Monday, February 28, 2005

A QUICK LOOK AT THIS MORNING'S FRONT PAGES: And, tucked away to the right of the Pope, the FT has the big music story:

Yes, despite already making enormous profits on the sale of downloads, the big labels are now making noises about wanting even more of the pie. (The story isn't on the FT open website; subscribers only, it appears - talking about making cash from digital content...). Is there no end to the greed of these companies? (Rhetorical question, obviously). Do they really think that an increase in the already-taking-the-piss baseline of 79 pence is the way to persuade people to pay for downloads? They might make more profit per track, but overall? It'd depress sales, and give a much-needed boost to p2p networks.

Talking of hitting people where it hurts:

Charlotte's apparently lamped her ex for selling her sex secrets. It's unclear if she was miffed at the betrayal, or just that he didn't spice them up anything like enough. The Sun also has a story about Jordan's Eurovision bid. But... hang about, won't she be eight months pregnant by then? Obviously, there's no reason why a heavily pregnant woman can't stand up and sing a song - but will she really want to be dragging herself over to Kiev come May?

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