Monday, January 31, 2005

MUSIC ISN'T ABOUT MUSIC, SILLY: What with endless rather poorly made programmes featuring people setting fire to farts, rappers showing off their 'homes', gaunt children trying to get on in houses in the city, pretty girls marrying dim boys and so on cluttering up their schedules these days, you might wonder if MTV had considered changing their name - it's hardly Music Television these days.

But you'd be wrong - apparently, it doesn't matter that MTV plays bugger all music these days, because it's never been about being able to watch music on television:

"You can get a music video online at Yahoo or a million other places, but you can't get the full experience that you can get with an MTV off-air experience," says Joe Armenia, VP of music marketing and promotion at MTV. "Being able to put the viewer in touch with the artist is one of the advantages MTV brings to the table."

So, it's Music Television because you might be able to win a contest and meet Beyonce - which is an interesting proposition that might prove attractive to Sky Sports. They don't need to keep shelling out for all those Premiership rights: they could just show old Harold Lloyd movies and bung in a chance to win tickets to Plymouth Argyle games during the ad breaks. Sure, some people might feel cheated, but it's still sports, right?

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