Sunday, February 20, 2005

ROCKFOOTNOTEOBIT: The death has been announced of actress Sandra Dee. The 63 year old, who appeared in Gidget amongst other movies, had a couple of small roles in rock history. First, she was married to - and later divorced from - Bobby Darin (indeed, it was the divorce from Darin which caused her career to tank); secondly, her name was used for the song in Grease which mocked Olivia Newotn John's character by invoking Dee's squeaky-clean image - something which Dee's friends says gave her "the biggest laugh."

Perhaps the saddest part of Dee's story, though, was the failure of her marriage to Darin. Bobby was to remain the love of her life. In Kevin Spacey's Darin biopic Beyond The Sea Kate Bosworth took the role of Dee. Spacey claimed that the movie had had Dee's full blessing.

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