Friday, February 18, 2005

BRITNEY VEXED OVER HONEYMOON SNAPS: Britney's a bit pissed off that Us magazine have run pictures of her and Freder Kevinline on their luxury honeymoon. She's angried up a statement:

"Kevin and I chose a resort location where we were promised absolute privacy and seclusion," the 23-year-old pop star said. "Unfortunately, staff members took photographs of us, which we allowed them to take once we were assured they were being taken only for private use in a scrap book they gave us as a souvenir."

"Other magazines, including Star, contacted us when presented with these photographs and refused to publish them," said Spears. "Kevin and I thank those other magazines for respecting our rights of privacy."

We would wonder how Britney could have fallen for a line like "do you mind if I take a couple of rolls of photos of you, and perhaps a few shots through the bedroom window from that tree outside, just, you understand, for my scrapbook", but then she did also swallow "I promise, as soon as we're back off honeymoon I'll be straight back to the dancing - you won't have to be keeping me, baby."

Us magazine aren't that fussed, to be honest. Taking a break from "you know, just ringing round the Beverley Hills gynacologists to see if they've any spare CCTV footage", a person from the title snorted:

"Coming from a celebrity who sold pictures of both her wedding and her stepdaughter, it's unlikely the issue here is privacy. Could it be that Britney is seeing red after not seeing the green from these photos? Britney Spears should start a magazine if she'd like to dictate her own coverage."

Don't put ideas like that in her head. Please, please, don't.

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