Freakpower singer Ashley Slater following his bankruptcy proceedings last week sounding anything but bitter:

"Norman worked hard for what he got, he was very lucky but also very talented and deserved everything he got - I am still friends with him.

"Under no account whatsoever must there be any indication that I've been envious of [former band mate] Norman Cook or that he has left me in the lurch.

"I'm not still in a band but I'm still involved in music and I have just completed a soundtrack to the latest Hollywood release MirrorMask."

He added: "I failed to file my tax returns and they wanted their money so I can't say the Inland Revenue was heavy handed - they were just doing their job."

It's a shame he's fallen on hard times, but it's kind of inspiring to see someone who isn't bemoaning their luck. We wish him all the best for getting back on his feet.

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