Monday, March 07, 2005

A QUICK LOOK AT THIS MORNING'S FRONT PAGES: Javine doesn't quite seem to have grasped the whole Eurovision thing. She's gotten it all wrong:

No, no, Javine: we're sending you to Ukraine to come thirteenth so we can spend two months muttering darkly about block voting and dubious judges. If you win, what will we do for our fun?

The Star, mind, knows what swung it for Javine:

We can only hope that Edith Bowman doesn't adopt Javine's poll-winning strategy for her Celeb Fame Academy appearance.

Meanwhile, there's trouble at Sony, reports the FT:

In what the company desperately hopes we'll believe is nothing more than an attempt to do even better, but smells a little bit of panic, Howard Stringer is being put in charge of the whole company. In other words, in the long-running battle between Sony's electronics division and its entertainment division, the entertainment guys are coming out top. Sony only got into films and music to have some stuff to offer when it invented new formats: now the tail has not just wagged the dog, it has swallowed it.

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